7.   Any real property within the District that is intended to be used for a manufacturing project is zoned for industrial use and will remain industrial use for the life of the District.
It is further resolved and ordered that the Town Board approves the Project Plan adopted by the Town Planning Commission, attached as Exhibit B, and finds that: [attach the Project Plan clearly marked “Project Plan for Tax Incremental District No. _____, Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, Exhibit B”]
A.   The Project Plan for the District in the Town is feasible, and
B.   The Project Plan for the District in the Town is in conformity with the Master Plan of the Town or the Town Comprehensive Plan.
The Town Clerk is authorized and directed to apply to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, in such form as may be prescribed, for a “Determination of Tax Incremental Base,” as of _______ ___, 20__, pursuant to the provisions of s. 60.85, Wis. stats.
The Town Assessor is authorized and directed to identify upon the assessment roll returned and examined under s. 60.85, Wis. stats., those parcels of property that are within the District, specifying on the assessment roll the name of the District, and the Town Clerk is authorized and directed to make similar notations on the tax roll pursuant to the provisions of s. 60.85, Wis. stats.
Adopted this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
Note: The Department of Revenue has produced informational publications and printable fill-in forms regarding the town tax increment law. Electronic copies may be downloaded from the Department of Revenue website at:
(ONLY for use by towns authorized to exercise VILLAGE POWERS under s. 60.22, Wis. stats.)
Town of ________
________ County
The Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, resolves and orders as follows:
To conserve and promote the public health, safety, convenience, or general welfare, pursuant to ss. 61.35 and 62.23 (6), Wis. stats., the town establishes an official map of the town, labeled as the Official Map of the Town of ________ and dated of even date with this resolution, which shows all of the following:
1.   Highways, historic districts, parkways, parks, and playgrounds laid out, adopted, and established by law.
2.   (Optional) The location of railroad rights-of-way, waterways, and public transit facilities.
3.   (Optional) Waterways included in the comprehensive surface water drainage plan.
The town clerk shall keep the official map at the town hall as an official record of the town.
The town clerk shall at once record with the register of deeds of ________ County [the county or counties in which the town is situated] a certificate showing that the Town has established an official map.
The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.
Adopted this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
(ONLY for use by towns authorized to exercise VILLAGE POWERS under s. 60.22, Wis. stats.)
Town of ________
________ County
I, ________ ________, clerk of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, certify that at the regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of ________, held on ________ ___, 20__, the town board, by resolution adopted on proper notice with a quorum and by a roll call vote of a majority of the town board present and voting, established an official town map for the Town of ________, which is on file at the Town Hall for the town.
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signature and seal of town clerk]
Town of ________
________ County
Whereas, [a code of general ordinances or a partial code of ordinances] entitled, [“Town of ________ Code of Ordinances” or “Town of ________ Code of Ordinances Relating to ________ (list chapters and titles, for example: Chapter 1. Mobile Home Regulations; Chapter 2. Driveways; Chapter 3. Nuisances, etc., for a partial code)”], has been prepared and authorized by the town board;*
The Town Board of the Town of ________, by this resolution, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, resolves and orders that this code be presented for adoption by the town board at the next regular board meeting on ________ ___, 20__; and that the town clerk, in accordance with the requirements of s. 66.0103, Wis. stats., shall file a copy of the proposed Code of Ordinances in his or her office for public inspection commencing ________ ___, 20__, and cause a copy of the following notice to be published in the next issue of [name of newspaper] not less than two weeks before the board considers adoption of the code.
Adopted this ______ day of ________, 20 __, by the Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin.
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the town board of the Town of ________ will consider the adoption of a [code or partial code] of ordinances entitled, [“Town of ________ Code of Ordinances” or “Town of ________ Code of Ordinances Relating to ________”] at ________ __.m. on ________ ___, 20__, at the town hall. This code deals with the following topics: [list chapter(s) and title(s)].
You are further notified that a copy of the proposed new [code or partial code] will be on file and open for public inspection in the office of the town clerk for a period of two weeks commencing ________ ___, 20__, in accordance with s. 66.0103, Wis. stats.
The town clerk shall properly post or publish this resolution as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
* Note: The notice should be published once in the newspaper not less than two weeks before the board will consider adopting the code.
**Note: In some cases, s. 60.80 (5), Wis. stats., which allows publication of a notice of the adoption of an ordinance rather than publication of the ordinance, may be an alternative to adopting a partial code of ordinances.
