Generally, 802.08
summons SUMMONS
superintendent of public instruction, state SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION, STATE
Generally, Ch. 115
For detailed analysis, see Public Instruction Department
supervisor of equalization SUPERVISOR OF EQUALIZATION
Access to books, examinations by, 73.06
Appointment, qualifications, 73.05 (2)
Duties and powers, 73.06
Meeting, local assessors, fees, 73.06
Compensation, 70.80, 70.81
On order of county, 73.06
Power and duty, 70.79
Removal, 73.06
Report, to county, 73.06
Residents preferred for, 73.05
Transfer by department, 73.05
supplementary proceedings SUPPLEMENTARY PROCEEDINGS
support of dependents SUPPORT OF DEPENDENTS
supreme court SUPREME COURT
Generally, Ch. 751
Note: For a roster of court officials, refer to the Appendix.
Appellate procedure, see Appellate Procedure
Appropriation, 20.680
Briefs, printing and distribution, 35.85 (8)
Certification of questions of law, generally, Ch. 821
For detailed analysis, see Appellate Procedure—3. Supreme Court
Court rules, establishment:
Delinquent support and tax obligors, request for rules regarding practice by, 751.15, 751.155
Pleading, practice and procedure, 751.12
Citation in statutes, 990.08
Procedure, see Appellate Procedure
Records and exhibits of all courts, 757.54
Reports, distribution, 16.79, 35.84, 35.85, 751.11
Decisions, 751.10
Publication, 751.11
Director of state courts, see Judicial Agencies—1. Director of State Courts
Election contests, mandamus, 783.03
Employees, 751.02
Salaries, 20.923 (6)
Ethics code for judiciary, establishment, 19.45 (11) (c)
Interpreters, 885.37
Docketing in circuit court, 806.16
Enforcement, 751.08
Judicial branch agencies, see Judicial Agencies
Judicial notice, ordinances and rules, 902.03 (1)
Jurisdiction, VII, 3
Appellate, 751.05, 751.06
Bypass of court of appeals, 808.05, 809.61
Original jurisdiction, 751.09, 809.70
Review of court of appeals decision, 808.10
Supervisory jurisdiction, 809.71
Law library, court to maintain, 758.01
Mandamus, election cases, 783.03
Opinions, see Decisions, under this subhead
Quorum, VII, 4
Release of convicted defendant, court may allow, 969.01 (2) (d)
Reporting testimony in courts of record, 757.55
Seal, 751.04
Title of members, VII, 4
Videotape procedure, see Civil Procedure—2. Depositions
Writs, VII, 3; 751.07
Of prohibition, practice, 783.08
Of scire facias and quo warranto, 784.01
Appointment, VII, 12
Deputy, salary, 20.923
Fees, copy of judgment, 806.16
Legal advice, clerk not to give, 757.22
Salary, 20.923
Age limit, VII, 24
Assignment to other courts, 751.03
Chief, VII, 4
Assignment of judges, 751.03
Disciplinary proceedings, VII, 11
Election, VII, 9