Representative T. Thompson rose to the point of order that the request for a division was not proper because Representative Johnson did not have the floor and was interrupting a speaker. The speaker took the point of order under advisement. [Intervening business.]
416   The speaker [Loftus] ruled Representative Johnson's request for a division of assembly amendment 6 to assembly amendment 4 to Senate Bill 83, while another member was speaking, proper under section 92 of Mason's Legislative Manual.
  Mason's Legislative Manual, Section 92: 2. The speaker may be interrupted for the following purposes: (j) Call for a division of a question. [Note:] At the opening of the 1989 Session, the assembly adopted Assembly Rule 57 (1) (h): "Requesting a division of the question [rule 80]" is an authorized interruption.
Assembly Journal of June 21, 1983 .......... Page: 272
  Representative Johnson asked unanimous consent to withdraw his request for a division of assembly amendment 6 to assembly amendment 4 to Senate Bill 83. Granted.
1 9 7 5 A S S E M B L Y
Assembly Journal of March 16, 1976 .......... Page: 3339
  Point of order:
  Representative Sicula rose to the point of order that he was allowed to raise a point of order on the germaneness of assembly amendment 6 to Senate Bill 255 while the roll call was being taken under Assembly Rule 9 (2) [point of order may be raised at any time except while motion to adjourn is before the assembly].
  The chair ruled that interruption of a roll call was not permitted under Assembly Rule 15 (5) (c) and the point of order was not well taken.
  [Note:] The issue was settled in the 1977 adoption of the assembly rules (A.Res. 6) which created the following rule:

  "Any interruption of a roll call vote, from the time the voting machine is opened or the calling commenced to the announcement of the official totals by the presiding officer, shall be out of order except to raise a point of order concerning the taking of the vote."
Introduction and committee referral of proposal
1 9 7 9 S E N A T E
Senate Journal of January 23, 1980 .......... Page: 1143
[Point of order:]
417   Senator Opitz raised the point of order that Senate Bill 500 [relating to energy resources, granting rule-making authority, making appropriations and providing penalties] was not properly before the senate because it was not introduced in accordance with Joint Rule 82.
  [Note:] 1979 SB 500 was introduced on 1/4/80 (a day on which the senate did not meet) "by the Senate Select Committee on Energy". The committee had been established by 1979 S.Res.8 as "a special committe on energy", to serve until the conclusion of the 1979 regular session.

  The rule cited does not mention a "select" committee, but specifically authorizes the chair of any special committee to offer, during any scheduled committee work period, bills "on behalf of that special committee and within the special committee's scope".
  The chair [Pres. Risser] ruled the point of order not well taken.
1 9 7 3 S E N A T E
Senate Journal of March 28, 1974 .......... Page: 2628
[Point of order:]
  [Assembly Bill 1511, "relating to a tax on copper mining".] Read first time and laid on the table.
  Senator Keppler raised the point of order that the chair must refer the assembly bills on the message to some committee.
  The chair referred the bill to the committee on Natural Resources.
Journal: contents of
1 9 8 9 A S S E M B L Y
Assembly Journal of March 8, 1990 .......... Page: 814
  Representative Prosser moved that a transcript of the assembly floor debate on Assembly Joint Resolution 2 [relating to abolishing, over a 10-year period, the use of the property tax for school operations (2nd consideration)] be published in the Assembly Journal contingent upon adoption by both houses of the Legislature.
  Representative Loftus moved that the previous motion be amended to also include a transcript of the assembly floor debate on Assembly Joint Resolution 18 [relating to the right to keep and bear arms (first consideration)] from Tuesday, March 6, also contingent upon adoption by both houses of the Legislature.
  Representative Loftus requested a division of the motion as follows:
  Part 1: Transcript of debate on Assembly Joint Resolution 2
  Part 2: Transcript of debate on Assembly Joint Resolution 18. Granted.
  Representative Loftus asked unanimous consent that Part 1 of the motion be placed after Part 2 of the motion. Granted.
  Representative Radtke moved that Part 2 of the motion be laid on the table.
  Point of order:
418   Representative Loftus rose to the point of order that the motion to table the motion to publish transcripts of debate was not in order under the Assembly Rules.
