D.   “Lot” means a single grave lot platted in accordance with Section VI, whether or not occupied by a grave.
E.   “Outer burial container” means any container that is placed or intended to be placed into the burial excavation of a grave and into which a casket is placed or intended to be placed at the time of burial.
F.   “Sexton” means a town employee or independent contractor employed or retained by the town board to administer, repair, maintain, manage, and operate a town cemetery or any part of the operations of a town cemetery consistent with this ordinance. In the event no person is specifically designated as “sexton” by the town board, “sexton” means any person or committee designated to act administratively and to manage, operate, maintain, and provide care for the town cemetery or any part of the operations or of any town cemetery pursuant to this ordinance.
G.   “Town” means the Town of ________, ________, County, Wisconsin.
H.   “Town board” means the board of supervisors for the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, and includes designees of the board authorized to act for the board.
I.   “Town cemetery” means a municipal cemetery owned, operated, and maintained by the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, under s. 157.50, Wis. stats., that is located within the town.
J.   “Town chair” means the chairperson of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin.
K.   “Town clerk” means the clerk of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin.
L.   “Town treasurer” means the treasurer of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin.
M.   “Wis. stats.” means the Wisconsin Statutes, including successor provisions to cited statutes.
This ordinance is divided into sections designated by uppercase Roman numerals. Sections may be divided into subsections designated by uppercase letters. Subsections may be divided into paragraphs designated by numbers. Paragraphs may be divided into subdivisions designated by lowercase letters. Subdivisions may be divided into subdivision paragraphs designated by lowercase Roman numerals. Reference to a “section,” “subsection,” “paragraph,” or “subdivision” includes all divisions of the referenced section, subsection, paragraph, or subdivision.
Every town cemetery is owned, operated, directly controlled, and maintained by the town for the benefit of all citizens. Persons of all denominations of all religions, sexes, creeds, and races, shall be allowed to be buried in a town cemetery. This ordinance, adopted pursuant to s. 157.50 (2), Wis. stats., governs the construction, management, administration, platting, maintenance, and operation of any town cemetery and of any new cemetery or expanded cemetery of any other type in the town, including cemeteries operated by associations, religious orders and societies, and privately owned, controlled, operated, and maintained cemeteries.
A.   Platting. Before any new block of any existing town cemetery or any other new or expanded cemetery in the town is opened for the sale of cemetery lots for burial of human remains after the effective date of this ordinance, the town board or the sexton for a town cemetery and any person or agent for any other cemetery in the town that is subject to s. 157.065, Wis. stats., shall cause the blocks and lots to be platted and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for ________ County, Wisconsin, in accordance with s. 157.065, Wis. stats.
B.   Single grave section. The town board or the sexton shall designate, for any town cemetery, certain lots as a single grave section, and the lots within each grave section shall be platted and sold as single-grave lots. Unused portions of grave sections repossessed under chapter 157, Wis. stats., for nonpayment of assessments for care shall likewise be designated and sold as single-grave lots.
C.   Purchase of new lands. The town board or the sexton shall not purchase any land for cemetery purposes without approval of the electors of the town at a regular or special town meeting.
D. New or expanded cemeteries. 1. No person or authorized agent of any cemetery may conduct any burial, or construct, manage, plat, or operate any new or expanded cemetery of any type in the town, after the date of adoption of this ordinance, without written permit approval of the town board. Approval, approval on condition, or denial of a permit shall only be made after a public hearing with a class 2 notice under chapter 985, Wis. stats. Any new or expanded cemetery to be approved by the town board shall be, at minimum, properly platted and filed with the town clerk and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for ________ County, Wisconsin. No cemetery shall be located, established, or dedicated contrary to s. 157.065 or 157.128, Wis. stats. The minimum cemetery acreage must be at least _____ contiguous acres at platting dedication. No cemetery shall be located, established, or dedicated in violation of a town, county, or other zoning ordinance. The town board may require that the following criteria be met for approvals of permits: [list].
2. After the date of adoption of this ordinance, any place in the town where human remains are buried on private or public land without written permit approval of the town board and not timely removed within _____ [state time limit] days after receipt of written notice from the town board to remove said remains is declared to be a public nuisance. In addition to commencing an action for penalties as provided in this ordinance, the town may take action to abate the nuisance and recover its costs of doing so, as provided in the town Public Nuisance Ordinance.** This paragraph does not apply to any established cemetery or burial site grounds approved, owned, and operated in accordance with chapter 157, Wis. stats., and this ordinance.
