Motor vehicle fuel tax, wholesaler's bond, 78.11
Motor vehicle safety responsibility, 344.15, 344.36
Municipal court clerks, 755.10
Municipal judge, 755.03
Mutual savings and loan association officers, 215.40 (10)
New, on discharge of surety, 112.09
Notary public, 140.02 (1)
Generally, 19.01
Action on:
By individuals, 19.02
By state, municipality or district, 19.015
Effect of previous action, 19.04
Self-incrimination, immunity, 885.24
Statute of limitations, 893.90
Sureties, how relieved, 19.06
Cancellation, method, 19.07
Persons injured may sue on, 19.02
Sureties liable if officer liable, 990.001 (10)
Platting lands, to insure improvement, 236.13 (2)
Prepaid maintenance liens, seller shall maintain a bond, 779.87
Private detectives and agencies, 440.26 (4)
Private mental institution, indemnify state as to nonresident patients, 58.05
Probate bonds:
Action on, 878.07
In name of judge, 878.09
Money recovered, to whom paid, 878.11
Additional or reduction, 878.05
Corporate fiduciaries, no bond required, 878.03
General requirements, 878.01
Public contractor, release of funds, 779.17
Public officers:
Premium, who to pay, 19.01 (8)
Premiums payable from public funds, 19.12
Public works contracts, 779.14
Receivers, sureties, conditions, approval, 813.16 (6)
Recreation board, town or school district, 66.0123 (4)
Redevelopment authority, bonds to finance mortgage loans on owner-occupied dwellings, 66.1333 (5m)
Defendant's, 810.06
Justification of sureties, 810.08
Revenue, see Revenue Bonds
Safety and professional services department staff, 440.02
Savings and loan association directors, officers and employees, 215.11
Savings institutions division, special deputies and assistants, 215.32 (5)
School officers and employees, 120.13 (23)
Secretary of state, 19.11
Security for costs, see Courts—2. Costs and Fees
State bonding, see State—20. Public Debt
State contracts, 16.75 (5)
State insurance funds, manager and treasurer, 604.07
State officers:
Breach, office vacancy caused, 17.05
Requirement by department head, 15.04
To file, 19.11
State treasurer, 14.60, 19.11
As investment board member, 25.19
Surety, how discharged, 112.09
Surety's liability, limitation, 895.33
Tax money by municipal treasurer, 70.67
Tobacco products tax liability, 139.84
Officers, 60.31
Sanitary district, petitioners for, 60.71 (3)
Traffic guaranteed arrest bonds, 345.61
Treasurer, municipal for taxes, 70.67
Trustee for state employees' U.S. bond purchases, 20.921
Unemployment reserve fund treasurer, 108.16 (4)
Heavy, damage to highways, 348.25 (5)
When department dissatisfied with certificate of title, 342.12
Veterans, housing loans, 234.40
Veterans' service commission, 45.81 (2)
Clerk, 61.25
Constable, 61.29
Marshal, 61.28
Officers, 61.22
Treasurer, 61.26
Vocational district board officers and employees, 38.14 (10)
Warden or superintendent of state prisons, 302.03
Worker's compensation, continuing liability, 102.32
Foreign consul, 102.19
bottomry BOTTOMRY
boulevards BOULEVARDS