  [Note:] No transcript of floor debate has ever been published in the Wisconsin legislature. Limited transcripts were published in the constitutional conventions. Based on the congressional model, transcripts of debates should be published in a "record"; not, in a journal of proceedings.

  Any motion "involving distinct and independent propositions" may be divided; A.Rule 80 (1).

  Procedural motions (motions relating to the immediate conduct of the current business) are usually not debatable (A.Rule 67), but the motion to table may be debated for 10 minutes (limited to 2 min/member); A.Rule 74 (2). Procedural motions usually may not be placed on the table; A.Rule 74 (3).
  The chair took the point of order under advisement. [No ruling found.]
1 9 7 9 S E N A T E
Senate Journal of February 21, 1980 .......... Page: 1385
  [Background: Senator Lorge moved that Senate Joint Resolution 9 be withdrawn from committee on Human Services and be referred to committee on Senate Organization.
  The question was: Shall Senate Joint Resolution 9 [making an application to the Congress of the United States pursuant to article V of the constitution of the United States, for a convention for proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States to protect the life of all human beings, including unborn children at every stage of their biological development] be withdrawn from committee on Human Services and referred to committee on Senate Organization? The motion did not prevail.
[Point of order:]
  Senator Lorge raised the point of order that the chair did not properly state the question before calling the roll. The chair took the point of order under advisement.
Senate Journal of February 28, 1980 .......... Page: 1421
  Ruling of the chair [Pres. Risser]:
  On Thursday, February 21, 1980, Senator Lorge raised the point of order that the Chair did not properly state the question before calling the roll on withdrawal of Senate Joint Resolution 9.
  Page 1385 of the Senate Journal states "The question was: Shall Senate Joint Resolution 9 be withdrawn from committee on Human Services and referred to committee on Senate Organization?".
  The Journal is the official record of the proceedings and does indicate that the question was properly stated. Therefore the point of order raised by Senator Lorge is not well taken.
1 9 7 5 S E N A T E
Senate Journal of February 18, 1975 .......... Page: 284
[Point of order:]
  Senator Knowles raised the point of order that the transmittal of the lobbylist from the office of the Secretary of State contained material which should not properly be spread upon the journal. The chair took the point of order under advisement.
419Senate Journal of February 18, 1975 .......... Page: 291
  As it relates to the point of order raised by Senator Knowles regarding the proper form for the lobbylist, the chair [Lt.Gov. Schreiber] ruled that the senate journal was not the proper place for editorializing. Therefore, the clerk was directed to spread the list upon the journal without the cover letter. The point of order was well taken.
Lieutenant governor as senate president (obsolete May 1, 1979)
  [Note:] In the April 1979 election, the voters repealed the former requirement that the lieutenant governor serve as president of the senate.

  On May 1, 1979, the senate adopted Senate Resolution 3 which made the senate president pro tempore elected by the senate from among its members on January 3, 1979, Senator Fred Risser, the president of the senate for the remainder of the 1979 session.
1 9 7 9 S E N A T E
Senate Journal of May 1, 1979 .......... Page: 303
[Point of order:]
  Senator Risser raised the point of order that the Governor was absent from the state, that the Lieutenant Governor was serving as acting Governor and that pursuant to Section 9, Article IV of the Constitution and Senate Rule 2 (1), the Lieutenant Governor should not be serving as President of the Senate.
  The Chair [Lt.Gov. R. Olson] took the point of order under advisement. [No ruling given?]
Senate Journal of March 1, 1979 .......... Page: 198
[Point of order:]
  Senator Bablitch raised the point of order that the tie breaking vote of the Lieutenant Governor, Russell Olson, on the date of February 27, 1979 on the question of indefinite postponement of Senate Bill 5, as shown on page 183 of the Senate Journal, was contrary to Senate Rule 2 and Article IV and Article V of the Wisconsin Constitution in that at the time the vote was cast, Governor Lee Sherman Dreyfus was out of the state; that the said vote therefore is null and void, with the result that the question of indefinite postponement failed on a 15-15 vote.