A.   Price of lots. The town board shall from time to time by resolution fix a price on all lots to be sold for burials in any town cemetery.
B. Sales of lots. 1. Persons, or their authorized agents, desiring to purchase a lot in any town cemetery for burial are referred to the town board, town clerk, or sexton. The town board, town clerk, or sexton shall have available suitable plats showing size and price of lots, and any other information that may be required, and render assistance to those desiring to make lot purchases. The town board, town clerk, or sexton shall issue a lot order for a selected lot to the prospective purchaser, or his or her agent, who shall present the order at the office of the town clerk. Upon receipt of proper payment to the town treasurer, the town chair and town clerk shall issue a cemetery lot deed to the lot in the form prescribed by the town attorney. The original deed from the town and the records of the cemetery kept by the town clerk or other designee of the town board are the only evidence of title to any lot. The deed shall be signed by the town clerk and town chair or other persons so designated by the town board and sealed and acknowledged so as to entitle the purchaser to record the deed with the Register of Deeds for ________ County, Wisconsin.
2.   Persons conveying any cemetery lot in any town cemetery shall comply with s. 157.08, Wis. stats., and this ordinance.
A. Ownership conditions. 1. The owner of a town cemetery lot, or his or her authorized agent, shall have the right to use a lot or portion of a lot for burial purposes only in accordance with the terms of this ordinance or any town cemetery bylaws and regulations.
2.   Upon full payment by any person of the purchase price of a town cemetery lot, the town clerk and town chair shall issue a cemetery lot deed, under seal, as provided in Section VIII, subsection B., and a copy of the deed shall be filed in the records of the town as evidence of ownership of the lot. Lots for which lot deeds have been issued by the town may not be subdivided except by consent in writing of the town board.
3.   All repossessed vacant lots in any town cemetery when resold are subject to the same fees and charges as other unoccupied lots.
B. Burial. 1. In this subsection, “relative” means a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister, parent-in-law, grandparent-in-law, brother-in-law or sister-in-law, uncle or aunt, and nephew or niece.
2.   Any lot owner at any town cemetery acquires the lot solely for the purpose of burial of the owner at the time of the owner's death, and if the lot is owned jointly by spouses, either spouse is entitled to burial at that lot. The lot owner may grant written permission, which must be notarized and filed with the town clerk, for the burial of specific persons other than the owner and the owner's spouse. If more than one person has an ownership interest in the lot, the written consent of all persons having an ownership interest in the lot is required to permit the burial of a person other than an owner or owner's spouse.
3.   Unless otherwise directed in a writing filed with the town clerk by the lot owner under paragraph 2, the town board or the sexton shall permit the burial of persons at any town cemetery lot at the request of any interested person upon proof of eligibility for burial at the cemetery lot as follows:
a.   The lot owner, and surviving spouse of the lot owner, have the first right to burial or to direct the right of burial.
b.   When there is no surviving spouse, the devisees or heirs of the owner may, by agreement in writing of all the heirs or devisees, determine who shall have the right of burial or direction for burial, which agreement shall be filed with the town clerk.
c.   If no agreement under subdivision b. is filed, the town board or the sexton may determine use, giving preference to relatives in the order listed in paragraph 1.*
C.   Ownership rights. All burial rights in the cemetery lots located at any town cemetery and purchased from the town shall occupy the same position as real estate at the death of the owner. Only persons whose names appear on the cemetery records of the town will be recognized as owners or part owners of lots. Lot owners may not allow burials to be made in their lots for any remuneration or financial consideration. In case of the death of a lot owner, when the cemetery lot is disposed of by a will, and when ownership is to be determined, a certified copy of the will or final judgment in the decedent's estate must be delivered to the town clerk before the town will recognize the change of ownership. If the deceased lot owner left no will, satisfactory proof of descent must be provided. It is recommended that lot owners, in making their wills, include a provision covering the town cemetery lots and devise the lots to one person.
