281.346(6)(e)6.6. Any provisions for restoration of hydrologic conditions and functions of the source watershed or, if the withdrawal is from the stream tributary to one of the Great Lakes, of the watershed of that stream.
281.346(7)(7)Exemptions. Subsections (3) to (6) do not apply to withdrawals from the Great Lakes basin or diversions for any of the following purposes:
281.346(7)(a)(a) To supply vehicles, including vessels and aircraft, for the needs of the persons or animals being transported or for ballast or other needs related to the operation of the vehicles.
281.346(7)(b)(b) To use in a noncommercial project that lasts no more than 3 months for fire fighting, humanitarian, or emergency response purposes.
281.346(7m)(7m)Emergency order. The department may, without a prior hearing, order a person to whom the department has issued an individual permit or notice of coverage under a general permit under this section or s. 281.344 to immediately stop a withdrawal if the department determines that there is a danger of imminent harm to the public health, safety, or welfare, to the environment, or to the water resources or related land resources of this state. The order shall specify the date on which the withdrawal must be stopped and the date, if any, on which it may be resumed. The order shall notify the person that the person may request a contested case hearing under ch. 227. The hearing shall be held as soon as practicable after receipt of a request for a hearing. An emergency order remains in effect pending the result of the hearing.
281.346(8)(8)Statewide water conservation and efficiency.
281.346(8)(a)(a) Goals and objectives. The department shall specify water conservation and efficiency goals and objectives for the waters of the state and for the waters of the Great Lakes basin. The department shall specify goals and objectives for the waters of the Great Lakes basin that are consistent with the goals under s. 281.343 (4b) (a) and the objectives identified by the Great Lakes council under s. 281.343 (4b) (a) and (c). In specifying these goals and objectives, the department shall consult with the department of safety and professional services and the public service commission and consider the water conservation and efficiency goals and objectives developed in any pilot program conducted by the department in cooperation with the regional body.
281.346(8)(b)(b) Statewide program. In cooperation with the department of safety and professional services and the public service commission, the department shall develop and implement a statewide water conservation and efficiency program that includes all of the following:
281.346(8)(b)1.1. Promotion of environmentally sound and economically feasible water conservation measures through a voluntary statewide program.
281.346(8)(b)1m.1m. Mandatory and voluntary conservation and efficiency measures for the waters of the Great Lakes basin that are necessary to implement subs. (4), (4s), (5), (5m), and (6) and s. 281.348.
281.346(8)(b)2.2. Water conservation and efficiency measures that the public service commission requires or authorizes a water utility to implement under ch. 196.
281.346(8)(b)3.3. Water conservation and efficiency measures that the department of safety and professional services requires or authorizes to be implemented under chs. 101 and 145.
281.346(8)(c)(c) Great Lakes basin program. No later than the 24th month beginning after the compact’s effective date, the department shall implement a Great Lakes basin water conservation and efficiency program as part of the statewide program under par. (b), for all users of the waters of the Great Lakes basin, that is designed to achieve the goals and objectives for the waters of the Great Lakes basin that are specified under par. (a). The department shall include in the Great Lakes basin program the activities in par. (b) 1. to 3. applicable in the Great Lakes basin and application of the water conservation and efficiency measures specified under par. (d) in subs. (4) (f) 6. and (g) and (6) (c).
281.346(8)(d)(d) Water conservation and efficiency measures. The department shall promulgate rules specifying water conservation and efficiency measures for the purposes of implementing par. (b). In the rules, the department may not require retrofitting of existing fixtures, appliances, or equipment. The department shall specify measures based on all of the following:
281.346(8)(d)1.1. The amount and type of diversion, withdrawal, or consumptive use and whether the diversion, withdrawal, or consumptive use exists on December 8, 2008, is expanded, or is new.
281.346(8)(d)2.2. The results of any pilot water conservation program conducted by the department in cooperation with the regional body.
281.346(8)(d)3.3. The results of any assessments under sub. (11) (d).
281.346(9)(9)Tribal consultation; public participation.
281.346(9)(a)(a) Tribal consultation. The department shall consult with a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state concerning a proposal that may affect the tribe or band and that is subject to regional review or Great Lakes council approval under sub. (4) or (5).
281.346(9)(b)(b) Public notice.