  Senator Murphy raised the point of order that the point of order raised by Senator Bablitch was not timely.
  The chair [Lt.Gov. R. Olson] ruled Senator Murphy's point of order not well taken.
  Senator Chilsen raised the point of order that the Lieutenant Governor was properly presiding on Tuesday, February 27, 1979 and that all action taken that day was valid.
  Senator Bablitch raised the point of order that the point of order raised by Senator Chilsen was not timely.
420   By request of Senator Chilsen, with unanimous consent, he temporarily withdrew his point of order. The chair took the point of order by Senator Bablitch under advisement.
Senate Journal of April 19, 1979 .......... Page: 269
  The State of Wisconsin Office of the Lieutenant Governor
  Ruling of the Chair on the Point of Order raised by Senator Bablitch on March 1, 1979, regarding (1) the legality of the Lieutenant Governor sitting as presiding Officer of the Senate on February 27, 1979, and (2) the casting of a tie-breaking vote by the Lieutenant Governor at a time when it is conceded that Governor Lee Sherman Dreyfus was out of the state.
  On March 1, 1979, Senator Bablitch raised a point of order that the tie-breaking vote by Lieutenant Governor Russell Olson on February 27, 1979, re: indefinite postponement of Senate Bill 5, as shown on page 183 of the Senate Journal, was contrary to Senate Rule 2 and Article IV and Article V of the Wisconsin Constitution, in that at the time the vote was cast, Governor Lee Sherman Dreyfus was out of the state; that the said vote therefore is null and void, and the question of indefinite postponement, therefore, should have failed on a 15-15 tie vote.
  Pursuant to the above point of order being raised by Senator Bablitch, the Chair invited debate and discussion, following which, the Chair took same under
  advisement. Chapter 2, Senate Rule 7 (3) of the 1979 Senate Rules provides as follows: "Whenever the president finds it necessary to take a point of order under advisement in order to consult all sources of parliamentary law and practice available, the president shall submit the decision in writing stating the source consulted and the reasons for the decision. The text of the president's decision shall be spread upon the journal."
  Senator Bablitch directs the Chair to three sources of authority in support of his point of order. They are as follows: (1) Senate Rule 2; (2) Section 7, Article V of the Wisconsin Constitution; (3) Section 9, Article IV of the Wisconsin Constitution.
  Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure on page 32 recognizes that the Rules of Legislative Procedure are derived from seven principal sources: (1) Constitutional Rules; (2) Statutory Rules or Charter Provisions; (3) Adopted Rules; (4) Judicial Decisions; (5) Adopted Parliamentary Authority; (6) Parliamentary Law; and (7) Customs and Usages. Let us, therefore, review the exact language of the authorities cited by Senator Bablitch.
  Chapter 1, Senate Rule 2 (1), 1979 Senate Rules: The Senate shall designate one of its members to serve as president pro tempore for the legislative Biennium. The president pro tempore shall act as president of the Senate whenever the lieutenant governor shall not attend or shall act as Governor, as provided in Section 9 of Article IV of the constitution and as further set forth in Section 13.13 (3) of the Statutes.
  Section 7, Article V of the Wisconsin Constitution: In case of the impeachment of the Governor, or his removal from office, death, inability from mental or physical disease, resignation or absence from the state, the powers and duties of the office shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor for the residue of the term or until the Governor, absent or impeached, shall have returned, or the disability shall cease.
  Section 9, Article IV of the Wisconsin Constitution: Each house shall choose its own officers, and the Senate shall choose a temporary President when the Lieutenant Governor shall not attend as President, or shall act as Governor.
421   Senator Bablitch interprets the above cited authorities in urging acceptance of the proposition that whenever the Governor is absent from the State, the Lieutenant Governor becomes Acting Governor, and therefore, shall not preside over the Senate as President. That interpretation and argument would then lead to the logical conclusion that the Lieutenant Governor on February 27, 1979, could not have lawfully cast a tie breaking vote on the question of indefinite postponement of Senate Bill 5, and thus the question of indefinite postponement should have failed on a 15-15 tie vote.
