The petition of the undersigned Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, respectfully represents that on ________ ___, 20__, at the [annual or special] town meeting of the town, the electors of the town voted a tax of $________ to improve that portion of highway described as [describe highway].
Wherefore the Town Board of the Town of ________ petitions for an appropriation to be made by the county to aid the improvement of the highway as provided by s. 83.14, Wis. stats.
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
Town of ________
________ County
To the County Board of ________ County, Wisconsin:
The Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, applies for fund entitlement under s. 84.18, Wis. stats., to [reconstruct or rehabilitate] a seriously deteriorating local bridge in the Town of ________ located on ________ [give highway name, or otherwise describe] in the County of ________, district ________, and bridge number ________, of construction type ________. The type of work required is [describe as required by Dept. of Transportation] and the estimated total funds required is $________.
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
Note: For additional information see the Department of Transportation website at the following address:
Town of ________
________ County
To ________ ________:
The undersigned Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, has determined that a certain [fence or building or other object, describing it] located upon lands in the town described as follows: [describe lands], which lands are occupied by ________ ________, encroaches upon the ________ [insert direction, such as westerly] side of the right-of-way of the highway described as follows: [describe the highway right-of-way with such precision and certainty as will enable the party upon whom it is served to go upon the ground and fix the place and extent of the encroachment with accuracy; to this end, a copy of the plat or survey made showing the encroachment and the true line should be attached to the above notice and made a part of it] as shown by the [plat or survey] attached to and made a part of this notice.
It is ordered by the Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, that you are required to remove the [fence or building or other object, describing it] beyond the limits of the above-described highway within 30 days from the service upon you of a copy of this order.
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Attest: [Signature of town clerk]
To the Town Board of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin:
I, ________ ________, occupant of the following land: [insert legal description] in the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, deny the alleged encroachment described in the order of the town board of the town, dated the ____ of ________, 20__, a copy of which order was served upon me on ________ ___, 20__.
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
Note: Sections 86.07 and 86.16, Wis. stats., authorize towns to authorize and regulate liquid manure pipelines in and across highway rights-of-way. The Wisconsin Towns Association has developed a sample ordinance and a permit form for the regulation and permitting of pipes and pipelines that transmit liquid manure within or across the right-of-way of a highway. Electronic copies of the sample ordinance and sample permit may be found in the Ordinances and Resolutions section of the Information Library of the Towns Association website at:
If an ordinance specifically regulating liquid manure pipes and pipelines is adopted, those pipes and pipelines would be permitted under the pipe and pipeline ordinance rather than as a privilege in a highway as set forth in the form:
If the town has adopted a Road Use and Motor Vehicle Control Ordinance using the following form, consider adding to the ordinance the optional Section VI, Subsection N, contained in that form:
Note: Information about general transportation aids is available at the Department of Transportation website at the following address:
Note: Information about the local roads improvement program is available at the Department of Transportation website at the following address:
To the [drainage board or supervisors] of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin:
Your petitioner desires to drain agricultural land, not exceeding 80 acres, owned by the petitioner. Because of the lay of the land, there is no suitable outlet for drainage on petitioner's land. The proposed drain will promote the general welfare and health of the community. It is impractical for petitioner to drain the land without crossing the land of others.
Therefore, ________ ________ petitions you to lay out a suitable drain and outlet as shown in the attached map, which map is made part of this petition. [The map should show and describe: 1. The land of the petitioner. 2. The names of the other landowners. 3. A description of the lands of others over which the drain will extend.
4. The location and kind of drain.]
The land that the petitioner desires to drain is described as follows: [here describe the land as in a deed]. The drain will cross [describe the land] owned by ________ ________ and [describe the land] owned by ________ ________.
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signature of petitioner]
Town of ________
________ County
Notice of Hearing
Notice is hereby given by the supervisors of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, that the petition of ________ ________ to lay out a drain and outlet, pursuant to s. 88.94, Wis. stats., as shown in the map attached to the petition on file with the town will be heard by them on ________ ___, 20__, at ________ __.m. [insert time], at ________ [insert place of hearing].
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signatures of town board]
Note: This petition may be presented to the town supervisors of the town only if there is no drainage board in the county.
Notice shall be given under s. 88.05, Wis. stats., to the owners and occupants of all lands through or along which the drain may pass and to the persons specified in s. 88.05 (4) (a), Wis. stats.
This agreement made this ____ of ________, 20__, between ________ ________, of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, and ________ ________, of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin.
Whereas, ________ ________ has erected a fence on the dividing line between [his or her] lands and the lands of ________ ________, which fence commences at ________ [describe fence]; and whereas, after the erection of the fence, ________ ________ enclosed a field on the [state direction, i.e., northerly] side of the division line, so that ___ feet [or other unit of measure] of the fence, commencing [describe the portion of the fence], has become and now is a partition fence between the respective fields of the parties; and
Whereas, ________ ________ has paid to ________ ________ the sum of $________, in full payment for one-half the value of the ___ feet of fence;
It is agreed between the parties that the ___ feet of fence on the [state direction, i.e., east] part of the partition fence shall be maintained and kept in repair by ________ ________, the party of the first part, and the remainder of the partition fence shall be kept in like repair by ________ ________.
In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written.
[Signatures and seals of parties]
In the presence of:
[Signatures of 2 witnesses]
________ County.
On ________ ___, 20__, personally came before me the above-named ________ ________ and ________ ________, known to me to be the persons who executed the above instrument, and severally acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed.
[Signature and title of officer]
This agreement made this ____ of ________, 20__, between ________ ________, of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, and ________ ________, of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin.
Whereas, ________ ________ owns the land described as follows: [ insert legal description] and ________ ________ owns the land described as follows: [insert legal description] and the parties desire to make partition of the dividing line, to assign to each a portion of the partition fence to be built and maintained by each of them;
It is mutually agreed by the parties that the line is partitioned and assigned for the purpose of building and maintaining a fence as follows: The [state direction, i.e., northerly] half of the line being ________ feet [or other unit of measure] in length, is assigned to ________ ________, and the other half of the line is assigned to ________ ________.
In witness whereof, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written.
[Signatures and seals of parties]
In the presence of:
[Signatures of 2 witnesses]
________ County.
On ________ ___, 20__, personally came before me the above-named ________ ________ and ________ ________, known to me to be the persons who executed the above instrument, and severally acknowledged the same to be their free act and deed.
[Signature and title of officer]
Note: For the law regarding fences constructed by subdividers, see s. 90.05 (2), Wis. stats.
To ________ ________ [owner or occupant of adjoining land]:
Please take notice that I am the owner of [insert legal description of land] adjoining the following described lands [insert legal description of land] owned by you. The line fence between your land and mine is on my premises. You are therefore notified to remove the fence within 30 days after the service of this notice upon you, to the boundary line between our lands.
Dated this ______ day of ________, 20__.
[Signature of owner of premises]
Town of ________
________ County
It appearing to the undersigned, fence viewers of the Town of ________, ________ County, Wisconsin, that ________ ________ is the owner of [insert legal description of land] in the town, which land adjoins the following described land owned by ________ ________ [insert legal description of land], and application having been made to us by ________ ________ to divide the [partition fence or line upon which a partition fence shall be built] between the adjoining lands, the [fence or line] being described as follows: Commencing at [state location with reasonable certainty], and to assign to each owner a portion of the [fence or line];