Violation of law, 424.203 (5), 425.303
Consolidation, creditor may not receive separate charge for insurance in connection with, exceptions, 424.206
Consumer credit insurance, definition, 424.201
Credit accident and sickness:
Amount of, 424.208
Filing and approval of rates and forms, 424.209
Credit life, amount of, 424.208
Credit life and disability, approval of forms, 631.24
Credit required, 424.205
Deferral, creditor may not receive separate charge for insurance in connection with, exceptions, 424.206
Definitions, application, 424.103
Forms, filing of and approval of commissioner, 424.209
Liability insurance:
Cancellation by creditor, 424.303
Cancellation by customer, 424.304, 424.402
Maximum charge by creditor for insurance, violation of law, 424.204 (3), 425.304
Open-end credit plan, maximum charge for insurance by creditor, 424.204 (2)
Practices, 424.501, 424.502
Property insurance:
Cancellation by creditor, 424.303
Cancellation by customer, 424.304, 424.402
Creditor's interest only, 424.302
Restrictions on, 424.301
Rates, filing of and approval of commissioner, 424.209
Refinancing, creditor may not receive separate charge for insurance in connection with, exceptions, 424.206
Refund required, 424.205
Scope of law, 424.102
Solicitation, false, misleading or deceptive, 424.501
Term of, 424.207
Title of law, 424.101
Generally, Ch. 428
First lien real estate loans:
Accounting as to receipts and disbursements, violations, 428.104
Applicability of chapter, 428.101
Attorney fees, 428.103 (1) (e)
Debt collection, 428.103 (1) (c)
Definitions, 428.102
Delinquency charges, 428.103 (1) (a)
Limitations applicable to loans, violations, 428.103
Pleadings, 428.105
Receipts evidencing payment, violations, 428.104
Remedies of customer, 428.106
High cost mortgage lending:
Administration and penalties, 428.210
Definitions, 428.202
Exemption for depository institutions, 428.211
Prepayment, 428.207
Prohibitions and requirements, lenders and assignees:
Generally, 428.203
False statements, 428.204
Recommending default, 428.206
Disclosure to customers, 428.208
Property exempt form debt collection, 428.2095
State regulation authority, exclusive, 428.209
consumer act_8. remedies and penalties 8. Remedies and Penalties
Generally, Ch. 425
Abandoned collateral or leased goods, merchant may take possession, 425.207 (2)
Attachment before judgment is prohibited, 425.111
Attorney fees to be reasonable, court to determine amount, 425.308
Body attachment:
Prohibited, 425.113
Violation of law, 425.113 (2), 425.305
Class actions, 425.309, 426.110
Collateral or leased goods:
Definition, 425.202
Restraining order to protect, 425.207
Voluntary surrender of, 425.204
Corporate officers, liability of, 425.310
Customer's remedies:
Amounts, damages, 425.302, 425.303, 425.304
To be liberally construed, 425.301
Customer's right to redeem, 425.208
Accrual of cause of action in favor of creditor, 425.103
Cure of, 425.105
Definition, 425.103 (2)
Notice to customer of right to cure, 425.104
Deficiency judgment:
Computation of deficiency, 425.210
Restrictions on, 425.209
Enforcement of merchant's rights in collateral and leased goods, 425.203
Evidence of violations, 425.311
Exempt property in satisfaction of judgment, 425.106
Extensions of credit, extortionate, 425.108
Garnishment before judgment is prohibited, 425.111
Garnishment, no discharge from employment for, 425.110
Injunction to protect collateral or leased goods, 425.207
Levy before judgment is prohibited, 425.111