survival of actions SURVIVAL OF ACTIONS
Generally, 895.01
Against coroner's personal representatives for defaults of deputies, 59.35 (2)
Arson, death caused by, 943.065 (2)
Attached property, execution after death, 811.25
Continuation of pending action on death, incompetence, 803.10
Corporations, stock, dissolved, remedies, 180.1408
Damages against personal representatives, 895.02
After creditor's death, 815.15
After debtor's death, 815.12, 815.14
Heirs and legatees, liability, 877.42
Personal representative's right to bring action, 877.01
Real property, action for recovery, 843.06
Statute of limitations, 893.22
Substitution of parties on death or incompetence, 803.10
Wrongdoer's estate liable, 877.01
Wrongful death, see Wrongful Death
survivorship SURVIVORSHIP
swamp lands SWAMP LANDS
swine SWINE
takings TAKINGS
talesmen TALESMEN
See Juries
tanning facilities TANNING FACILITIES
Regulated, 255.08
taverns TAVERNS
tax appeals commission TAX APPEALS COMMISSION
Generally, Ch. 73
For detailed analysis, see Taxation—19. Tax Appeals Commission
tax increment law TAX INCREMENT LAW
Generally, 66.1105
Environmental remediation projects, 66.1106
Manual regarding, revenue dept. to create, 73.03 (57)
Town tax increment law, 60.85
Use for inland lake protection and rehabilitation prohibited, 33.18, 66.1105 (14)
taxation TAXATION
Generally, Chs. 70 to 79
taxation_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Ambulatory surgery center assessment, 146.98
Appeal to tax appeals commission, 73.01
Assessment districts, 73.05 (1)
Referred to finance committee, 13.093 (1)
Yea and nay vote, VIII, 8
Municipal, payment, 66.0619 (6) (a), 67.16 (2)
Rate limits, 67.035
Cemetery maintenance, 157.062 (7)
Cities for park purposes, 27.10
Condominiums, units taxed separately, 703.21
Delinquent taxes:
Collection fee, 73.03 (33m)
License denial and revocation program, 73.0301, 73.0302
Dog license tax, 174.05 to 174.12
Dry cleaning fees, 77.996 to 77.9964
Enforcement, reciprocity, 757.47
Environmental remediation projects, tax incremental financing, 66.1106
Estate, duty of personal representative to pay, 857.03
Flood control, 87.10 (2)