Organizations, powers, effect of act on, 421.107
Purposes of law, 421.102
Rules of construction, 421.102
Savings and loan associations, powers, effect of act on, 421.107
Savings banks, powers, effect of act on, 421.107
Sellers of goods or services, powers, effect of act on, 421.107
Settlement of claims, agreement to forego rights, 421.106
Severability of law, 421.104
Short title of law, 421.101
Small loan companies, powers, effect of act on, 421.107
Territorial application of act, 421.201
Trust companies, powers, effect of act on, 421.107
Venue, for claims, 421.401
Generally, Ch. 426
Administrative procedure chapter, applicability, 426.107
Administrator, 426.103
Debtors' remedies not affected by grant of power to, 426.111
Duty to report, 426.104
Investigatory powers, 426.106
Powers, 426.104
Powers regarding supervised financial organizations, 426.105
Promulgate rules regarding unconscionable conduct, 426.108
Applicability of law, 426.102
Class actions, 426.110
Creditors to register with administrator, 426.201
Penalties, 426.203
Debtors' remedies not affected by grant of power to administrator, 426.111
Declaratory relief, 426.110
Fees to be paid by licensees, 426.202
Penalties, 426.203
Injunction, 426.109, 426.110
Investigatory power of administrator, 426.106
Creditors to register with administrator, 426.201
Fees to be paid by persons required to file, 426.202
Penalties, 426.203
Supervised financial organizations, powers of administrator, 426.105
Temporary relief, administrator or customer may bring action, 426.109
Title of chapter, 426.101
Unconscionable conduct, administrator to promulgate rules regarding, 426.108
Violations and enforcement, 426.301
consumer act_3. consumer approval transactions and other consumer rights 3. Consumer Approval Transactions and Other Consumer Rights
Generally, Ch. 423
False, misleading or deceptive, 423.301
Violations, remedies and penalty, 423.302
Duty of customer, 423.205
Notice of right to customer, 423.203
Restoration of down payment to customer, 423.204
Return of property, 423.204
Right and manner, 423.202
Security interest void, 423.204
Check identification information, 423.402
Consumer approval transaction, definition, 423.201
Credit card identification information, 423.401
Custom-made goods, notice of cancellation, 423.202 (2m)
Deceptive advertising, 423.301
False advertising, 423.301
Misleading advertising, 423.301
Notice to customer of right to cancel, 423.203
Violation of law, 423.203, 425.304
Scope of law, 423.102
Short title of law, 423.101
consumer act_4. consumer credit transactions 4. Consumer Credit Transactions
Generally, Ch. 422
Accounting, 422.306
Additional charges, 422.202
Advances by creditor to perform agreements of customer, 422.207
Violation of law, 422.207 (4), 425.304
Agricultural transactions, permitted finance charges and fees, 422.210
Approximations permitted in disclosures, 422.307
Assignee, defenses assertable against, 422.407
Assignment, notice of to customer, 422.409
Assignment of earnings, violation of law, 422.404 (3), 425.304
Attorney fees, limits on agreements for, 422.411
Authorization to confess judgment, prohibited, 422.405
Violation of law, 422.405 (2), 425.305
Balloon payments prohibited, violations, 425.304
Blank writings, prohibition, 422.304
Violation of law, 422.304 (2), 425.304
Cash discounts, credit card issuer may not prohibit, 422.422
Changes in open-end credit terms, violation of law, 422.415, 425.304
Additional, 422.202
Deferral, 422.204
Delinquency, 422.203
Finance, 422.201