59.23(2)(nm)(nm) Timber harvest notices. Provide notice to a town chairperson regarding the harvesting of raw forest products, as described in s. 26.03 (1m) (a) 2.
59.23(2)(o)(o) Report, receipts and disbursements to board. Make a full report to the board, at the annual meeting or at any other regular meeting of the board when so stipulated by the board, in writing, verified by the clerk’s oath, of all money received and disbursed by the clerk, and separately of all fees received by the clerk; and settle with the board the clerk’s official accounts and produce to the board all books, accounts and vouchers relating to the same.
59.23(2)(p)(p) Proceedings to historical society. Forward to the historical society, postpaid, within 30 days after their publication a copy of the proceedings of the board, and of all printed reports made under authority of such board or by the authority of other county officers.
59.23(2)(q)(q) County highway commissioner; notify of election. Notify a county commissioner of highways of the commissioner’s election within 10 days thereafter.
59.23(2)(r)(r) County tax for road and bridge fund. Notify the proper town officers of the levy and rate of any tax for the county road and bridge fund.
59.23(2)(s)(s) List of local officials. Annually, on the first Tuesday of June, transmit to the secretary of state a list showing the name, phone number, electronic mail address, and post-office address of local officials, including the chairperson, mayor, president, clerk, treasurer, council and board members, and assessor of each municipality, and of the elective or appointive officials of any other local governmental unit, as defined in s. 66.0135 (1) (c), that is located wholly or partly within the county. Such lists shall be placed on file for the information of the public. The clerk, secretary, or other administrative officer of a local governmental unit, as defined in s. 66.0137 (1) (as), shall provide the county clerk the information he or she needs to complete the requirements of this paragraph.
59.23(2)(t)(t) General. Perform all other duties required of the clerk by law.
59.23 AnnotationUnder s. 59.17 (8) [now sub. (2) (h)], the clerk keeps only those accounts designated by the board. Harbick v. Marinette County, 138 Wis. 2d 172, 405 N.W.2d 724 (Ct. App. 1987).
59.23 AnnotationExcept for their elected superior’s power to appoint and discharge, chief deputies are subject to the Municipal Employment Relations Act, ss. 111.70 to 111.77, and are not excluded from a collective bargaining unit as a matter of law. Oneida County v. WERC, 2000 WI App 191, 238 Wis. 2d 763, 618 N.W.2d 891, 00-0466.
59.23 AnnotationStatutory powers of the county clerk with respect to budgeting and record keeping cannot be transferred by the county board to a new position of finance officer. 63 Atty. Gen. 196.
59.23 AnnotationA county board can only grant powers of indirect supervision to a finance director with respect to the accounting or bookkeeping duties of a county clerk. 65 Atty. Gen. 132.
59.2459.24Clerks of counties containing state institutions to make claims in certain cases. The clerk of any county that is entitled to reimbursement under s. 16.51 (7) shall make a certified claim against the state, without direction from the board, in all cases in which the reimbursement is directed in s. 16.51 (7), upon forms prescribed by the department of administration. The forms shall contain information required by the clerk and shall be filed annually with the department of corrections on or before June 1. If the claims are approved by the department of corrections, they shall be certified to the department of administration and paid from the appropriation made by s. 20.410 (1) (c), if the claim is for reimbursement of expenses involving a prisoner in a state prison named in s. 302.01, or from the appropriation under s. 20.410 (3) (c), if the claim is for reimbursement of expenses involving a juvenile in a juvenile correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (10p).
59.24 HistoryHistory: 1989 a. 31, 359; 1995 a. 27, 77; 1995 a. 201 s. 265; Stats. 1995 s. 59.24; 1997 a. 35; 2005 a. 344.
59.25(1)(1)Eligibility. No person holding the office of sheriff, undersheriff, circuit judge, district attorney, clerk of the circuit court, clerk or member of the board shall be eligible to the office of treasurer or deputy treasurer.
59.25(2)(2)Deputies; oath; salary; temporary vacancy.
59.25(2)(a)(a) The treasurer shall appoint one deputy to aid the treasurer, under the treasurer’s direction, in the discharge of the duties of the office of treasurer. The appointment shall be in writing and shall be filed and recorded in the treasurer’s office. Such deputy, in the absence of the treasurer from the treasurer’s office or in case of a vacancy in said office or any disability of the treasurer to perform the duties of the office of treasurer, unless another is appointed therefor as provided in par. (b), shall perform all of the duties of the office of treasurer until such vacancy is filled or such disability is removed. The person so appointed shall take and file the official oath. The person shall file his or her appointment with the clerk. The board may, at its annual meeting or at any special meeting, provide a salary for the deputy.
