Mutual assistance, state of emergency, 66.0314
Obstructing personnel, 941.37
Civil liability; immunity, 895.48
Community emergency medical services practitioners, 256.21
Community paramedics, 256.205
Employment absences permitted, 103.88
Delinquent support obligors, denial or suspension, 256.17
Delinquent tax and unemployment contribution obligors, denial or suspension, 256.18
Training, 256.13, 256.15
Opioid antagonist administration, 256.40
Police powers of officers, 213.095
Programs, providers, 256.12
Community emergency medical service providers, 256.215
School violence threat, duty to report, 175.32
Service award program, 16.25
State activities, 256.08
Towns, contracting for services or maintaining services, 60.565
Trauma care system, 256.25
Villages, may maintain or contract for services, 61.64
Whistleblower protection, 146.997
eminent domain EMINENT DOMAIN
Generally, Ch. 32
For detailed analysis, see Condemnation
employee trust funds EMPLOYEE TRUST FUNDS
employees, public EMPLOYEES, PUBLIC
employment EMPLOYMENT
employment_1. general provisions 1. General Provisions
Absences permitted for fire fighters, emergency medical personnel, 103.88
Advertising for labor, 103.43
Affirmative action, see Affirmative Action
AIDS, testing restricted, 103.15, 103.20
Blacklisting, preventing employment, 134.02, 134.03
Benefit plans:
Cessation of health benefits, notice required, 109.075
Death benefits:
Designation of beneficiary, exception, 853.18
Designation of trust as beneficiary, 701.0419 (2)
Deferred compensation plans, 40.81, 40.82
Deferred employment benefits, marital property classification, 766.62
Business closing notification law, 109.07, 109.12
Certificates of qualification for employment:
Employer immunity, 895.492
Offender, 973.25
Children, see Children—6. Labor
Classification of employees and nonemployees by employers; compliance, penalties, 103.06
Collective bargaining agreements, see Employment—4. Employment Relations
Restrictive covenants, 103.465
Union affiliation, provisions regarding, prohibitions, 103.46
Definitions, 103.001, 103.01
Disabled persons, building requirements, 101.13
Civil service, prohibition, 230.18
Department duties:
Generally, 111.39
Honesty testing devices, 111.375
Investigation and study, 111.38
Prohibited bases of discrimination:
Generally, 111.321
Age, 111.33
Arrest or conviction record, 111.335
Creed, 111.337
Disability, 111.34
Genetic testing, 111.372
Honesty testing devices, 111.37
Lawful products, use or nonuse, 111.35
Marital status, 111.345
Military service, 111.355
Religious and political events, declining participation, 111.365
Sex, sexual orientation, 111.36
Prohibited actions, 111.322
Unlawfulness, 111.325
Elections, public, restrictions on employers, 12.07
Embezzlement, settlement, submission to judge, 134.57
Employee's cash bond, employers' duties, 103.165
Employees' right to know law, 101.58 to 101.599
Employment and training programs:
Generally, 106.11 to 106.361
Adjustment assistance overpayments, waiver, 106.19