Persons over 17 years of age, 938.44
Juvenile detention and correctional facilities:
Contracting for:
Corrections department as provider, 938.224
Minnesota facilities, contract for use, 938.223
Private entities as provider, 938.222
Establishment, 938.22
Mendota juvenile treatment center, 46.057
Secured residential care centers for children and youth, 13.48 (27m)
Statewide plan for, 938.225
Juvenile justice improvement plan, 165.25 (13)
Juvenile treatment grant program, 938.546
Legislative intent and purpose, 938.01
Medical services authorization, 938.373
Placements, 938.34 (2)
Change after disposition, juvenile subject to order, 938.357
Trial reunification, 938.358
Duration of control over juvenile:
Corrections department, 938.53
Counties, 938.59
Facilities for, 938.52
Independent living, plan for transition to, 938.385
Interstate placement, 938.988
Expediting, 938.9995
Notice of placement to county or corrections department, 938.49
Alcohol and drug abuse program, 938.547
Community supervision, 938.533
Intensive supervision program, 938.534, 938.535
Release or escape from custody or supervision, notice required, 938.51
Serious juvenile offender program, 938.538
Supervision of juveniles, 938.505
Type 2 status, 938.34 (4d), 938.539
Plea hearings, 938.30
Pleadings, documents; electronic filings, 801.18, 938.022
Pretrial procedure:
Discovery, 938.293
Medical and psychological exams, 938.295
HIV and other disease tests, 938.296
Motions, 938.297
Substitution of judge, 938.29
Post judgment relief:
Appeal and postdisposition relief motions, 938.47
New evidence, 938.48
Proceedings by telephone or live audiovisual, 938.325
Access, 938.396
Confidentiality, 938.78
Corrections department, 938.54, 938.795
Counties, 938.59
Court and medical, by care providers, 938.371
Rehearing, new evidence, 938.46
Release or escape from custody or supervision, notice required, 938.51
Rights of juveniles, 938.243
Trial, 938.31
Venue, 938.185
Notice of dismissal, 938.312
Notice of proceedings and information, 938.346
Prosecutor consultation with victims, 938.265
Report to court on disposition, effect on victim to be considered, 938.331
Waiting area for victims and witnesses, 938.2965
Generally, Ch. 970
Criminal identification data, obtaining, 970.02 (7)
Defendant informed of rights and given complaint, 970.02 (1)
Indigent defendant, determination, appointment of counsel, 970.02 (6)
District attorney to file, 971.01, 971.02
Form, 971.03
Initial appearance, 970.01, 970.02
Laboratory findings, 970.03 (12)
Multiple count complaints, 970.03 (10)
Preliminary examination:
Generally, 970.03
Exclusion of public, 757.14, 970.03 (4)
Hearsay admissible, 970.038
Hostile witness, 972.09
Information or indictment upon completion, requirement, failure, 971.01 971.02
Juvenile accused of assault in correctional facility, 970.032
Juvenile younger than 15, 970.035
Substitution of judge, 971.20 (3)
Time period for holding, 970.03 (2)
Second arrest, examination, 970.04
Sex offender, lifetime supervision, notice required, 973.125
Testimony, 970.05
By telephone, 970.03 (13)
Generally, Ch. 973