59.25(2)(b)(b) If any treasurer is incapable of discharging the duties of the office of treasurer, the board may, if it sees fit, appoint a person treasurer who shall serve until such disability is removed. A person so appointed or appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of treasurer, upon giving an official bond with like sureties as are required of such treasurer, shall perform all the duties of such office, and thereupon the powers and duties of any deputy performing the duties of the last treasurer shall cease.
59.25(3)(3)Duties. The treasurer shall do all of the following:
59.25(3)(a)1.1. Receive all moneys from all sources belonging to the county, and all other moneys which by statute or county ordinance are directed to be paid to the treasurer, and, except in counties having a population of 750,000 or more, in the case of the payment of delinquent property taxes or the redemption of land subject to a tax certificate, make out and deliver to the clerk duplicate receipts therefor, and file in the treasurer’s office the duplicate receipts delivered to the treasurer by the clerk for money received by the clerk.
59.25(3)(a)2.2. In counties having a population of 750,000 or more, file a duplicate receipt in the treasurer’s office.
59.25(3)(b)(b) Pay out all moneys belonging to the county only on the order of the board, signed by the clerk and countersigned by the chairperson, except when special provision for the payment thereof is otherwise made by law; and, except in counties having a population of 750,000 or more, pay out all moneys belonging to the county road and bridge fund on the written order of the county commissioner of highways, signed by the clerk and countersigned by the chairperson of the board.
59.25(3)(c)(c) Pay all county orders described in par. (b) in the order of time in which they are presented for payment; but where 2 or more are presented at the same time, give precedence to the order of the oldest date, but the treasurer shall receive of municipal treasurers all county orders issued in the county, which the municipal treasurers may present in payment of county taxes, to the amount of the county taxes actually collected by any municipal treasurer in the year for which the orders are offered in payment, which amount shall be determined by the affidavit of the municipal treasurer.
59.25(3)(d)(d) Keep a true and correct account of the receipt and expenditure of all moneys which come into the treasurer’s hands by virtue of the treasurer’s office in books kept therefor, specifying the date of every receipt or payment, the person from or to whom the same was received or paid, and the purpose of each particular receipt or payment; keep also in like manner a separate account of all fees received, a separate account of all moneys received for taxes, and a separate account of money received upon redemption of lands from sales thereof for nonpayment of taxes, further specifying in the 2 last accounts the description of the property on account of which such money was paid, which books shall be open at all times to the inspection of the board or any member thereof and to all county and state officers; make in writing a fully itemized statement and report, verified by the treasurer’s oath, to the board on the first day of the annual board meeting and at such other times as the board directs, of all moneys of whatever nature received and disbursed by the county treasurer; exhibit the treasurer’s vouchers therefor to be audited and allowed, and settle with the board the treasurer’s accounts as treasurer; and exhibit to the board all moneys in the custody or control of the treasurer as treasurer, and, if required, make oath that such moneys are the funds of the county.
59.25(3)(e)(e) Annually by March 15, furnish to the department of revenue all of the following:
59.25(3)(e)1.1. The completed tax roll settlement sheets prescribed under s. 70.09 (3).
59.25(3)(e)2.2. The complete county tax roll, as that term is used in s. 70.65, in a form and manner prescribed by the department.
59.25(3)(f)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., transmit to the secretary of administration at the time required by law to pay the state taxes a particular statement, certified by the county treasurer’s personal signature affixed or attached thereto, of all moneys received by him or her during the preceding year and which are payable to the secretary of administration for licenses, fines, forfeitures, or on any other account, and at the same time pay to the secretary of administration the amount thereof after deducting the legal fees.
59.25(3)(f)2.2. For all court imposed fines and forfeitures, plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under ch. 814, required by law to be deposited in the state treasury, transmit to the secretary of administration a statement of all moneys required by law to be paid on the actions entered during the preceding month on or before the first day of the next succeeding month, certified by the county treasurer’s personal signature affixed or attached thereto, and at the same time pay to the secretary of administration the amount of the money transmitted.
59.25(3)(g)(g) Deposit all moneys for jail assessments received under s. 302.46 (1) in a county jail fund and make payments from the fund for purposes of s. 302.46 (2) on order of the board under par. (b).
59.25(3)(gm)(gm) Deposit all moneys received under s. 973.0455 (2) into a crime prevention fund and, on order of the crime board under s. 59.54 (28) (d), make grant payments as the crime board directs.
