C.   Refreshments. Persons, including picnic parties, with food, refreshments, or alcoholic beverages, are prohibited within any town cemetery.
D.   Dogs and other animals. Dogs are permitted in any town cemetery only when confined in a vehicle or if the dog is a service animal accompanying a person with sight-impairment or other disability while in the town cemetery. All other pets or domestic animals are prohibited without written consent of the town board or the sexton, except a service animal other than a dog accompanying a person with sight-impairment or other disability while in the town cemetery.
E.   Firearms. Firearms are prohibited in any town cemetery except in conjunction with military funerals or specific memorial events permitted by the town board, the sexton, or other designees of the town board. At all other times, firearms, bows and arrows, slingshots, and other like articles are prohibited.
F. Visitors. 1. Visitors to town cemeteries are required to use existing walkways and roadways whenever possible.
2.   Except as provided in Section XVI, no person in any town cemetery may do any of the following:
a.   Pick or cut any flowers, either wild or cultivated.
b.   Injure any shrub, tree, or plant.
c.   Mar or deface any monument, stone, or structure.
3.   No person, except the owner of the cemetery lot, a person with the cemetery lot owner's consent, or a person with the written consent of the town board or the sexton who is engaged in official cemetery management and care duties for the town, may do any of the following in a town cemetery:
a.   Damage any grave or lot.
b.   Remove, deface, mark, or damage in any manner any cemetery markers, headstones, monuments, fences, or structures.
c.   Remove, damage, or destroy any vases, flower pots, urns, or other objects that have been placed on any cemetery lot.
d.   Move or remove any cemetery equipment without the written consent of the town board or the sexton.
e.   Remove or damage any town cemetery property not included within subdivisions a. to d.
4. a. In this paragraph, “recreational activity” means any activity undertaken for the purpose of exercise, relaxation, or pleasure, including practice or instruction in any such activity. “Recreational activity” includes hunting, fishing, trapping, camping, bowling, billiards, picnicking, exploring caves, nature study, dancing, bicycling, horseback riding, horseshoe pitching, birdwatching, motorcycling, operating an all-terrain vehicle, ballooning, curling, throwing darts, hang gliding, hiking, tobogganing, sledding, sleigh riding, snowmobiling, skiing, skating, participation in water sports, weight and fitness training, sightseeing, rock climbing, cutting or removing wood, climbing observation towers, animal training, harvesting the products of nature, sport shooting, and any other sport, game, or educational activity.
b.   No person may loiter, cause a public nuisance, or engage in any sport or other recreational activity on any town cemetery property without the written consent of the town board or the sexton.
G. Vehicles. 1. Motor vehicles traveling within any town cemetery may not exceed 15 miles per hour. No motor vehicle, except authorized maintenance vehicles for the town, shall be driven except on roadways designated for that purpose, nor shall any motor vehicles be driven in a reckless manner in the cemetery.
2.   No person may ride, operate, or make use of any of the following vehicles in any cemetery unless the vehicles are present in conjunction with the town cemetery business or are authorized in writing by the town board or the sexton:
a.   Snowmobiles.
b.   Go-carts.
c.   All-terrain vehicles.
d.   Mopeds.
e.   Motor bicycles.
f.   Motorcycles.
g.   Play vehicles and other amusement vehicles, including any coaster, skateboard, roller skates, sled, toboggan, unicycle, or toy vehicle upon which a person may ride.
3.   No person, without the written consent of the town board, or the sexton, may park or abandon any motor vehicle in any town cemetery on any grassy or seeded area or upon any other location except a designated parking area; nor shall any person park or abandon a motor vehicle on any town cemetery property for any purpose except engaging in official cemetery business. Any motor vehicle parked more than 24 hours, without written consent of the town board or the sexton, shall be declared abandoned by the town board and may be towed or removed, or caused to be towed or removed, by the town board or the sexton.
I.   Protection of cemetery property. No person without written consent of the town board or the sexton may do any of the following:
1.   Trap, hunt, kill, injure, or disturb, or attempt to trap, hunt, kill, injure, or disturb any animal, bird, or waterfowl, wild or domestic.
2.   Climb any tree.
3.   Break, cut down, trample upon, remove, or in any manner injure, deface, write upon, or damage any tree, shrub, flower, flower bed, turf, grassy area, soil, building, structure, equipment, official notice, sign, or other property within any town cemetery, except as otherwise provided in this ordinance.
