The chair [Speaker Jackamonis] ruled the point of order well taken.
Assembly Journal of March 25, 1980 .......... Page: 3069
  Point of order:
  Representative Johnson rose to the point of order that assembly amendment 10 to assembly substitute amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 1285 was not germane under Assembly Rule 54 (5).
  The chair [Speaker Jackamonis] ruled the point of order well taken.
Orders of business (regular)
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Senate Journal of October 12, 1993 .......... Page: 465
[Point of order:]
  Senator Ellis raised the point of order that the bill [Senate Bill 373, relating to requiring divorcing parents to attend an educational program concerning the effect of divorce on children] should properly be on the second reading under the eleventh order of business.
461   [Note:] On October 7, Senate Bill 373 had been given its 2nd reading, was ordered to a 3rd reading and, by 2 successive unanimous consent requests, was first read the 3rd time and was then placed at the foot of the calendar. When reached at the end of the day, again by unanimous consent, Senate Bill 373 was "laid on the table".

  It appears that the purpose of the delay was to permit preparation of an amendment. Under S.Rule 65 (2), the adoption of a motion to table places the matter in the committee on Senate Organization.

  With the amendment received, the committee on Senate Organization placed Senate Bill 323 on the calendar for October 12. So placed on the calendar, the question automatically reverted to engrossment of the proposal, and the proper placement on the calendar should have been 2nd reading under the 11th order of business.
  The Chair [President Rude] ruled the point well taken.
Senate Journal of April 20, 1993 .......... Page: 160
  [Motion to hold session not calendared by organization committee:]
  Senator Chvala moved that the Senate meet in full session on Thursday, April 22 at 10:00 A.M.
  [Note:] Whether the senate meets in full session or in skeleton session is determined by the calendar prepared for senate consideration by the committee on senate organization under S.Rule 18 (1). Except for a special order set by the two-thirds vote of the senate, a full session cannot be set by motion.

  It is interesting to note that this motion was made on 4/20/93 - the day on which the senate, resulting from the April 1993 special elections, reorganized with a Republican majority for the first time since the 1973-74 biennial session.

  As part of the reorganization, the committee structure was changed and all proposals still in standing committee were rereferred within the new committee structure.
  The Chair [President Rude] ruled him out of order.
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Assembly Journal of March 8, 1990 .......... Page: 818
  Point of order:
  Representative Welch rose to the point of order that the motion to place Assembly Bill 200 [relating to prohibiting bovine growth hormone] after Senate Bill 344 would need a two-thirds vote.
  The chair [Rep. Clarenbach, speaker pro tem] took the point of order under advisement.
462   [Note:] A request to delay consideration of one proposal from its place on the calendar to a later position on the same calendar, following the consideration of a specific other proposal, is a motion to postpone, to be decided by majority vote.

  In special or extraordinary session, A.Rule 93 (5) prohibits motions "to postpone a proposal to a day or time certain"; consequently, in special or extraordinary session placing consideration of one proposal after consideration of another requires unanimous consent or a two-thirds vote.

  Generally, and whether or not there is a written rule, advancing the consideration of a proposal ahead of its status under the rules requires a two-thirds vote, but delaying consideration to a later time, or refusing to consider, can be done by majority vote.
  Ruling of the chair [p. 823]:
  The chair [Rep. Clarenbach, speaker pro tem] ruled not well taken the point of order raised by Representative Welch that since the motion to place a bill after another bill was not specifically listed in the Assembly Rules as a proper motion it would take a suspension of the rules and a two-thirds vote.
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Assembly Journal of March 26, 1986 .......... Page: 1026
  Point of order:
  Representative T. Thompson rose to the point of order that the assembly was not on the calendar of Wednesday, March 26 because a printed calendar had not been printed pursuant to Assembly Rule 29 (3). The speaker took the point of order under advisement.
  [Note:] Two special rules affect the last week of the final general business floorperiod of each biennial session. A.Rule 24 (3) and (4) permits the

  committee on rules to place any business still still held by it during the final week on any calendar for that week unless such business still needs referral to a joint survey committee. The result is that the printed calendar (if one has been distributed) may not show all the business scheduled by the rules committee for a particular day during the final week.

  The other special rule concerns the motion for reconsideration. A.Rule 73 (3)(b) says that after the 7th (reconsideration of passage or concurrence) order of business on the final scheduled day of the last general business floorperiod any motion for reconsideration may be taken up at any time by majority vote.