59.25(3)(h)(h) Cause to be insured, when directed by the board, at the expense of the county, the county buildings or any of them in the name of the county; and, in case of loss, demand and receive the money due on account of such insurance for the use of the county; and all such money shall be applied to rebuilding or repairing such county buildings.
59.25(3)(i)(i) Make annually, on the 3rd Monday of March, a certified statement, and forward the statement to each municipal clerk in the county, showing the amount of money paid from the county treasury during the year next preceding to each municipal treasurer in the county. The statement shall specify the date of each payment, the amount thereof and the account upon which the payment was made.
59.25(3)(j)(j) Retain 10 percent for fees in receiving and paying into the state treasury all money received by the treasurer for the state for fines and forfeitures, except that 50 percent of the state forfeitures and fines under chs. 341 to 347, 349, and 351 shall be retained as fees, and retain the other fees for receiving and paying money into the state treasury that are prescribed by law.
59.25(3)(k)(k) Forward 40 percent of the state forfeitures and fines under ch. 348 to the secretary of administration for deposit in the transportation fund under s. 25.40 (1) (ig).
59.25(3)(L)(L) Forward all money received under s. 66.0114 (3) (c) to the secretary of administration for deposit in the transportation fund under s. 25.40 (1) (ig).
59.25(3)(m)(m) Forward 50 percent of the fees received under s. 351.07 (1g) to the secretary of administration for deposit in the transportation fund under s. 25.40 (1) (im).
59.25(3)(n)(n) Make and deliver to any person, for a fee that is set by the board under s. 19.35 (3), a certified copy or transcript of any book, record, account, file or paper in his or her office or any certificate which by law is declared to be evidence.
59.25(3)(o)(o) On the first day of each month pay into the county treasury the fees received by the treasurer.
59.25(3)(p)(p) Pay to the secretary of administration on his or her order the state percentage of fees received from the clerk of the circuit court under s. 59.40 (2) (m) and if any such moneys remain in his or her hands when he or she is required to pay the state percentage of fees, pay such moneys therewith to the secretary of administration.
59.25(3)(q)(q) Perform all other duties required of the treasurer by law.
59.25(3)(s)(s) Exercise any investment authority delegated to the treasurer by the board under s. 59.62.
59.25(3)(t)(t) Notify municipalities of payments made under ss. 74.29 and 79.10 in respect to property tax levies originally certified to the municipality for collection.
59.25 AnnotationSection 59.20 (8) [now sub. (3) (j)], as to retention of 50 percent of traffic fines and forfeitures is valid. State ex rel. Commissioners of Public Lands v. Anderson, 56 Wis. 2d 666, 203 N.W.2d 84 (1973).
59.25 AnnotationExcept for their elected superior’s power to appoint and discharge, chief deputies are subject to the Municipal Employment Relations Act, ss. 111.70 to 111.77, and are not excluded from a collective bargaining unit as a matter of law. Oneida County v. WERC, 2000 WI App 191, 238 Wis. 2d 763, 618 N.W.2d 891, 00-0466.
59.25 AnnotationThe entire amount of bail forfeited under s. 969.13 (4) is to be retained by the county treasurer and no part is to be paid to the state treasurer. 62 Atty. Gen. 247.
59.25 AnnotationSection 59.20 (13) [now sub. (3) (rm)] refers to national forest, which are monies received under Title 16 of the U.S. Code, and does not control the distribution of monies received from the federal government under Title 31. 67 Atty. Gen. 277.
59.25 AnnotationA county that has received payments from the federal government under Title 31 of the U.S. Code cannot distribute those payments to the towns in which national forest lands are located. 68 Atty. Gen. 23.
59.255(1)(a)(a) No person may hold the office of comptroller unless he or she is either a certified public accountant, licensed or certified under ch. 442, or has a master’s degree or a doctorate degree in accounting or finance from a regionally accredited, nonprofit, post-secondary educational institution.
59.255(1)(b)(b) No person holding the office of sheriff, undersheriff, circuit judge, district attorney, clerk of the circuit court, clerk, or member of the board shall be eligible to hold the office of comptroller or deputy comptroller.
59.255(1)(c)(c) This section applies only to a county with a population of 750,000 or more.
59.255(2)(2)Duties and responsibilities.
59.255(2)(a)(a) The comptroller is the chief financial officer of the county, and the administrator of the county’s financial affairs. The comptroller shall oversee all of the county’s debt.