D.   Resale. Lot owners may not resell or transfer lots or parts of lots in any town cemetery except as follows:
1.   Reconveyance of lots or parts of lots may be made only upon written application filed with and approved by the town clerk. The application shall be executed by the owner of the lots, or, if the owner is deceased, by the legal heirs. The application shall state the lot and block number. Upon approval by the town clerk, the owner of the lot shall execute a deed in the same form as an original deed from the town under Section VIII, subsection B, so as to entitle the purchaser to record the deed with the Register of Deeds for ________ County, Wisconsin.
2.   The town clerk shall enter in the record kept for that purpose copies of all deeds of transfer and reconveyance of cemetery lots. No deed reconveyance may be received and filed by the town clerk until a fee of $_____ has been paid therefor.
3.   The fee shall be deposited into the general town municipal fund.
E. Reburial. 1. In this subsection, “reburial” means to disentomb, disinurn, or disinter human remains that are buried in a cemetery and reentomb, reinurn, or reinter the human remains in another grave, mausoleum space, or other place used or intended to be used for the burial of human remains that is located in the same cemetery.
2.   Any reburial of any person buried in a town cemetery, or in any other cemetery in the town, shall comply with the provisions of s. 157.112, Wis. stats. Any person seeking reburial shall seek approval from the appropriate cemetery authority. A county authorization for disinterment and reinterment shall be required prior to any reburial under s. 69.18 (4), Wis. stats.
F.   Use of repossessed lots. Whenever possible, lots repossessed under chapter 157, Wis. stats., in any town cemetery will be resold and used for burials before new areas of the cemetery are used or platted.
A.   Perpetual care fund for town cemetery. In order to assure reliable means for permanent care of town cemeteries, a perpetual care fund is created for town cemeteries. Income from this fund shall provide all or partial maintenance costs of the town cemeteries. All lots sold in any town cemetery shall be charged a perpetual care fee included in the price of the lot and each grave shall be provided with perpetual care services under subsection B. A record of the perpetual care fund shall be kept in the office of the town clerk. The fund may be increased by gifts, bequests, a portion of memorial charges, and other service revenues. Gifts shall be received, kept, and maintained pursuant to s. 157.11 (8) and (9), Wis. stats.
B.   Perpetual care. The town assumes to use the net annual income received from the investments of the perpetual care fund under subsection A in furnishing perpetual care of graves in town cemeteries. Perpetual care is limited to the maintenance of lawn, leaf disposal, filling sunken graves, raising markers, and caring for avenues, alleys, fences, buildings, and grounds in general. Expenditures of income from the perpetual care fund shall be made at the discretion of the town board or the sexton. The town shall not be bound to make a separate investment of money set aside for perpetual care from a particular lot sale, but the proceeds of each lot sale shall be added to the perpetual care fund of the town and the proceeds from the fund used by the town as provided in this subsection. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed as obligating the town as to any alleged existing contract as to perpetual care. The town board shall operate and maintain the town cemetery to provide proper and decent care of town cemeteries and the graves, and it may employ a sexton, staff, and any independent contractor necessary to provide such care.
C. Costs of care fixed. The town board shall annually fix, as required under s. 157.11 (5), Wis. stats., a sum necessary for the proper and decent care of graves and unoccupied cemetery lots and improvement of any town cemetery to be paid from the following sources as determined by the town board:
1.   Payments from ________ County to the town for veteran's graves under subsection F and s. 45.84, Wis. stats.
2.   Income of the perpetual care fund.
3.   Assessments made under subsection D.
4.   A tax levied by the town board.
D.   Assessments against unoccupied lots. The town board may annually assess upon town cemetery lots not occupied by graves amounts not to exceed the amounts reasonably required for actual and necessary costs for care of cemetery lots and care and improvement of the cemetery pursuant to s. 157.11 (7), Wis. stats. Notice of the assessment, along with a copy of s. 157.11, Wis. stats., shall be mailed to each owner or person having charge of a cemetery lot, at the owner's or person's last-known post office address, directing payment to the cemetery authority within 30 days and specifying that such assessments are a personal liability of the owner or person. When uniform care of a cemetery lot has been given for 2 consecutive years or more for which assessments are unpaid, after notice as provided in s. 157.11 (2), Wis. stats., the right to burial is forfeited until delinquent assessments are paid. When uniform care has been given for 5 consecutive years or more and the assessments are unpaid, upon like notice, title to all unoccupied parts of the cemetery lot shall pass to the town, as cemetery authority, and may be sold, the payment of principal to be deposited into the perpetual care fund. Before depositing the payment of principal into the perpetual care fund, the cemetery authority may retain an amount necessary to cover the cemetery authority's administrative and other expenses related to the sale, but the amount retained may not exceed 50% of the proceeds.
