Fiscal estimate: revised estimate (when requested by Joint Finance)   149
Fiscal estimate: revised general fund summary for "major fiscal bill"   150
Germaneness: amendment to amendment (germane to amendment and proposal)   150
Germaneness: appropriation to implement intent (addition permitted)   163
Germaneness: expanding scope of proposal (not permitted)   166
Germaneness: individual proposition (one amending another)   252
Germaneness: issue already decided (substantial similarity)   286
Germaneness: limiting scope of proposal (permitted)   302
Germaneness: nature or purpose of proposal (not to be changed from title)   313
Germaneness: negating effect of earlier amendment (not permitted)   355
Germaneness: particularized detail (addition permitted)   363
Germaneness: repealer bill (amendment to)   393
Germaneness: same purpose accomplished in different manner (permitted)   399
Germaneness: special session call (must not be exceeded)   407
Indefinite postponement motion   415
Interruptions: when authorized   415
Introduction and committee referral of proposal   416
Journal: contents of   417
3Lieutenant governor as senate president (obsolete May 1, 1979)   419
Local or private law bills (single subject rule)   423
Messaging bill to other house or to governor   424
Motions: maker's right to withdraw   425
Motions: priority of considering   427
Motions: proper time for making   432
Multi-issue bills: problems of germaneness   443
Orders of business (regular)   460
Pairing agreement: applicability of   465
Point of order: appeal of ruling   466
Point of order based on incorrect information   477
Point of order under advisement: business before house   479
Point of order under advisement: timeliness of ruling   483
Previous question: motion for   485
Printing and distribution of proposals   486
Privileged resolution   488
Proceedings of other house given full faith and credit in this house   492
Quorum, absence of   494
Recede from house position on proposal or amendment   494
Reconciliation, recodification, revision or revisor's correction bill   497
Reconsideration motion   498
Redistricting   517
Referral motion (to committee)   518
Report of standing committee, questions concerning   523
Retirement benefits bill: 3/4 vote on passage   524
Retirement systems: referral of proposal to joint survey committee on   529
Retirement systems: report by joint survey committee on   535
Rules: adoption or amendment of   543
Separation of powers   552
Special order: scheduling proposal as   552
Special session: conduct of   560
Special session: proposal or amendment not germane to call   563
Substitute amendment: questions of germaneness   575
Sunset laws   600
Suspension of constitution or state law not permitted   601
Suspension of law (express or implied) under Stitt case   602
Suspension of rules   605
Tabling motion   615
Tax exemptions: referral of proposal to joint survey committee on   633
Tax exemptions: report by joint survey committee on   646
Tax exemptions: withdrawing proposal from joint survey committee on   647
Third reading of proposal   652
Timeliness of point of order   653
Two-thirds vote required: prevailing side   663
Unanimous consent: member requesting must have floor   665
Veto review session: conduct of   665
Voting: member excused for cause   670
Withdrawal motion (from committee)   670
Absence from daily session: leave required
1 9 8 5 A S S E M B L Y
Assembly Journal of February 25, 1986 .......... Page: 754
Point of order:
  Representative Foti rose to the point of order that Senate Bill 32 [relating to eliminating the boards of natural resources, of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and of veterans affairs and changing the departments of natural resources, of agriculture, trade and consumer protection and of veterans affairs to a cabinet form of government headed by a secretary, changing the method of removal of state officers, and creating councils] was improperly before the assembly because it had been acted on by the committee on State Affairs in violation of Assembly Rule 12 on October 16, 1985.
  [Note:] A.Rule 12 provides that, "except for conference committees, no committee may meet while the assembly is in session". Rep. Foti was a member of the committee on State Affairs.

  The official committee report on the bill (A.Jour. 1/30/86, p. 620) merely shows the committee vote for concurrence (6 to 4). Neither the committee report, nor the journal for 10/16/85, give any indication that the committee on State Affairs met in violation of A.Rule 12.
  The chair [Rep. Clarenbach, speaker pro tem] ruled the point of order not well taken.
1 9 8 3 S E N A T E
Senate Journal of April 5, 1984 .......... Page: 854
  [Senate under call:]
  Senator McCallum moved a call of the senate, which motion was supported.
  The sergeant-at-arms was directed to close the doors and the clerk to call the roll.
  The roll was called and the following senators answered to their names: Senators Adelman, Chilsen, Cullen, Czarnezki, Davis, Ellis, Engeleiter, Feingold, George, Hanaway, Harsdorf, Helbach, Johnston, Kincaid, Kleczka, Kreul, Lasee, Lee, Lorge, Lorman, McCallum, Maurer, Moen, Norquist, Opitz, Otte, Risser, Roshell, Strohl, Theno, Thompson and Van Sistine - 32 [absent - 0; with leave - 0]. [Intervening text omitted.]
Senate Journal of April 5, 1984 .......... Page: 855
  Senator McCallum asked unanimous consent that the Call of the House be raised. Senator Cullen objected.
5   Senator Lorge moved that the Call of the House be raised. The question was: Shall the Call of the House be raised? The motion did not prevail.
Senate Journal of April 5, 1984 .......... Page: 857
[Request for leave during call:]
  Senator Lorge asked unanimous consent that he be granted a leave of absence until 12:00 Noon. Senator Cullen objected.
  Senator Lorge moved that he be granted a leave of absence until 12:00 Noon. The question was: Shall Senator Lorge be granted a leave of absence until 12:00 Noon? The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was [roll call vote omitted; ayes-13, noes-19]. So the motion did not prevail.
  Senator Lorge moved the Call of the House be raised. The question was: Shall the Call of the House be raised? The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was [roll call vote omitted; ayes-12, noes-20]. So the motion did not prevail.
[Point of order:]