281.346(9)(b)1.1. The department shall, by rule, create procedures for providing to interested members of the public notices of each complete application that the department receives under sub. (5) to which the state decision-making standard under sub. (5m) or the compact decision-making standard under sub. (6) applies, other than an application from a person operating a public water supply system that is covered by an approved water supply service area plan under s. 281.348, and each complete application that the department receives under sub. (4) and of each general permit that the department proposes to issue under sub. (4s) (a). The department shall include, in the rule, at least the following procedures:
281.346(9)(b)1.a.a. Publication of the notice as a class 1 notice under ch. 985.
281.346(9)(b)1.b.b. Mailing of the notice to any person, group, local governmental unit, or state agency upon request.
281.346(9)(b)1.c.c. Publication of the notice through an electronic notification system established by the department.
281.346(9)(b)1.d.d. Publication of the notice on the department’s Internet website.
281.346(9)(b)2.2. The department shall establish the form and content of a public notice by rule. The department shall include in every public notice concerning an application to which subd. 1. applies at least the following information:
281.346(9)(b)2.a.a. The name and address of each applicant.
281.346(9)(b)2.b.b. A brief description of the proposal for which the application is made, including the amount of the proposed withdrawal or diversion.
281.346(9)(b)2.c.c. A brief description of the procedures for the formulation of final determinations on applications, including the 30-day comment period required under par. (c).
281.346(9)(b)2.d.d. Information indicating where the complete application may be viewed on the department’s Internet website.
281.346(9)(bm)(bm) Notice date. For the purpose of determining the date on which public notice is provided under this subsection, the date on which the department first publishes the notice on its Internet website shall be considered the date of public notice.
281.346(9)(c)(c) Public comment. The department shall receive public comments on a proposal for which it receives an application to which par. (b) 1. applies or on a proposed general permit under sub. (4s) (a) for a 30-day period beginning when the department gives notice under par. (b) 1. The department shall retain all written comments submitted during the comment period and shall consider the comments in making its decisions on the application.
281.346(9)(d)(d) Public hearing.
281.346(9)(d)1.1. The department shall provide an opportunity for any interested person or group of persons, any affected local governmental unit, or any state agency to request a public hearing with respect to a proposal for which the department receives an application to which par. (b) 1. applies or on a proposed general permit under sub. (4s) (a). A request for a public hearing shall be filed with the department within 30 days after the department gives notice under par. (b). The party filing a request for a public hearing shall indicate the interest of the party and the reasons why a hearing is warranted. The department shall hold a public hearing on a proposal for which the department receives an application to which par. (b) 1. applies or on a proposed general permit under sub. (4s) (a) if the department determines that there is a significant public interest in holding a hearing.
281.346(9)(d)2.2. The department shall promulgate, by rule, procedures for the conduct of public hearings held under this paragraph. A hearing held under this paragraph is not a contested case hearing under ch. 227.
281.346(9)(d)3.3. The department shall provide public notice of any hearing held under this paragraph in the manner provided under par. (b) 1. The notice shall include the time, date, and location of the hearing, a summary of the subject matter of the application or proposed general permit, and information indicating where a copy of the application or proposed general permit that is the subject of the hearing may be found on the department’s Internet website. The summary shall contain a brief, precise, easily understandable, plain language description of the subject matter of the application or proposed general permit. If the hearing concerns an application received by the department, the notice shall also include the name and address of the applicant.
281.346(9)(e)(e) Public access to information. Any record or other information provided to or obtained by the department regarding a proposal for which an application under sub. (4) or (5) is received is a public record as provided in subch. II of ch. 19. The department shall make available to and provide facilities for the public to inspect and copy any records or other information provided to or obtained by the department regarding a proposal for which an application for a new or increased diversion or withdrawal under sub. (4) or (5) is received, except that any record or other information provided to the department may be treated as confidential upon a showing to the secretary that the record or information is entitled to protection as a trade secret, as defined in s. 134.90 (1) (c), or upon a determination by the department that domestic security concerns warrant confidential treatment. Nothing in this subsection prevents the use of any confidential records or information obtained by the department in the administration of this section in compiling or publishing general analyses or summaries, if the analyses or summaries do not identify a specific owner or operator.
281.346(9)(h)(h) Expediting review. The department shall take appropriate measures to expedite, to the extent feasible, applicable reviews by the regional body, Great Lakes council, parties, and the provinces of Ontario and Quebec of applications under this section that are subject to regional review.
281.346(10m)(10m)Amendment of coastal management program.