Town of ________
________ County
The purpose of this ordinance is to enact the [“Town of ________ Code of Ordinances” or “Town of ________ Code of Ordinances Relating to ________ (list chapters and titles, for example: Chapter 1. Mobile Home Regulations; Chapter 2. Driveways; Chapter 3. Nuisances, etc., for a partial code)”], that has been prepared and authorized by the town board.*
The Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, has the specific authority under s. 66.0103, Wis. stats., to prepare and enact a [code or partial code] of [some or all] of its general ordinances by enacting an ordinance that incorporates the code by reference.
This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, provides the authority for the town to prepare and enact a [code or partial code] of [some or all] of its general ordinances by enacting an ordinance that incorporates the code by reference.
The [code or partial code] of ordinances in book form entitled, [“Town of ________Code of Ordinances” or “Town of ________ Code of Ordinances Relating to ________ (list chapters and titles)”], having been placed on file and open to public inspection in the office of the town clerk for a period of 2 weeks commencing ________ ___, 20__, pursuant to s. 66.0103, Wis. stats., is adopted as [the general or a partial] code of ordinances in and for the Town of ________, ________County, Wisconsin. The [code or partial code] is incorporated in this ordinance by reference.
This ordinance is effective on publication or posting.
The town clerk shall properly post or publish this ordinance as required under s. 60.80, Wis. stats.
Adopted this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
Note: In addition to posting the preceding ordinance, it is recommended that the following notice be published in the newspaper within 30 days of adoption of the code:
Please take notice that the Town Board of the Town of ________, ________, County, Wisconsin, has adopted a [code or partial code] of ordinances regarding ________ [list chapters and titles]. To review the code, please contact the clerk at ______________.
*Note: In some cases, s. 60.80 (5), Wis. stats., which allows publication of a notice of the adoption of an ordinance rather than publication of the ordinance, may be an alternative to adopting a partial code of ordinances.
Town of ________
________ County
The title of this ordinance is the Town of ________ Citation Ordinance. The purpose of this ordinance is to authorize the Town Board of the Town of ________, or its designees, to issue citations for violations of Town of ________ ordinances, including ordinances with statutory counterparts.
The Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, has the specific authority under s. 66.0113, Wis. stats., to adopt this ordinance.
This ordinance, adopted by a majority of the town board on a roll call vote with a quorum present and voting and proper notice having been given, provides the authority for the town to issue citations for violations of Town of ________ ordinances, including ordinances with statutory counterparts.
This ordinance is divided into sections designated by uppercase Roman numerals. Sections may be divided into subsections designated by uppercase letters. Subsections may be divided into paragraphs designated by numbers. Paragraphs may be divided into subdivisions designated by lowercase letters. Subdivisions may be divided into subdivision paragraphs designated by lowercase Roman numerals. Reference to a “section,” “subsection,” “paragraph,” or “subdivision” includes all divisions of the referenced section, subsection, paragraph, or subdivision.
A.   Except as provided in subsections D and E [and F if applicable], the form for citations to be issued in the Town of ________ by the town board, or its designees, for violations of Town of ________ ordinances shall be as provided in this subsection and shall include all of the following:
1.   The name and address of the alleged violator.
2.   The factual allegations describing the alleged violation.
3.   The time and place of the alleged violation.
4.   The number of the ordinance violated.
5.   A designation of the offense in a manner that can be readily understood by a person making a reasonable effort to do so.
6.   The time at which the alleged violator may appear in court, and a statement describing whether the appearance is mandatory.
7.   A statement that in essence informs the alleged violator of all of the following:
a.   That the alleged violator may make a cash deposit of a specified amount to be mailed to a specified official within a specified time.
b.   That if the alleged violator makes a cash deposit, he or she need not appear in court unless appearance is mandated by the court or he or she is subsequently summoned.
c.   That if the alleged violator makes a cash deposit and does not appear in court, he or she either will be deemed to have tendered a plea of no contest and submitted to a forfeiture, plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under chapter 814, Wis. stats., not to exceed the amount of the deposit, or will be summoned into court to answer the complaint if the court does not accept the plea of no contest.
d.   That if the alleged violator does not make a cash deposit and does not appear in court at the time specified, the court may issue a summons or a warrant for the defendant's arrest or consider the nonappearance to be a plea of no contest and enter judgment under s. 66.0113 (3) (d), Wis. stats., or the municipality may commence an action against the alleged violator to collect the forfeiture, plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under chapter 814, Wis. stats.
e.   That if the court finds that the violation involves an ordinance that prohibits conduct that is the same as or similar to conduct prohibited by state statute punishable by fine or imprisonment or both, and that the violation resulted in damage to the property of or physical injury to a person other than the alleged violator, the court may summon the alleged violator into court to determine if restitution shall be ordered under s. 800.093, Wis. stats.