Temporary license, intoxicating liquor license for gathering or picnic: 125.51 (10) Temporary “Class B” intoxicating liquor license for particular gathering or picnic.
Amusement centers
Regulation: 60.23 (10) Amusement center license ordinance
Animals, generally see also Livestock
Dog license tax; authorization, schedule: 174.05 Resolution and ordinance to raise dog license tax
Dog licensing and control: 60.23 (30) Dog licensing and control ordinance
Exotic and wild, regulation: 169.43 Harmful and exotic wild animal ordinance
Humane officer, authorization: 173.03, 173.27 Resolution and ordinance for appointment of humane officer and officers for hearing appeals
Animals at large and strays
At large, notice to owner: 172.02 Notice of animal at large
At large, notice when owner unknown: 172.03, 172.08 Notice of animal at large if owner unknown
Distrained animal doing damage, appraisal of damage; certificate: 172.52 Appraisers' certificate
Distrained animal doing damage, notice to owner: 172.51 Notice to owner of animals distrained doing damage
Distrained animal doing damage, sale; notice: 172.55 Notice of sale of animals by sheriff or constable
Stray, appraisal, chairperson's certificate: 170.03 Certificate of appraisal of stray
Stray, charges to owner for keeping stray; chairperson's determination: 170.04 Decision as to amount of charges for keeping a stray
Stray, finder's notice to clerk of finding: 170.02 Notice of finding stray
Unclaimed stray, sale; notice of: 170.05 Notice of sale when stray not reclaimed
Unclaimed stray, sale; statement of finder's charges: 170.05 Statement of finder's charges
- B -
Alcohol: see Alcohol
Nonintoxicating, sale license; form: 66.0433 License for sale of nonintoxicating beverages
Nonintoxicating, sale license; granting: 66.0433 (1) Order granting licenses for sale of nonintoxicating beverages
Board see also Meetings, Officers
Five-member, creation: 60.21 (1) Ordinance to create 5-member town board
Boating regulation: 30.77 Town regulation of boating
Wharves and piers: see Lakes, Rivers
Bonds and borrowing see Finances
Boundaries and territory
Cooperative boundary agreement information: 66.0301 (6) Cooperative boundary agreements
Cooperative boundary plans, participation authorization: 66.0307 Resolution authorizing participation in preparation of a cooperative boundary plan
Transfer from town, clerk's certificate: 66.0235 (2) Certificate of clerk of town from which territory is transferred
Transfer to town, clerk's certificate: 66.0235 (2) Certificate of clerk of town to which territory is transferred
Permits; Department of Natural Resources information: 30.123 Bridges and culverts permit information
Building construction and removal
Building information permit: 60.61 Building information permit ordinance
Raze orders: 66.0413 Resolution and order to raze building
Uniform Dwelling Code adoption: 101.65 Model ordinance for adoption of Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code
Open burning regulation: 60.555 Ordinance for outdoor burning, open burning, and burning of refuse
- C -
Regulation: 157.50 Cemetery and burial site ordinance
Issuance authorization: 66.0113, 800.02 Citation ordinance
Alternative procedure, authorization: 60.44 (2) Ordinance authorizing alternative claims procedure
Disallowance: 60.44, 893.80 Resolution and notice of disallowance of claim
DNR permit requirements: 30.123 Bridges and culverts
- D -
Construction and maintenance: 31.38 Resolution for construction and maintenance of dam
Petition form: 60.03 (2) Petition to dissolve a town
Referendum on dissolution, notice: 60.03 (3) Notice of referendum on the question of the dissolution of a town
Referendum results, certification: 60.03 (5) Certificate of election results on the question of the dissolution of a town
Petition form: 60.03 (2) Petition for division of a town
Referendum on division, notice: 60.03 (3) Notice of referendum on the question of the division of a town
Referendum results, certification: 60.03 (5) Certificate of election results on the question of the division of a town
License tax; authorization, schedule: 174.05 Resolution and ordinance to raise dog license tax
Licensing and control: 60.23 (30) Dog licensing and control ordinance
Drainage of lands
Drainage of farm land, landowner's petition for: 88.94 Petition for drainage of farm land and notice of hearing
Drainage of farm land, notice of hearing on petition for: 88.94 Notice of hearing on petition for drainage of farm land
- E -
Forms: Chapters 5 to 11 Elections Commission Forms and Manuals
Officials, changing number of: 7.32 Resolution changing number of election officials
Officials, split shifts; authorization of: 7.30 (1) Ordinance establishing split shifts for election officials
Special election for approval of bonding: see Finances
Declaration: 323.11 Resolution declaring emergency
Emergency management officer, appointment: 323.14 (1) (b) Resolution appointing emergency management officer and creating an emergency management plan
Town officers, succession in emergency: 323.54 Resolution to provide for successors to town office in emergency
Expense reimbursement, authorization: 60.321 Resolution authorizing and establishing travel expense and cost reimbursement for town employees and officials
Ethics policy: subch. III of ch. 19, 82.11 (2) (a), 125.51 (1) (b), 175.10, 946.10, 946.11, 946.12, 946.13, 946.14 Ethics ordinance
- F -
Ambulance fees, designation: 60.565 Resolution for designation of ambulance service fee schedule
Fire fees, designation: 60.55 (2) (b) Resolution for designation of written fire fee schedule
Records: 19.35 (3) Resolution setting fees for records