281.346(10m)(a)(a) The Wisconsin coastal management council, created under s. 14.019, shall amend this state’s coastal management program submitted to the U.S. secretary of commerce under 16 USC 1455, to incorporate the requirements of this section, as they apply to the water resources of the Great Lakes basin, and shall formally submit the proposed amendments to the U.S. secretary of commerce.
281.346(10m)(b)(b) After approval of the amendments submitted to the U.S. secretary of commerce under par. (a), the Wisconsin coastal management council shall, when conducting federal consistency reviews under 16 USC 1456 (c), consider the requirements specified under par. (a), if applicable.
281.346(10m)(c)(c) If the department issues a permit for a withdrawal to which this section applies, and the withdrawal is subject to a federal consistency review under 16 USC 1456 (c), the Wisconsin coastal management council shall certify that the withdrawal is consistent with this state’s coastal management program.
281.346(11)(11)Information, reports, and assessments.
281.346(11)(a)(a) Statewide inventory.
281.346(11)(a)1.1. The department shall develop and maintain a water resources inventory consisting of information about the waters of the state including information about the location, type, quantity, and uses of water resources and the location, and type of diversions, withdrawals, and consumptive uses and quantities of withdrawals and water losses. The department shall develop the inventory in cooperation with federal and local governmental entities, agencies of this state and of the other parties, tribal agencies, and private entities. The department shall use information in the registry under sub. (3) (c) in creating the inventory.
281.346(11)(a)2.2. The department shall create the water resources inventory under subd. 1. no later than June 1, 2014, or the first day of the 60th month beginning after the compact’s effective date, whichever is later.
281.346(11)(b)(b) Annual report on water resources. Beginning within 60 months after the compact’s effective date, the department shall annually report to the Great Lakes council the information from par. (a) regarding withdrawals that average 100,000 gallons per day or more over a 30-day period, including consumptive uses, in the basin and any diversions, as well as the amounts of the withdrawals, water losses from consumptive uses, and diversions in the basin reported under sub. (3) (e).
281.346(11)(c)(c) Program report. No later than 12 months after the compact’s effective date, and every 5 years thereafter, the department shall submit a report to the Great Lakes council and the regional body describing the implementation of the program under this section, including the manner in which withdrawals from the Great Lakes basin are managed, how the criteria for approval under subs. (4), (5), and (6) are applied, and how conservation and efficiency measures are implemented.
281.346(11)(d)(d) Assessment of water conservation and efficiency program. After the compact’s effective date, the department shall annually assess the effectiveness of the water conservation and efficiency program under sub. (8) (c) in meeting the Great Lakes basin water conservation and efficiency goals under sub. (8) (a). In each assessment, the department shall consider whether there is a need to adjust the Great Lakes basin water conservation and efficiency program in response to new demands for water from the basin and the potential impacts of the cumulative effects of diversions, withdrawals, and consumptive uses and of climate. The department shall provide the assessment to the Great Lakes council and the regional body and make it available to the public.
281.346(11)(e)(e) Assessment of cumulative impacts. The department shall participate in the periodic assessment of the impacts of withdrawals, diversions, and consumptive uses under s. 281.343 (4z) (a).
281.346(11)(f)(f) Report on threshold. No later than the 60th month beginning after the compact’s effective date, the department shall submit to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) a report analyzing the impact of the threshold under sub. (5) (a) and providing any recommendations to change the threshold.
281.346(11)(g)(g) Water use report. Beginning no later than 8 years after June 11, 2008, or 5 years after the last report published under s. 281.344 (11), whichever is earlier, and every 5 years thereafter, the department, using water use data reported under this section, shall publish a water use report to summarize water usage, identify related trends, identify areas of future water usage concerns, and recommend future actions to promote sustainable water use. The department shall also include in the report water resource information derived from reporting and data accumulation requirements under other water regulatory laws.
281.346(12)(a)(a) Subject to par. (am), a person who has a water supply system with the capacity to make a withdrawal from the waters of the state averaging 100,000 gallons per day or more in any 30-day period shall pay to the department an annual fee of $125, except that the department may promulgate a rule specifying a different amount and except that, notwithstanding the department’s rule-making authority, no person is required to pay more than $1,000 per year under this paragraph.
281.346(12)(am)(am) The following are not considered in determining the capacity of a water supply system for the purposes of par. (a):
281.346(12)(am)1.1. The capacity of a well that has a capacity of less than 100,000 gallons per day and that is used primarily to provide water to a single-family or multifamily residence.
281.346(12)(am)2.2. The capacity of a well used primarily for fire protection purposes.