E.   General improvements. The town board shall direct and administer all improvements and maintenance within the cemetery before and after any burials. The town board shall be responsible for determining proper and decent care of the cemetery. All graves shall be sodded and mowed, when determined necessary by the town board or the sexton. The grade of the cemetery lots shall be determined by the town board or the sexton. The corners of all cemetery lots shall, when purchased, if possible, be permanently marked by the town board or the sexton. Resodding of existing graves or following disinterment will be done when determined necessary by the town board or the sexton.
F. Veterans graves. 1. Pursuant to s. 45.85, Wis. stats., the town board shall at all times see that the graves and tombstones of all veterans, including women's auxiliary organizations created by act of Congress, who shall at any time have served in any branch of the armed forces of the United States, and of the spouses or surviving spouses of all those veterans, receive proper and decent care, and may employ all necessary assistance to carry out this section.
2. Pursuant to s. 45.85 (1), Wis. stats., the expense of the care of the graves and tombstones shall be borne by the county where the graves are located, except where suitable care is otherwise provided and the amount of expense charged the county for the care may not exceed the charge made for the care of other graves in the same cemetery. The town board shall report to the ________ county clerk, on or before September 1 of each year, the locations of the graves cared for by the town board under s. 45.85, Wis. stats., together with the names of the deceased and the amount claimed for care of the graves for the fiscal year from the previous July 1 to June 30.
A.   Bylaws and regulations. The town board may adopt bylaws and regulations for the management and care of any town cemetery and may enforce those bylaws and regulations under s. 157.11 (2), Wis. stats. The town board may require any person owning or controlling a cemetery lot to do anything necessary to comply with the bylaws or regulations by giving reasonable personal notice in writing if the person is a resident of the state, otherwise by publishing a class 3 notice, under chapter 985, Wis. stats., in the county. If the person fails to comply within 20 days thereafter, the town board may cause the action required to be done and recover the expense from the person required to take the action. The town board may also impose a forfeiture not exceeding $10 for violation of the bylaws or regulations posted in 3 conspicuous places in the cemetery, recoverable under chapter 778, Wis. stats.
B.   Mounds prohibited. No person may raise the level of the earth over any grave in a town cemetery above the general level of the cemetery lot.
C. Limitations on structures and urns. 1. In this subsection “urn” means a vessel for the display of flowers or plants that is attached to a lot or is of such weight, as determined by the town board or sexton, that it cannot be readily moved from its placement on the lot. “Urn” does not include a vessel containing cremated human remains properly inured on the lot.
2. No structures, hedges, fences, railings, embankments, depressions, or other enclosures of any kind are permitted on or around lots in any town cemetery. Wooden boxes, wire containers, glass jars, bottles, toys, cans, memorials, memorabilia, personal items, and other similar objects may not be placed on lots without written approval of the town board or the sexton, and if so placed may be removed by the town board or the sexton without oral or written notice. Urns are not permitted at any town cemetery on lots sold after the passage of this ordinance. Urns existing in town cemeteries prior to the passage of this ordinance shall be removed by the town or the sexton as they become unsightly or deteriorated and shall not be replaced. Before an urn is destroyed or discarded, the last owner of record of the lot on which it is located shall be notified by registered or certified mail with return receipt requested by the town clerk that the urn has been removed from the lot and will be destroyed or discarded unless the owner of the urn claims it within 30 days after mailing of such letter.
D.   Landscaping. All landscaping, mowing, and general care of lots, and other work, construction or maintenance in the town cemetery shall be performed by the town by its officers, employees, independent contractors, or agents, including any sexton, unless otherwise provided in writing by the town board.
F.   Access to lots; opening and closing of burial places. The town reserves the right for its officers, employees, contractors, and agents, including the sexton and the town board, necessary to the performance of normal town cemetery operations to enter upon or cross over any lot in any town cemetery in the performance of any duties or work necessary under this ordinance. The town board, by its officers, employees, contractors, and agents, including the sexton, has the sole right to the opening and closing of burial places used or to be used for burial of human remains in the town cemetery, unless so ordered by a court of record to open or close such places.
