Landowner's rights, 114.03
Sovereignty, 114.02
Transportation department:
Judicial review of secretary's decision, 114.315
Planning, promotion and protection activities, 85.02
Property management, 85.15
Rules, violations, penalty, 85.16
Secretary, duties, 114.31
Ultralight aircraft, identification numbers, display, 114.195
Violations of act, penalty, 114.27
Wisconsin aerospace authority:
Annual reports, 114.64
Issuance, 114.70
Limit on outstanding bonds, 114.75
Not public debt, 114.72
Refunding, 114.74
Security, 114.71
State pledge, 114.73
Tax exemption, 114.76
Cooperation with governmental units, 114.67
Creation and organization, 114.61
Definitions, 114.60
Funding projects, 114.77
Liability limited, 114.69
Political activities, 114.68
Powers and duties, 114.62, 114.63
Records, 114.65
Tax exemption, 114.78
aesthetics AESTHETICS
affidavits AFFIDAVITS
Administering, who may, 887.01
Authentication, 706.06 (3)
Form, sufficiency, 887.03
Notarial acts, revised uniform law, Ch. 140
Oath, see Oaths
Unsworn declarations act, 887.015
affirmation AFFIRMATION
See Oaths
affirmative action AFFIRMATIVE ACTION
Definition, 230.03 (2)
Medical education, aid, 39.15
Orders, employment relations commission, 111.07 (4)
Policy of state, 111.31 (3), 230.01 (2)
Review of statutes by state depts. and agencies, 15.04 (1) (g)
Appointing authorities, duties, 230.06 (1) (g) to (L)
Corrections positions, 230.213
Employment relations office administrator, duties, 230.04 (9)
Merit recruitment division, administrator, 230.05
State contracts, 16.765
age AGE
Adult defined, 990.01 (3)
Electors, election day determines rights, 6.05
Employment, discrimination prohibited, 111.31 to 111.395
Housing, discrimination prohibited, 106.50
Identification card, use and penalties for falsification, 125.085
See also Children
Certificate of, 103.75
Defined, 990.01 (20)
Married, emancipation, 54.46 (6)
Mistake as to, no defense, 939.43 (2)
Proof, labor cases, 103.76
Proof in circuit court, 889.28
aged persons AGED PERSONS
agency accounts AGENCY ACCOUNTS
agents AGENTS
Accounts in financial institutions, designation and powers of agents, 705.05
Acts by, 990.001 (9)
Bank deposits and collections, 404.201
Brokers, see Brokers
Conveyances, signed by, 243.05, 706.03
Death of principal, effect, 243.06
Fiduciaries, see Fiduciaries
Investment securities, see Commercial Code—5. Investment Securities
Lien for advances, 779.45
Power of attorney:
Finances and property, see Power of Attorney for Finances and Property
Real estate, generally, Ch. 452
For detailed analysis, see Real Estate Brokers and Salespersons
Real estate agency contracts, 240.10