Used homes, 77.54 (31)
Salesperson, license, regulation, 101.952
Site, leases, regulation, 710.15
Tire equipment, 347.45
Transporting persons in, 346.94 (8), (8m)
Used, sale or lease, disclosures, 101.954
Variable rate loans for, 138.056
Warranty and disclosure, 101.953
Penalties, 101.965
Water and sewer service, regulated, 101.937
maps MAPS
Certified survey map, 236.34
City planning, 27.08, 62.23 (6)
Coordinate system, adoption, 236.18
Highways, distribution and sale, 84.02 (5)
Lost or destroyed, relief from, 891.43 (4)
Platting, vacating and recording plats, Ch. 236
Shore, bulkhead lines indicated on, 30.11 (3)
State cartographer, duties, 36.25 (12m)
State trunk system, 84.02 (12)
Surveyor's signature and seal required for filing or recording, 59.43 (8)
Topographic, by geological and natural history survey, 36.25 (6)
Wetlands, 23.32
marijuana MARIJUANA
marital property MARITAL PROPERTY
marketing practices MARKETING PRACTICES
marks MARKS
As a signature, 990.01 (38)
Commercial paper signed by, 403.401 (2)
marquette university MARQUETTE UNIVERSITY
Dental school:
Clinic and education facility, state debt increase for, 13.48 (34)
Report to governor and joint committee on finance, 13.105
State grant for dental services, 250.10
Medical school, see Medical College of Wisconsin
Police department, 175.42
Employment files, 175.65
Health insurance for surviving spouse and children of officer that died in the line of duty, 66.0137 (5) (c)
State contracts for education of dentists, 39.46
Appropriation, 20.235 (1) (d)
marriage MARRIAGE
marriage_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Children, see Children
Discrimination based on status; prohibition, 111.321
Exceptions and special cases, 111.345
Fishing license, joint, 29.219 (4)
Policy of state, 765.001
Privileged communications between spouses, 905.05
Support of spouse, obligation:
Abandonment of spouse; state location, enforcement services, 49.22
Actions for, 767.501
Denial of divorce or separation, 767.385
Institutionalized spouses, 46.10, 49.90
Medical assistance qualification, 49.455
Scope of chapter 767, 767.005
For general application of chapter 767, see also Marriage—2. Dissolution
Wage assignments, spouse must sign, 241.09
marriage_2. dissolution 2. Dissolution
Generally, Ch. 767
Alternative dispute resolution, 802.12 (3)
Mediation of custody matters, 767.405
Annulment, 767.313
Action to affirm marriage, annulment may be ordered, 767.18
Appeal, allowances during, 767.273
Appearance by litigants, order for, 767.235
Arbitration, 802.12 (3)
Attorney fees:
Award, 767.241
Enforcement of award, 767.77
Contempt proceedings, 767.78
Temporary orders during pendency of action, 767.225
Change of employer and change of address, notice required, 767.58
Child support, 767.511
Aid recipients:
Assignment of AFDC payments to state, 49.19 (4) (h)
Employment related orders, 767.55 (3)
Annual adjustments, 767.553
Appeal, allowances during, 767.273