J.   Littering, soliciting, and advertising prohibited. No person may litter, dump, or deposit any rubbish, refuse, earth, or other material, including any placement of advertising, in any town cemetery without the written consent of the town board or the sexton.
K.   Sound devices. No person may operate or play any amplifying system or sound device in any town cemetery without the written consent of the town board or the sexton.
L.   Authorized notices. No person may post, paste, fasten, paint, or attach any placard, bill, notice, sign, or advertising matter upon any structure, tree, or other natural object in any town cemetery, except with the written consent, or at the direction, of the town board or the sexton. No person shall remove, deface, or damage in any manner any sign or notice posted in any town cemetery by or at the direction of the town board or sexton unless approved by the town board or the sexton.
M.   Working in cemetery. All contractors or other persons having work in the town cemetery shall notify the town clerk or the sexton prior to commencement of the work. All contractors or others doing work in the town cemetery are responsible for the cost for any damages or losses resulting from the work and shall promptly, upon determination of the amount of damages or loss by the town board, pay that sum to the town board.
A.   Daylight burials. Burials at any town cemetery shall be made only during daylight hours, unless with written approval of the town board or the sexton.
B.   Outer containers. All burials and reinterments, at any town cemetery, shall be made in a permanent outer burial container not constructed of wood.
C.   Grave digging. All graves at a town cemetery and any other cemetery in the town to be used for burials shall be opened and dug at no cost or expense to the town, but shall be under the direction of the town board or the sexton. The minimum depth of graves shall be established by the town board from time to time and all graves shall be dug in strict conformity with the town board policy then in effect. The town board or the sexton may charge the full cost for any grave digging and opening service provided by the town at any town cemetery, including the fees for the sexton or other designee of the town board, for staking the plot, if the town board has authorized the town or its officers, employees, contractors, or agents, including the sexton or other designees, to provide grave staking, grave openings, or digging services. The town board or the sexton may also establish charges for snowplowing and seasonal additional access costs to the lot owner incurred by the town to provide for burial or disinterment services. Arrangements for any disinterment or burial services, including payments due to the town, shall be made with the town clerk, the sexton, or other person designated by the town board at least 48 hours in advance of the service. The time for any disinterment or burial service shall be arranged so that the grave shall be properly filled and all surplus earth removed before 4:30 p.m. on the day of the disinterment or burial service, unless that requirement is specifically waived in writing by the town clerk or the sexton.
D.   Burial permit. No burial in the town cemetery shall be permitted until a legal burial permit has been issued by the town clerk or the sexton.
E.   Maintenance of flowers, wreaths, and other personal items at burial sites. There shall be no responsibility on the part of the town, its officers, employees, contractors, or agents, including the sexton or other designees of the town board, for the protection and maintenance of flowers, wreaths, plants, emblems, urns, family or personal items, memorials, or similar items used or placed at any town cemetery in conjunction with funerals or burials, including disinterments, or memorial events. The town board shall place or cause to have placed a notice of disclaimer of responsibility consistent with this subsection at vehicle access locations to each town cemetery.
F.   Number of graves per lot. No lot at any town cemetery may be used for the burial of more than one body except in the following circumstances:
1.   Two remains from cremation shall be allowed in one lot with one headstone or two flat markers to be placed only in line with other stones.
2.   One full body and one remains from cremation shall be allowed in one lot, with one headstone or two flat markers to be placed only in line with other stones.
3.   All cremation remains shall be placed in a permanent outer burial container not constructed of wood.
G.   Seasonal burial; duty to bury. The town board or the sexton shall provide for cemetery services and burials at any town cemetery during each season, including winter, whenever practicable, in compliance with s. 157.114, Wis. stats. However, the town has no duty to bury, remove any human remains, or allow the burial or removal of any human remains, unless those requesting burial or disinterment are or will be in full compliance with this ordinance, state law, and any bylaws and regulation established by the town board. The town board may, at its discretion, charge additional costs to the person requesting burial in order to provide safe and timely access to and from the grave or burial site during burial services.
A. Setting grave markers. 1. Grave markers, monuments, and foundations at any town cemetery may be set only after the person desiring to set the marker, monument, or foundation obtains a permit therefor from the office of the town clerk or the sexton. Grave markers, monuments, and foundations at any town cemetery may be set by monument company employees or agents or other persons authorized by the lot owners, but not the town board or the sexton. Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance, under no conditions will the town board or the sexton construct monument or marker bases or erect monuments or markers on bases.