281.346(12)(b)(b) In addition to the fee under par. (a), a person who withdraws from the Great Lakes basin more than 50,000,000 gallons per year shall pay to the department an annual fee in an amount specified under par. (c).
281.346(12)(c)(c) The department shall promulgate a rule specifying the amount of the fee under par. (b).
281.346(12)(d)(d) A person who submits an application under sub. (4) shall pay to the department a review fee of $5,000 and shall pay to the department an amount equal to any fees imposed on this state related to review of the proposed diversion by the Great Lakes council or the regional body.
281.346(13m)(13m)Exceedances. It is not a violation of this section to withdraw an amount of water that exceeds the withdrawal amount specified in a permit issued under sub. (5) or in the database under sub. (4s) (i), unless the amount by which the withdrawal exceeds the withdrawal amount would result in the application of the state decision-making standard under sub. (5m) or the compact decision-making standard under sub. (6).
281.346(14)(a)(a) Any person who violates this section or any rule promulgated or approval issued under this section shall forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $10,000 for each violation. Each day of continued violation is a separate offense.
281.346(14)(c)(c) In addition to the penalties under par. (a), the court may order the defendant to abate any nuisance, restore a natural resource, or take, or refrain from taking, any other action as necessary to eliminate or minimize any environmental damage caused by the violation.
281.346 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 860, Wis. adm. code.
281.346 AnnotationDiversions from the Great Lakes: Out of the Watershed and in Contravention of the Compact. Wabiszewski. 100 MLR 627 (2016).
281.348281.348Water supply service area plans for public water supply systems.
281.348(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
281.348(1)(a)(a) “Compact’s effective date” means the effective date of the Great Lakes — St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact under s. 281.343 (9) (d).
281.348(1)(b)(b) “Cost-effectiveness analysis” means a systematic comparison of alternative means of providing a water supply in order to identify alternatives that will minimize total resources costs and maximize environmental benefits over a planning period.
281.348(1)(c)(c) “Great Lakes basin” means the watershed of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River upstream from Trois-Rivieres, Quebec.
281.348(1)(cm)(cm) “Great Lakes council” means the Great Lakes — St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Council, created under s. 281.343 (2) (a).
281.348(1)(d)(d) “Public water supply” means water distributed to the public through a physically connected system of treatment, storage, and distribution facilities that serve a group of largely residential customers and that may also serve industrial, commercial, and other institutional customers.
281.348(1)(e)(e) “Total resources costs” includes monetary costs and direct and indirect environmental as well as other nonmonetary costs.
281.348(1)(f)(f) “Withdraw” means to take water from surface water or groundwater.
281.348(1)(g)(g) “Withdrawal” means the taking of water from surface water or groundwater, including the taking of surface water or groundwater for the purpose of bottling the water.
281.348(2)(2)Determinations concerning applicability of requirements.
281.348(2)(a)(a) For the purposes of this section, the surface water divide is used to determine whether a withdrawal of surface water or groundwater is from the Great Lakes basin.
281.348(2)(b)(b) For the purposes of this section, the withdrawal of water from more than one source within the Great Lakes basin to supply a common distribution system is considered one withdrawal.
281.348(3)(a)1.1. The department shall establish, by rule, and administer a continuing water supply planning process for the preparation of water supply plans for persons operating public water supply systems. The period covered by a plan under this subsection may not exceed 20 years. A regional planning commission may prepare plans for persons operating public water supply systems.
281.348(3)(a)2.2. A person operating a public water supply system that serves a population of 10,000 or more and that withdraws water from the waters of the state shall prepare a plan under this section no later than December 31, 2025.
281.348(3)(a)3.3. A person operating a public water supply system shall obtain department approval of a water supply service area plan that provides for a new or increased diversion that requires approval under s. 281.346 (4) or a new or increased withdrawal that requires approval under s. 281.346 (4s) or (5).
281.348(3)(a)4.4. Except as provided in subd. 3., a person operating a public water supply system is not required to obtain department approval of a water supply service area plan.
281.348(3)(b)(b) The department shall include in the process under par. (a) procedures and requirements for all of the following:
281.348(3)(b)1.1. Public review and comment on a proposed plan. For a plan prepared after the compact’s effective date covering a public water supply system that withdraws water from the Great Lakes basin, the procedures and requirements under this subdivision shall be consistent with s. 281.343 (6) (b).
281.348(3)(b)2.2. Submission of the plan to the governing body of each city, village, and town whose public water supply is addressed by the plan.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)