G.   No assumption of liability for damages. The town, and its officers, employees, contractors, and agents, including the sexton and the town board, assume no liability for damages to property or person, or for physical or mental suffering arising out of the performance of its normal operations related to the construction, management, operation, maintenance, care, and platting of any town cemetery, including care of the cemetery, any lot, and the graves, or for loss by vandalism or other acts beyond its reasonable control at a town cemetery.
H.   Altering physical conditions. The town board reserves the right to alter, change, or close alleys, roadways, walkways, water mains, and other physical public properties at any town cemetery.
I.   Enforcement of regulations and ordinance. The town board may appoint, with citation issuance and service powers, any employee or agent of the town, including the sexton, to administer and enforce its town cemetery bylaws and regulations and this ordinance.
A.   Visiting hours. Every town cemetery shall be open to visitors at all times between the hours of ___ __.m. and [___ __.m. or one-half hour after the official sunset]. Permission to enter any town cemetery at any other time must be obtained from the town board or the sexton.
B.   Children. Children under 16 years of age shall not enter upon any town cemetery except when accompanied by parents or guardians, unless this requirement is waived in writing by the town board or the sexton.
C.   Refreshments. Persons, including picnic parties, with food, refreshments, or alcoholic beverages, are prohibited within any town cemetery.
D.   Dogs and other animals. Dogs are permitted in any town cemetery only when confined in a vehicle or if the dog is a service animal accompanying a person with sight-impairment or other disability while in the town cemetery. All other pets or domestic animals are prohibited without written consent of the town board or the sexton, except a service animal other than a dog accompanying a person with sight-impairment or other disability while in the town cemetery.
E.   Firearms. Firearms are prohibited in any town cemetery except in conjunction with military funerals or specific memorial events permitted by the town board, the sexton, or other designees of the town board. At all other times, firearms, bows and arrows, slingshots, and other like articles are prohibited.
F. Visitors. 1. Visitors to town cemeteries are required to use existing walkways and roadways whenever possible.
2.   Except as provided in Section XVI, no person in any town cemetery may do any of the following:
a.   Pick or cut any flowers, either wild or cultivated.
b.   Injure any shrub, tree, or plant.
c.   Mar or deface any monument, stone, or structure.
3.   No person, except the owner of the cemetery lot, a person with the cemetery lot owner's consent, or a person with the written consent of the town board or the sexton who is engaged in official cemetery management and care duties for the town, may do any of the following in a town cemetery:
a.   Damage any grave or lot.
b.   Remove, deface, mark, or damage in any manner any cemetery markers, headstones, monuments, fences, or structures.
c.   Remove, damage, or destroy any vases, flower pots, urns, or other objects that have been placed on any cemetery lot.
d.   Move or remove any cemetery equipment without the written consent of the town board or the sexton.
e.   Remove or damage any town cemetery property not included within subdivisions a. to d.
4. a. In this paragraph, “recreational activity” means any activity undertaken for the purpose of exercise, relaxation, or pleasure, including practice or instruction in any such activity. “Recreational activity” includes hunting, fishing, trapping, camping, bowling, billiards, picnicking, exploring caves, nature study, dancing, bicycling, horseback riding, horseshoe pitching, birdwatching, motorcycling, operating an all-terrain vehicle, ballooning, curling, throwing darts, hang gliding, hiking, tobogganing, sledding, sleigh riding, snowmobiling, skiing, skating, participation in water sports, weight and fitness training, sightseeing, rock climbing, cutting or removing wood, climbing observation towers, animal training, harvesting the products of nature, sport shooting, and any other sport, game, or educational activity.
b.   No person may loiter, cause a public nuisance, or engage in any sport or other recreational activity on any town cemetery property without the written consent of the town board or the sexton.
G. Vehicles. 1. Motor vehicles traveling within any town cemetery may not exceed 15 miles per hour. No motor vehicle, except authorized maintenance vehicles for the town, shall be driven except on roadways designated for that purpose, nor shall any motor vehicles be driven in a reckless manner in the cemetery.
2.   No person may ride, operate, or make use of any of the following vehicles in any cemetery unless the vehicles are present in conjunction with the town cemetery business or are authorized in writing by the town board or the sexton:
a.   Snowmobiles.
b.   Go-carts.
c.   All-terrain vehicles.
d.   Mopeds.