Timber, 701.1126
Conversion to, 701.1106
Express, 701.1107
Private foundations, 701.1201
Representation of others:
Basic effect, 701.0301
Court appointment of representative, 701.0305
Designated representative, 701.0306
Fiduciaries, parents, persons appointed by trustees, 701.0303
Liability, 701.0308
Persons having substantially identical interests, 701.0304
Power of appointment holder, 701.0302
Role, 701.0307
Revocable trusts:
Future interests, 701.0605
Limitations on actions to contest validity, 701.0604
Revocation or amendment, 701.0602
Capacity, 701.0601
Powers, 701.0603
Scope of ch. 701, 701.0102
Default and mandatory rules, 701.0105
Uniform application and construction, 701.1203
Settlement agreements, nonjudicial, 701.0111
Spendthrift provisions, 701.0502
Exceptions, 701.0503
Suspension of power of alienation limited, 700.16
Termination, see Modification or termination under this subhead
Testamentary trusts, transfers to, 706.09
Title of ch. 701, 701.0101
Transfers to trusts, 701.0419
Transfers to minors, uniform act, 54.854 to 54.898
Trust decanting, uniform act:
Animals, caring for, 701.1323
Application, 701.1305
Beneficiary with disability, 701.1313
Change in compensation, 701.1316
Charitable interest protection, 701.1314
Court involvement, 701.1309
Definitions, 701.1302
Distribution not required, 701.1321
Fiduciary duty, 701.1304
Formalities, 701.1310
Later-discovered property, 701.1326
Liability and indemnification, relief, 701.1317
Limitations, 701.1315
Tax related, 701.1319
Obligations, 701.1327
Expanded distributive discretion, 701.1311
Limited distributive discretion, 701.1312
Notice and exercise, 701.1307
Reasonable reliance, 701.1306
Removal or replacement of fiduciary, 701.1318
Saving provision, 701.1322
Scope, 701.1303
Second trust:
Duration, 701.1320
Terms, 701.1324
Settlor, 701.1325
Short title, 701.1301
Trust property, titling, 701.0710
Trust protectors, powers, 701.0818
Writing required, trust transfers, 243.01
trusts_2. investments 2. Investments
Generally, Chs. 219, 881
Applicability of chapter 881, 881.04, 881.06
Authorizing instruments control:
Construction, 881.02
Employment of agents and employees, 881.016
Investments authorized, 219.01
Housing authority bonds, 219.06
Insured savings and loan accounts, 219.05
Investment companies, trusts and vehicles, investment in, 881.015
Loans, rules applicable, 219.03
Power district securities, 198.18 (5)
Savings and loan accounts, 215.14 (6)
Securities used as collateral, 219.02
State bonds and notes, 219.04
Jurisdiction of court, 881.03
Private foundations, prohibited acts regarding investments, 181.0320
Prudent investor act, prudent person rule, 881.01
Applicability, 701.0901
Nonapplication to life insurance, 701.0903
Savings and loan accounts, 215.14 (6)
trusts_3. trustees 3. Trustees
Action on bond of, 878.07