Advertising for labor during strike, 103.43
Affirmative action,
AIDS, testing restricted, 103.15, 103.20
Anti-union contracts void, 103.46, 103.52
Apprentices, 106.01
Boycotting, blacklisting, preventing work, 134.01 to 134.03
Cigar manufacturing, 167.22
Collective bargaining, public policy, 103.51
Contract of employment, restrictive covenant, 103.465
Day of rest in seven, 103.85
  Review of orders, 103.85
Day's work defined, 103.38
Definitions, hours of labor, 103.01
Employment agents, Ch. 105
Employment peace law, 111.01 to 111.19
Fair employment law, 111.31 to 111.37
Fraudulent advertising for labor, 103.43
Garnishment, discharge restricted, 812.235
Highway contracts, wages, hours, 103.50
Inducing change of employment, 103.43
Medical examination of employe or applicant, cost, 103.37
Migrant labor:
  Access and entry to camps, 103.925
  Certification of camps, 103.92
  District attorney to enforce orders, 103.92 (4)
  Civil action by, 103.94
  Contractors; registration, duties, prohibited activities, 103.91
  Correction period for violations, 103.965 (1)
  Council, 15.227 (8), 103.967, 103.968
  Definitions, 103.90
  Duties of industry, labor and human relations department, 103.905
  Hours of labor, 103.935
  New contract compliance, 103.969
  Nonwaiver of rights, 103.945
  Penalties for violations of regulations, 103.97
  Recruitment, 103.915 (1), (8)
  Repeated violations, 103.965 (2)
  Residence at camp, vacating, 103.926
  Retaliation by employer or contractor prohibited, 103.96
  Transportation furnished by employer must be safe, 103.917
  Wages, 103.93
  Work agreements, 103.915
Notice, ending employment, 103.17
Personal injuries, defenses abolished, 895.37
Picketing, when unlawful, 103.535
Place of employment defined, 103.01
Preventing persons from working, 134.03
Prison-made goods, 132.13
Public utilities, 111.50 to 111.64
Public works employment, health and social services dept. and industry, labor and human relations dept., 101.40 to 101.43
Public works, wage rate, 103.49
Rest day in seven, 103.85
Seats for workers, 103.16
Sexual orientation discrimination, 111.36 (1) (d)
Time checks, where payable, 103.45
Union, prevent joining, penalty, 134.02