2.   All markers and monuments must have a cement foundation. The construction of a foundation shall be of such size and design as will provide ample insurance against settlement or injury to the monument or marker as determined by the town board or the sexton. The top of the foundation shall be constructed flush with the ground line. Whenever possible, all markers shall be set with, at minimum, a 5-inch margin from the outer edges of the foundation.
3.   The setting of grave markers, monuments, and foundations, and the transportation of all tools and related materials, within any town cemetery is subject to the supervision and control of the town board or the sexton. Unless special arrangements are made in writing with the town board or the sexton, such work shall be conducted between the hours of ___ a.m. and ___ p.m., Mondays through Fridays, except national holidays. Truck operation is not permitted within any town cemetery when, in the opinion of the town board or the sexton, the truck operation may cause damage to the driveways or other town cemetery property. Except with written permission of the town board or sexton, all work in the setting of grave markers, monuments, and foundations shall be completed promptly and debris removed immediately.
B.   Limitations. All of the following apply to monuments and markers in town cemeteries:
1.   The town board or the sexton may refuse permission to erect any monument, marker, or foundation not in keeping with the good appearance of the grounds at a town cemetery. The size of any monument or stonework must be provided to the town board or the sexton and approved before any work related to any monument, marker, or foundation will be permitted on a lot in a town cemetery.
2.   Only one monument or marker shall be allowed per lot.
3.   No foundation marker or monument may be larger than the width of the lot or group of lots purchased. All monuments and foundations must be set in line with other monuments so far as possible as directed by the town board or the sexton. Government service monuments or markers shall be surface mounted or attached to the monument or marker. No monument or marker may be more than 5 feet in height.
4.   Temporary markers shall be removed or replaced with a permanent marker within one year of burial.
5.   A preneed marker may be placed on a lot or group of lots before burial.
6.   No materials other than granite, marble, or standard bronze may be used for outside and above-ground portions of any marker or monument.
7.   Within one year after burial, a marker or monument identifying the burial shall be placed at the grave site. The town board or the sexton may require, at minimum, prior to burial, a deposit of $1,000 payable to the town treasurer to insure timely placement of a proper marker or monument. The town reserves the right to place a marker or monument and to assess any surviving owners of the lot for the costs of the marker or monument placed and the costs of installation of such marker or monument.
C.   Removal of monuments. A marker or monument, once placed at a town cemetery on its foundation, may not be removed, except by written permission of the town board or the sexton.
D.   Payment. Any lot at a town cemetery must be paid in full to the town treasurer before markers, monuments, and foundation are set and before any cemetery deed conveyance. All outstanding charges due the town must be paid prior to burial.
Construction of vaults and mausoleums in any town cemetery is prohibited unless approved in writing by the town board.
A.   Tree and shrub planting. The planting at any town cemetery of trees and shrubs on newly purchased lots or parts of lots is prohibited except by written consent of the town board or the sexton.
B.   Large tree removal. Lot owners may, with the written consent of the town board or the sexton, remove large trees on or adjacent to cemetery lots in any town cemetery that hinder the full usage of the lot. The expense of the tree and stump removal shall be paid for by the lot owners.
C.   Fresh flowers and flags. All flower baskets at grave or lot sites at a town cemetery shall be removed by October 15 of each year. Fresh cut flowers may be used in any town cemetery at any time. Containers for cut flowers are to be of a type that is level with the ground surface and not holding water when not in use; or of the type to be disposed of when flowers are removed. All flags placed on graves for Memorial Day shall be removed by the day following Flag Day of that year.
D.   Potted plants. Potted plants at any town cemetery may be set on lots, without disturbing the sod, if removed within 5 days after being set. If a potted plant is not removed within 5 days of being set on the lot, the potted plant may be picked up and destroyed by the town board or the sexton of the town or removed and preserved for planting within the town cemetery.
E.   Artificial flower decorations; baskets. Artificial flower decorations are prohibited in any town cemetery unless in a vase or pot and when so used will be treated as potted plants. Unfilled or unsightly baskets will be removed from the lot by the town board or the sexton.
F.   Flower beds. Individual flower beds or growing plants other than trees or shrubs are permitted at any town cemetery but must be of a reasonable size as determined by the town board or the sexton. In case of doubt, the town board or the sexton of the town should be consulted. Flower beds or growing plants that are not maintained, become unsightly or undesirable, or are not of a reasonable size as determined by the town board or the sexton will be removed by the town board or the sexton.