  On the adjournment of that final day, new proposals may be introduced and printed only if needed for: 1) the veto review session under Jt.Rule 82; or germane to 2) any special session called by the governor or 3) any extraordinary session called by the legislature.
Assembly Journal of March 26, 1986 .......... Page: 1037
  The speaker [Loftus] ruled that a printed calendar containing all of the proposals was not required for today's session because the committee on Rules had the authority to place bills on the calendar pursuant to Assembly Rule 24 (4). The speaker ruled not well taken the point of order raised by Representative T. Thompson.
Assembly Journal of March 26, 1986 .......... Page: 1037
  Point of order:
  Representative T. Thompson rose to the point of order that the assembly should not be on the calendar of Wednesday, March 26 because unfinished business remained on previous calendars.
463   The speaker [Loftus] ruled the point of order not well taken because no proposals remained under the regular orders of business on previous calendars. Only proposals which were special orders of business were pending.
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Senate Journal of March 4, 1986 .......... Page: 649
[Point of order:]
  By request of Senator Plewa, with unanimous consent Senate Bill 94 [to Senate Bill 94, relating to recodifying and making technical and minor substantive changes in the administrative rule-making process] was taken from the table and considered at this time.
  The question was: Reconsideration of the vote by which assembly amendment 1 was concurred in?
  Senator Chilsen raised the point of order that the bill was not properly before the senate.
  [Note:] Under S.Rule 41 (1)(c), a matter withhdrawn from a committee must, unless referred to a different committee, go to the committee on senate organization for scheduling.
  The chair [Pres. Risser] ruled the point of order well taken.
  By request of Senator Cullen, with unanimous consent, Senate Bill 94 was referred to committee on Senate Organization.
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Assembly Journal of March 4, 1980 .......... Page: 2423
  [Background:] Representative Merkt moved that Assembly Joint Resolution 32 [making an application to the Congress of the United States pursuant to article V of the constitution of the United States, for a convention proposing an amendment to the constitution of the United States to protect the life of all human beings, including unborn children at every stage of their biological development] be withdrawn from the committee on Health and Social Services.
  Representative Loftus moved that the motion to withdraw Assembly Joint Resolution 32 from the committee on Health and Social Services be laid on the table.
  The question was: Shall the motion to withdraw Assembly Joint Resolution 32 from the committee on Health and Social Services be laid on the table? Motion carried.
  [Note:] Upon completion of the 8th order (motions) of business, the first bill on the calendar of Monday, March 3, 1980, was called up: Senate Bill 62, relating to adding 2 dental hygienists to the dentistry examining board.

  Returning to the 8th order from the 11th order (3rd reading of senate of proposals) for further consideration of the motion required a rules suspension.
464   Representative Shabaz moved that the motion to withdraw Assembly Joint Resolution 32 from the committee on Health and Social Services be taken from the table.
  The speaker [Jackamonis] ruled that the motion required a suspension of the rules and a two-thirds vote.
  The question was: Shall the rules be suspended and the motion to withdraw Assembly Joint Resolution 32 from the committee on Health and Social Services be taken from the table?
  The roll was taken. [Display of roll call vote omitted; ayes-51, noes-47.] Motion failed [2/3 vote required].
Assembly Journal of March 4, 1980 .......... Page: 2424
  Point of order:
  Representative Shabaz rose to the point of order that Assembly Joint Resolution 32 was before the assembly because the previous motion did not require a suspension of the rules and a two-thirds vote.
  The speaker [Jackamonis] ruled the point of order not well taken because the assembly was no longer on the eighth order of business.
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Assembly Journal of March 31, 1978 .......... Page: 4276
  Point of order:
  Representative Shabaz rose to the point of order that Assembly Bill 885 may not be placed under the seventh order of business pursuant to Assembly Rule 24 (3) (d).
  [Note:] In 1978, the 7th order was "messages from the senate and action thereon".

  The issue was clarified in the 1979 rules adoption (A.Res. 7) by the creation of a new order of business, for the "consideration of senate action on proposals approved by the assembly".
  The speaker [Jackamonis] ruled that it has been the practice of the committee on Rules to place Assembly Bills with senate amendments under the seventh order of business. The speaker [Jackamonis] ruled the point of order not well taken.
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Senate Journal of March 25, 1976 .......... Page: 2174
[Point of order:]
  Senator Whittow moved that Senate Bill 500 be considered for action at this time.
  Senator Chilsen raised the point of order that the motion was untimely. The chair took the point of order under advisement.
  Senator Sensenbrenner raised the point of order that the motion to consider Senate Bill 500 was not timely as the senate had passed the seventh and eighth orders of business.
465   The chair [Lt.Gov. Schreiber] ruled the point of order frivolous and dilatory.
  The question was: Shall Senate Bill 500 be considered for action at this time? [Display of roll call vote omitted; ayes-21, noes-11.] So the motion prevailed.
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Senate Journal of October 18, 1973 .......... Page: 1801
  [Proper place of proposal within regular order of business:]
  By request of Senator Whittow, with unanimous consent, Senate Bill 555 was laid on the table.
  Senator McKenna asked unanimous consent to take up Assembly Bill 178 at this time. Senator Chilsen objected.
[Point of order:]
  Senator McKenna raised the point of order that Assembly Bill 178 should have been inserted at this point on the calendar. The chair took the point of order under advisement. [Intervening text omitted.]
  The chair [Lt.Gov. Schreiber] ruled that Assembly Bill 178 should have been on the calendar before Assembly Bill 219 and therefore the point of order was well taken and the bill was before the senate.
Senate Journal of January 25, 1973 .......... Page: 224
[Point of order:]
  Senator Johnson raised the point of order that the Senate was still on the eleventh [2nd reading and amendment of senate bills and joint resolutions] order of business.
  The chair [Lt.Gov. Schreiber] ruled the point of order not well taken.
  By request of Senator Risser, with unanimous consent, the Senate returned to the eleventh order of business.
Pairing agreement: applicability of
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