Good faith, 701.0801
Impartiality, 701.0803
Loyalty, 701.0802
Protection and control of property, 701.0809
Prudence, 701.0804
Record keeping, 701.0810
Reporting to beneficiaries, 701.0813
Successor trustee, collection of property, 701.0812
Estate tax, personal liability, 72.21
Reasonableness required, 701.0805
Reimbursement, 701.0709
Fiduciary law, Ch. 112
Institutional funds, uniform prudent management act, 112.11
Insurable interest, 701.0113
Breach of trust, see Breach of trust under this subhead
Damages in absence of breach, 701.1003
Events affection administration, lack of knowledge, 701.1007
Limitation of trustees personal liability, 701.1010
Trustee with interest as general partner, 701.1011
Persons dealing with trustees, protection of, 701.1012
Discretionary powers, tax savings, 701.0814
Distribution upon termination, 701.0817
General powers, 701.0815
Marital deduction transfers, 701.0819
Presumed when not recorded, 706.08 (4)
Settlor's power to direct, 701.0808
Removal, 701.0706
Delivery of property by former trustee, 701.0707
Resignation, 701.0705
Spouses, dealing with, protection of, 766.575
Successor trustees, 701.0704
Duty to collect property, 701.0812
Liability for breach of trust, 701.1003
Suit in own name, 803.01 (2)
Letters of trust, 856.29
Powers suspended during war service, 112.02
Termination, distribution, 701.0817
Theft by, 943.20
Trust companies as trustees, see Financial Institutions—12. Trust Companies
Trust property, titling in trustee's name, 701.0710
Trusteeship, accepting or declining, 701.0701
Vacancy, successor appointment, 701.0704
Vehicles, transfer of ownership, 342.17 (4)
trusts_4. uniform powers of appointment act 4. Uniform Powers of Appointment Act
Applicability, 702.604
Contract power, 702.405, 702.406
Breach, remedy for, 702.407
Creation, revocation, and amendment:
Classification rules, 702.205
Creation, 702.201
Nontransferability, 702.202
Revoke or amend, 702.206
Unlimited authority presumption, 702.203
Exception, 702.204
Disclaimer, 702.401
Electronic signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, 702.603
Exercise of power of appointment:
Capture doctrine, 702.309
Deceased appointee, 702.306
Donor-imposed requirements, 702.304
Impermissible appointment, 702.307
Intent, 702.302, 702.303
Permissible appointment, 702.305
Powerholder's authority to revoke or amend, 702.314
Presumption of nonexercise, 702.315
Requisites, 702.301
Selective allocation doctrine, 702.308
Taker in default, 702.313
Unappointed property, disposition of, 702.310, 702.311, 702.312
Powerholder's creditors rights:
General, 702.501, 702.502
Good faith protection, 702.505
Nongeneral power of appointment, 702.504
Withdraw, power to, 702.503
Recording instruments, 702.601
Authority, 702.402
Method, 702.403
Revocation or amendment, 702.404
Short title, 702.101
Uniformity of law, 702.602
tuberculosis TUBERCULOSIS
Human, see Diseases