  The Chair concurs with the proposition that the language contained in Section 7, Article V of the Wisconsin Constitution is clear in providing that whenever the Governor is absent from the State, that the powers and duties of that office shall devolve upon the Lieutenant Governor, and that during such time the Lieutenant Governor becomes the Acting Governor of the State. However, the Chair fails to find explicit language either in the Senate Rules or the Wisconsin Constitution to support the balance of Senator Bablitch's contention that when the Lieutenant Governor becomes the Acting Governor of the State, he shall not attend as President of the Senate. Simply stated, neither the Senate Rules nor the applicable sections of the Wisconsin Constitution affirmatively prohibit an Acting Governor, who still possesses the statutory powers and duties of Lieutenant Governor, from attending as President of the Senate. In addition to the foregoing, the Chair notes that the Journal of Senate Proceedings for February 27, 1979, contains no entry of objection to the Lieutenant Governor
  presiding as President of the Senate. Therefore, it is the position of the Chair that in lieu of explicit language in the Wisconsin Constitution or the Senate Rules prohibiting a Lieutenant Governor upon whom has devolved the powers and duties of Governor, from presiding as President of the Senate, it is necessary to examine other sources of rules of procedure, such as those outlined by Mason in his Manual of Legislative Procedure.
  In order, therefore, to properly rule on the point of order raised, it is necessary to explore in detail the accumulated parliamentary law of the Senate as well as its customs and usages. Mason's Legislative Manual, Section 35 defines parliamentary law as consisting of the recognized rules, precedents and usages of legislative and administrative bodies by which their procedure is regulated. According to Section 38 of Mason's Legislative Manual: "parliamentary law is drawn mainly from five sources: (1) Decisions of bodies on appeal; (2) Decisions of presiding officers on points of order; (3) Decisions of courts; (4) Writings of authorities on parliamentary law; and (5) Customs and usages."
  It is apparent, therefore, that in the absence of explicit and controlling language in the form of constitutional mandates, statutes, or formal and written adopted rules of the body, one must turn for direction to precedents established in the Senate with respect to the same or similar questions of procedure raised in the past. Section 39, entitled "Precedents and Usages" in Mason's Legislative Manual provides as follows: "When in a deliberative body a certain mode of procedure has been adopted in any case it becomes a precedent for its government in every case thereafter of a similar character; thus, in time a succession of precedents is adopted, forming together a regular system of procedure, known as parliamentary law, and which, when once established, is binding upon the body."
422   An examination of the Journal of the Senate reveal that the question raised by Senator Bablitch on March 1, 1979, was confronted and dealt with by the Senate on March 26, 1976. Specifically, the Journal reveals that Senator Chilsen asked unanimous consent that the record of proceedings of March 25, 1976, be expunged as it related to Senate Bill 500 because the Lieutenant Governor should not have been presiding, pursuant to Senate Rule 2 (1). A further examination of the record indicates that, indeed, the fact situation culminating in the raising of a point of order by Senator Bablitch on March 1, 1979, is identical to the fact situation which led to the motion for expungement raised by Senator Chilsen on March 26, 1976. The Chair, in preparation of this written opinion, has had the benefit of litening to the tape recorded proceedings of the Senate on March 1, 1979, and the arguments of the opponents and proponents of the point of order raised. The Chair must comment at this juncture that it finds no merit in Senator Bablitch's contention that the proceedings of March 26, 1976, should have no precedent value because the issue was not presented to the Senate for its deliberation in the form of a point of order. In support of that no merit finding, I direct the Senate's attention to page 54 of Mason's Legislative Manual:
  "Precedents, as distinguished from usages, are the decisions made by the presiding officer, or by the body upon appeal, when a question concerning a practice or point of procedure has been raised, as by a point of order. A not inconsiderable part of parliamentary law is based upon the established usages of legislative bodies. The knowledge of the usages and customs of a legislative body are drawn from treatises on parliamentary practice, from the records of the body, insofar as the usages can be ascertained from them, and from the personal knowledge of the presiding officer and members."
  According to the Journal of March 26, 1976, Senator Chilsen moved that the record of Senate Bill 500 be expunged from the Journal of March 25, 1976. It is