Attorney general's duties, 165.065
Collective bargaining, 133.09
Conspiracies, penalties, 133.03
Corporations, cancellation of charters for restraint of trade, 133.12
Damages recoverable, 133.18
Definitions, 133.02
Exemptions from antitrust law, 133.07
Illegal contracts void, recovery, 133.14
Immunity for testifying, 133.15
Injunctions and restraining orders, 133.16
Insurance business, what law applicable, 133.04 (4)
Interlocking directorates, prohibited when, 133.06
Interrogatories by justice department, 133.13
Investigatory proceeding by attorney general, 133.11
Labor disputes, 133.08
Legislative intent of chapter, 133.01
Milk, forbidden, 100.22
Monopolies, penalties, 133.03 (2)
Pleadings and practice, 133.16
Price discrimination, intent to destroy competition, 133.04
Price fixing, agricultural marketing act, 96.18
Proceedings against, deposition, 133.10
Prosecution, 133.17
Secret rebates, 133.05
Self-incrimination, 133.15
Statute of limitations, 133.18
Treble damages, 133.18
Unfair trade practices, 133.05
Unlawful contracts, penalties, 133.03
Working people may organize, injunction not to restrain certain acts, 133.08
apostle islands APOSTLE ISLANDS
National lakeshore land, conveyance to U.S., 1.026
appeals APPEALS
For procedures relating to appeals to appellate courts, see Appellate Procedure
For judicial review of administrative decisions, see Administrative Procedure
For appeal rights and procedures in specific actions, refer to the subject heading for that subject, e.g., Taxation—8. Income and Franchise Tax
appellate courts APPELLATE COURTS
appellate procedure APPELLATE PROCEDURE
Generally, Ch. 808, Ch. 809
Note: This subject heading relates to rules of procedure in Wisconsin appellate courts. For appeals in specific actions, refer to the subject heading for that action, e.g., Worker's Compensation.
Attorney, appointed by trial court, continuation, appearance, substitution, and withdrawal, 809.85
Certification of questions of law, see Appellate Procedure—3. Supreme Court
Circuit court actions pending appeal, 808.075
Stay of proceedings to enforce judgment, 806.08
Civil procedure rules, applicability, 809.84
Costs and fees, 809.25
Assessed as penalty, 809.83
Definitions, 808.01, 809.01
Delay, penalties for, 809.83 (1)
Depositions, use of, 887.18
Disposition of appeal, 808.09
Discretionary reversal, 751.06, 752.35
Trial court action on remittitur, 808.08
Electronic filing, 809.801
Filing and service of documents by traditional methods, 809.80
Frivolous appeals, costs, fees and attorney fees, 809.25 (3)
Noncompliance with rules, 809.83 (2)
Papers, form of, 809.81
Penalties, 809.83
Prisoner brought appeals, 809.103
Probate actions, 879.27
Relief pending appeal, 808.07
Circuit court actions, 808.075
Motion for, 809.12
Stay of proceedings to enforce judgment, 806.08
Remittitur, 808.08, 809.26
Sanctions, 809.83
Service and filing of documents by traditional methods, 809.80
Service on the state in certain proceedings, 809.802
Special cases:
Abortion, parental consent waived, 809.105
Termination of parental rights, 809.107
Time, computation and enlargement of, 809.82
See also Court of Appeals
Applicability of procedures rules to supreme court, 809.63
Briefs and appendix, 809.19
Certification of case to supreme court, 809.61
Identification of victims and petitions for review, 809.86
Unpublished opinions, citing as precedent, 809.23 (3)
Children's court cases, 809.30
Civil commitment and other chapter 51 cases, 809.30
Consolidation, of appeals, 809.10 (3)
Criminal appeals and postconviction relief, 809.30, 974.02 to 974.06