Town of ________
________ County
The Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the town board of the town on ________ ___, 20__, appeals to the Tax Appeals Commission from the assessment and determination of the relative value of the taxable property in the several assessment districts of ________ County, made by the Department of Revenue pursuant to s. 70.57, Wis. stats., for the purpose of obtaining a review and redetermination of the valuation of property in [all the assessment districts of the county or the Town of ________ or the Towns of ________ and ________, in the County or Village or City of ________ in the county] as to [the real estate or the personal property or both real estate and personal property] therein upon the grounds that [state plainly and concisely the facts constituting the grievance sought to be remedied on the appeal].
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signature of town chairperson]
________ County.
________ ________, being first duly sworn, says that [he or she] is the elected and qualified chairperson of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, and the person who made and signed the foregoing declaration of appeal, that [he or she] has read the declaration and knows the contents thereof, and that the contents of the declaration are true to [his or her] own knowledge.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this ____ of ________, 20__.
[Signature of notarial officer]