59.255(2)(b)(b) The comptroller shall appoint one deputy to aid the comptroller, under the comptroller’s direction, in the discharge of the duties of the office of comptroller. The appointment shall be in writing and shall be filed and recorded in the comptroller’s office. Such deputy, in the absence of the comptroller from the comptroller’s office or in case of a vacancy in said office or any disability of the comptroller to perform the duties of the office of comptroller, unless another is appointed therefor as provided in par. (c), shall perform all of the duties of the office of comptroller until such vacancy is filled or such disability is removed. The person so appointed shall take and file the official oath. The person shall file his or her appointment with the clerk. The board may, at its annual meeting or at any special meeting, provide a salary for the deputy.
59.255(2)(c)(c) If any comptroller is incapable of discharging the duties of the office of comptroller, the county executive shall appoint a person, subject to confirmation by the board, comptroller who shall serve until such disability is removed. A person so appointed or appointed to fill a vacancy in the office of comptroller, upon giving an official bond with like sureties as are required of such comptroller, shall perform all the duties of such office, and thereupon the powers and duties of any deputy performing the duties of the last comptroller shall cease.
59.255(2)(d)(d) Each month, at the board’s first meeting, the comptroller shall report to the board and the county executive, in writing, the condition of the county’s outstanding contracts and of each of the county’s funds and the claims payable from the funds. The comptroller shall also file with the county executive and the board each year on or before October 1 a certified and detailed statement of the receipts and disbursements on account of each fund of the county during the preceding fiscal year, specifying the source of each receipt and the object of each disbursement, and also an estimate of the receipts and disbursements for the current fiscal year.
59.255(2)(e)(e) The comptroller shall countersign all contracts with the county if he or she determines that the county has, or will have, the necessary funds to pay the liability that the county may incur under the contract. No contract is valid until so countersigned.
59.255(2)(f)(f) At least monthly the comptroller shall examine the treasurer’s accounts as reported and as kept, and shall report to the county executive and board as to their correctness and as to any violation by the treasurer of the treasurer’s duty in the manner of keeping accounts or disbursing moneys.
59.255(2)(g)(g) Whenever requested to do so by the county executive or board, the comptroller shall provide an independent fiscal analysis of any matter affecting the county, and shall provide the county executive and board with a fiscal note for all proposed legislation.
59.255(2)(h)(h) Annually, the comptroller shall prepare a written 5-year financial condition forecast for the county, which shall be distributed to the county executive and the board.
59.255(2)(i)(i) The comptroller shall perform all audit functions related to county government. The comptroller shall also have the duties and all the powers and responsibilities conferred upon the clerk as auditor under s. 59.47 (1), and shall perform any additional duties and shall have any additional powers as are imposed and conferred upon him or her from time to time by resolution adopted by the board. Audit functions under this paragraph shall be performed in accordance with governmental auditing standards issued by the comptroller general of the United States and generally accepted auditing standards.
59.255(2)(j)(j) The comptroller shall administer and oversee all shared services contracts.
59.255(2)(k)(k) The comptroller may in writing, filed in the office of the clerk, appoint a deputy who shall act under the comptroller’s direction and in the comptroller’s absence or disability, or in case of a vacancy shall perform the comptroller’s duties. The deputy shall receive such compensation as the board provides. The acts of a deputy shall be covered by official bond as the board directs.
59.255 HistoryHistory: 2011 a. 62; 2013 a. 165 s. 115; 2017 a. 150.
59.2659.26Sheriff; undersheriff; deputies.
59.26(1)(1)Within 10 days after entering upon the duties of the office of sheriff, the sheriff shall appoint some proper person, who is a resident of the county, undersheriff. However, in counties with a population of 750,000 or more the appointment of an undersheriff is optional. In counties where the sheriff’s department is under civil service, the sheriff, in conformity with county ordinance, may, at the request of the affected deputy, grant a leave of absence to a deputy sheriff who the sheriff has appointed undersheriff, or to any other position in the sheriff’s department, upon the deputy’s acceptance of the appointment. Any deputy in a county under civil service granted leave of absence under this subsection upon completion of the appointive position shall immediately be returned to the position of deputy sheriff and shall continue therein without loss of any rights under the civil service law. The sheriff, however, may not grant such leave of absence to a deputy sheriff until the sheriff first secures the consent of the board by resolution duly adopted by the board. Within 10 days after entering upon the duties of the office of sheriff, the sheriff shall also appoint, subject to sub. (10), deputy sheriffs for the county as follows:
59.26(1)(a)(a) One for each city and village in the county that has 1,000 or more inhabitants.
59.26(1)(b)(b) One for each assembly district in the county, except the district in which the undersheriff resides, which contains a village having less than 1,000 inhabitants and does not contain a city or village having more than 1,000 inhabitants.