G.   Plant or flower removal. Plants or flowers planted in a town cemetery may not be taken up or removed by any person, nor cuttings removed therefrom, without written consent from the town board or the sexton, except that plants in flower beds and growing plants authorized under subsection F may be removed or cut by the person who planted the flower bed or growing plant.
H.   Vine, wreath, and memorial removals. Vines that interfere with the proper care of lots or graves or injure or damage the grass will be removed from any town cemetery by the town board or the sexton when found objectionable. No real or artificial wreaths, temporary or permanent, nor memorial or personal memorabilia items will be allowed on lots or graves without written consent of the town board or the sexton.
A.   Neglected lots. It is urged that lot owners interest themselves in the present and future care of their lots, as a single neglected lot mars the beauty of the entire town cemetery. The town board or the sexton may notify, or attempt to notify, in writing a lot owner that any lot, or monument or marker thereon, is being neglected and that failure to comply with this ordinance and town cemetery bylaws and regulations regarding proper care and management, or failure to correct a neglected lot, may be cause for imposition of forfeitures under s. 157.11 (2), Wis. stats.
B.   Schedule of payments. A schedule of the fees and charges for any town cemetery, as established by the town board by resolution shall be on file in the office of the town clerk. The town board may by resolution change the schedule from time to time without advance notice to conform the fees and charges to current economic conditions.
C.   Fee payment location. All fees and charges for any town cemetery in the current schedule of fees and charges adopted under subsection B are payable to the town treasurer at the office of the town clerk, where receipts will be issued for the amounts paid.
D.   Sexton. The town board, by resolution, may designate, retain, or employ a person as sexton or may designate any other person or committee to act administratively and to manage, operate, maintain, and provide care for the town cemetery or any part of the operations or of any town cemetery pursuant to this ordinance. The sexton may be a town employee or may, with proper insurance and indemnification protection for the town, its officers, employees, and agents, be an independent contractor or agent retained under written contract for a fixed time of years. The town board, consistent with this ordinance, shall designate the authority, responsibility, and duties to the sexton by written resolution. The town board shall be responsible for proper supervision of the sexton.
E.   Amendment of ordinance. The town board reserves the right to amend this ordinance to conform with newly developed cemetery practices or any other legal purpose that the town board deems necessary and appropriate. Before this ordinance is amended, a public hearing shall be held on the proposed amendment before the town board. Notice of the public hearing shall be published in a local newspaper at least 10 days prior to the hearing.
A.   Citation. The town board may establish a citation ordinance for enforcement of violations of this ordinance and for any bylaws or regulations.
B.   Penalties. Any person who violates any provision of this ordinance or any bylaws or regulations shall, upon conviction, be fined and shall forfeit for any bylaw or regulation violation under Section XI, subsection A, of this ordinance and s. 157.11 (2), Wis. stats., not more than $10, and for a violation of this ordinance, not less than $100 nor more than $500 for each offense, together with the costs of prosecution. Each day a violation exists or continues constitutes a separate offense under this ordinance. The town board may withhold the issuance of any town licenses, authorities, grants, or permits and any additional cemetery lot purchases and permits for burial or disinterment until the violation has been abated and all penalties and costs satisfied.
C. Abatement. 1. In lieu of or in addition to any other penalty for a violation of this ordinance, if the violation consists of a physical condition, the town board may issue a written notice to the person responsible for the violation, if known, requiring the person responsible to [abate or remove] the violation within ___ days of receipt of the notice. Service of notice shall be by personal service or registered mail with return receipt requested.
2. If the person responsible for the violation of this ordinance is unknown or the person responsible has not [abated or removed] the violation within ___ days of receipt of the notice described in paragraph 1., the sexton, or some other person designated by the town board, may immediately abate or remove the violation in a manner approved by the town board. The cost of the abatement or removal may be recovered from the person responsible for the violation.
D.   Injunctive relief. In lieu of or in addition to any other penalty for a violation of this ordinance the town board may seek to enjoin any continuing violation of this ordinance as provided in ch. 813, Wis. stats.
This ordinance is effective on publication or posting.
The town clerk shall properly post or publish this ordinance, as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.
Adopted this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
*Note: Section 154.30, Wis. stats., makes provision for persons who “may control final disposition, including the location, manner, and conditions of final disposition,” and provides for a form to do so. Be aware that such a form could designate a burial location that is not under the control, under s. 157.10 , Wis. stats., of the person making that designation, or his or heirs.