Conveyance of mineral rights:
Lapse and reversion of interests, 706.057
Recording, 706.055
Recording instruments, 706.05 (2), (3)
Unrecorded, void, 706.08
County zoning, 59.69 (4) (a)
Geological and natural history survey, 36.25 (6)
Inspection, 101.15 (2) (d)
Lakes and streams, removal of ore from beds of, 30.20
Administrative and judicial review, 30.209
Application for contract, 30.208
Financial assurance, 30.201
Liens, mining and smelting:
Extent, filing claims, 779.36
Foreclosure, same as mechanic's, 779.39
Mortgage not to affect, 779.38
Notice to officer, satisfaction, 779.37
Who may have, 779.35
Metallic mining council:
Creation, membership, 15.347 (12)
Duties, 289.08
Milwaukee county, abandoned, filling or fencing, 167.27
Nonmetallic mining reclamation:
Definitions, 295.11
DNR review, 295.18
Fees, 295.15
Applicability of reclamation requirements, 295.16
Cities, villages or towns, 295.14
Counties, 295.13
Enforcement, 295.19
Inspection, 295.17
Preservation of marketable deposits, 295.20
Rules, 295.12
Quarries, nonmetallic minerals, 66.0441
Sale contracts, 402.107 (1)
Tax, metalliferous minerals, 70.37 to 70.396
mining_2. ferrous metallic minerals 2. Ferrous Metallic Minerals
Abandonment, determination, 295.67
Applicable law, conflicts, 295.75
Bonds and security, 295.59
Release, 295.68
Termination, long-term care responsibility, 295.69
Bulk sampling, plan, 295.45
Cessation or reclamation, 295.66
Completion of mining, certificate, 295.68
Definitions, 295.41
Enforcement, 295.78, 295.79
Exploration, 295.44
Fees, 295.73
Inspections, 295.695
Legislative findings, 295.40
Local regulation; local agreements, local impact committees, 295.443
Penalties, 295.79
Requirements, 295.47
Mining plan, 295.48
Enforcement, 295.78, 295.79
Environmental impact statements, 295.53
Exemption from statute requirements, 295.56
Grant or denial, 295.58
Modification, 295.63
Notification, 295.465
Plan, 295.46
Procedure, 295.57
Reclamation plan, 295.49
Reporting, 295.63
Shoreline and floodplain zoning, 295.607
Site monitoring, 285.64
State government:
Department responsibilities, 295.43
Orders; mining and reclamation orders and plans, 295.78
Review of decisions, 295.77
Successors, obligations, 295.65
Waste sites:
Construction and completion reports, 295.62
Inspection, record keeping, reporting, responses, 295.635
Location criteria; feasibility study, plan of operation, 295.51
Modification, 295.63
Monitoring, 295.643
Groundwater quality, monitoring, response, 295.645
Surface and groundwaters; withdrawal, 295.61
Wetlands, impact, 295.60
mining_3. nonferrous metallic minerals 3. Nonferrous Metallic Minerals
Account of ore received, penalty, 107.11, 107.12