59.26(2)(2)Subject to sub. (10), the sheriff may appoint as many other deputies as the sheriff considers proper.
59.26(3)(3)Subject to sub. (10), the sheriff may fill vacancies in the office of any such appointee, and he or she may appoint a person to take the place of any undersheriff or deputy who becomes incapable of executing the duties of that office.
59.26(4)(4)A person who is appointed undersheriff or deputy for a regular term or to fill a vacancy or otherwise shall hold office during the pleasure of the sheriff.
59.26(4m)(a)(a) The sheriff or undersheriff may depute in writing security officers employed by the department of military affairs, subject to the approval of the adjutant general or his or her designee, for the purpose of conducting routine external security checks around military installations in this state. The sheriff or undersheriff shall specify in writing the jurisdiction of an officer deputed under this paragraph. In this paragraph, “external security checks” means a security check of areas immediately adjacent to a military installation, or of critical concern to the installation’s commander as determined by the commander, for the sole purpose of protecting the installation’s state and federal personnel, assets, and equipment.
59.26(4m)(b)(b) The provisions of sub. (8) (b) do not apply to an individual deputed under par. (a), and such a person shall serve at the pleasure of the deputing authority.
59.26(4m)(c)(c) An individual deputed under par. (a) remains a state employee for all purposes.
59.26(5)(5)The sheriff or the undersheriff may also depute in writing other persons to perform particular acts.
59.26(6)(6)Every appointment of an undersheriff or deputy, except deputations to perform a particular act, and every revocation of such appointment shall be in writing and be filed and recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court.
59.26(7)(7)In case of a vacancy in the office of sheriff, the undersheriff shall in all things and with like liabilities and penalties execute the duties of the office of sheriff until the vacancy is filled as provided by law.
59.26(8)(a)(a) In any county with a population of less than 750,000, the board, by ordinance, may fix the number of deputy sheriffs to be appointed in that county at not less than that number required by sub. (1) (a) and (b) and may set the salary of those deputies. Subject to sub. (10), the board may provide by ordinance that deputy sheriff positions be filled by appointment by the sheriff from a list of all persons with the 3 highest scores for each position based on a competitive examination. Such competitive examinations may be by a county civil service commission or by the bureau of merit recruitment and selection in the department of administration at the option of the board and it shall so provide by ordinance. The bureau of merit recruitment and selection shall, upon request of the board, conduct such examination according to the methods used in examinations for the state civil service and shall certify an eligible list of the names of all persons with the 3 highest scores on that examination for each position to the sheriff of that county who shall, subject to sub. (10), make an appointment from that list to fill the position within 10 days after he or she receives the eligible list. The county for which such examination is conducted shall pay the cost of that examination. If a civil service commission is decided upon for the selection of deputy sheriffs, then ss. 63.01 to 63.17 shall apply so far as consistent with this subsection, except ss. 63.03, 63.04 and 63.15 and except the provision governing minimum compensation of the commissioners. The ordinance or an amending ordinance may provide for employee grievance procedures and disciplinary actions, for hours of work, for tours of duty according to seniority and for other administrative regulations. Any board provision consistent with this paragraph and existing on July 25, 1951, is validated. If the sheriff fills a deputy sheriff position by promotion, the sheriff shall, subject to sub. (10), make the appointment to the position from a list of 3 deputy sheriffs who receive the highest scores in a competitive examination. Such competitive examinations may be by a county civil service commission or by the bureau of merit recruitment and selection at the option of the board and it shall so provide by ordinance.
59.26(8)(b)1.1. The persons appointed shall hold the office of deputy sheriff on good behavior. In any county operating under this subsection, but not under s. 59.52 (8), whenever the sheriff or undersheriff or a majority of the members of a civil service commission for the selection of deputy sheriffs believes that a deputy has acted so as to show the deputy to be incompetent to perform the duties of deputy sheriff or to have merited suspension, demotion or dismissal, the sheriff, undersheriff or civil service commission shall report in writing to the grievance committee setting forth specifically the complaint against the deputy, and, when the party filing the complaint is a sheriff or undersheriff, may suspend or demote the officer at the time such complaint is filed. The grievance committee shall be appointed in the same manner and at the same time as standing committees of the board are appointed. The committee may be made up of members of the board or other electors of the county, or both. Such members shall be paid in the same manner as members of other board committees.
59.26(8)(b)2.2. The grievance committee shall immediately notify the accused officer of the filing of the charges and on request furnish the accused officer with a copy of the same.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)