- T -
Tax increment district and financing
Creation: 60.85 Resolution creating tax increment district
Tax increment law: 66.1105 Tax incremental financing
Taxes see Property taxes, Room taxes
Cooperative boundary plans, participation authorization: 66.0307 Resolution authorizing participation in preparation of a cooperative boundary plan
Bonds, special election for approval of bonding, canvass; statement of: 67.05 Statement of canvass of special election
Transfer from town, clerk's certificate: 66.0235 (2) Certificate of clerk of town from which territory is transferred
Transfer to town, clerk's certificate: 66.0235 (2) Certificate of clerk of town to which territory is transferred
Communication towers: 66.0404 Mobile communication service tower siting regulations
- U -
Utility terrain vehicles
Utility-terrain vehicles and routes for: 23.33 All-terrain vehicle [and utility terrain vehicle] route ordinance
- V -
Village powers
Authorization: 60.10 (2) (c) Resolution authorizing village powers
- W -
Recycling information: Chapter 289 Recycling
Treatment, disposal, and storage: 289.22 Waste treatment, disposal, and storage ordinance
Use regulation information: 66.0801 to 66.0827 Water use regulation
Noxious weed commissioner, appointment: 66.0517 (2) Appointment of commissioner of noxious weeds
Noxious weed commissioner, account: 66.0517 (3) (b) Account of commissioner for destruction of weeds
Noxious weed destruction notice: 66.0407 Noxious weed notice (for posting or publication)
Noxious weed regulation: 66.0407 Noxious weed ordinance
Railroad lands, charges for removal; certificate: 66.0517 (3) (b) Certificate to state treasurer for charges against railroad lands
Wind power
Wind access permit information: 66.0401, 66.0403 Wind access permits
- Z -
Petition for county zoning amendment, town disapproval: 59.69 (5) (e) 3. Resolution disapproving petition for county zoning amendment
Petition for county zoning amendment, extension of time to consider: 59.69 (5) (e) 3m. Resolution extending time to disapprove petition for county zoning amendment