(4) Coeducational programs and institutions. The department may institute and maintain coeducational programs and institutions under this chapter.
48.52 Annotation
A juvenile in the custody of the department may not be transferred to an adult-serving penal institution. State ex rel. Edwards v. McCauley, 50 W (2d) 597, 184 NW (2d) 908.
48.52 Annotation
A detention home is not one of the other facilities. State ex rel. Harris v. Larson, 64 W (2d) 521, 219 NW (2d) 335.
48.52 Annotation
See note to 48.62, citing 63 Atty. Gen. 34.
48.52 Annotation
Foster homes leased by the department pursuant to this section are immune from local zoning to the extent that the zoning conflicts with the department's possessory use of property under ch. 48, subject to 13.48 (13). The lessor remains responsible for property tax. 65 Atty. Gen. 93.
Juvenile alcohol and other drug abuse pilot program. 48.547(1)(1)
Legislative findings and purpose. The legislature finds that the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs by children is a state responsibility of statewide dimension. The legislature recognizes that there is a lack of adequate procedures to screen, assess and treat children for alcohol and other drug abuse. To reduce the incidence of alcohol and other drug abuse by children, the legislature deems it necessary to experiment with solutions to the problems of the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs by children by establishing a juvenile alcohol and other drug abuse pilot program in a limited number of counties. The purpose of the program is to develop intake and court procedures that screen, assess and give new dispositional alternatives for children with needs and problems related to the use of alcohol beverages, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs who come within the jurisdiction of a court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and
ch. 938 in the pilot counties selected by the department.
(2) Department responsibilities. Within the availability of funding under
s. 20.435 (7) (mb) that is available for the pilot program, the department shall select counties to participate in the pilot program. Unless a county department of human services has been established under
s. 46.23 in the county that is seeking to implement a pilot program, the application submitted to the department shall be a joint application by the county department that provides social services and the county department established under
s. 51.42 or
51.437. The department shall select counties in accordance with the request for proposal procedures established by the department. The department shall give a preference to county applications that include a plan for case management. The counties selected shall begin the pilot program on January 1, 1989.
(3) Multidisciplinary screen. By September 1, 1988, the department shall develop a multidisciplinary screen for the pilot program. The screen shall be used by an intake worker to determine whether or not a child is in need of an alcohol or other drug abuse assessment. The screen shall also include indicators that screen children for:
(4) Assessment criteria. By September 1, 1988, the department shall develop uniform alcohol and other drug abuse assessment criteria to be used in the pilot program under
ss. 48.245 (2) (a) 3. and
48.295 (1). An approved treatment facility that assesses a person under
s. 48.245 (2) (a) 3. or
48.295 (1) may not also provide the person with treatment unless the department permits the approved treatment facility to do both in accordance with the criteria established by rule by the department.
Multidisciplinary screen and assessment criteria. The department shall make the multidisciplinary screen developed under
s. 48.547 (3) and the assessment criteria developed under
s. 48.547 (4) available to all counties.
48.548 History
History: 1987 a. 339.
State adoption information exchange. The department shall establish a state adoption information exchange for the purpose of finding adoptive homes for children with special needs who do not have permanent homes. The department shall adopt rules governing the adoption information exchange and, from the appropriation under
s. 20.435 (6) (dg) [20.435 (3) (dg)], may provide not more than $75,000 in each fiscal year as grants to individuals and private agencies for adoption information exchange services.
48.55 Note
NOTE: The bracketed language indicates the correct cross-reference. Corrective legislation is pending.
48.55 History
History: 1983 a. 27;
1995 a. 266.
State adoption center. 48.551(1)
(1) The department shall establish a state adoption center for the purposes of increasing public knowledge of adoption and promoting to adolescents and pregnant women the availability of adoption services. From the appropriation under
s. 20.435 (3) (dg), the department may provide not more than $75,000 in grants in each fiscal year to individuals and private agencies to operate the adoption center.
(2) The department shall promulgate rules specifying the functions of the state adoption center, which shall include:
(a) Training persons who provide counseling to adolescents including school counselors, county employes providing child welfare services under
s. 48.56 and family planning clinic employes.
(c) Operating a toll-free telephone number to provide information and referral services.
(d) Distributing pamphlets which provide information on the availability of adoption services.
(e) Promoting adoption through the communications media.