public officers and employesPUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYES
Acting without authority, quo warranto, 784.04
Action against, damages, costs, 895.46
  Expenses, 895.35
Action on bond, limitation, 893.90
  Filing, 14.40 (4)
  State employes, 20.922 (1)
  Under civil service, 230.15
Battery to, 940.20 (4)
Blanket bonds for, 19.07
Bond, breached, vacancy caused, 17.05
  Cost, who may pay, 19.01 (8)
  Official, 19.01
  Premiums payable from public funds, 19.12
Books and moneys, refusal to successor, 19.24, 784.10
Books, records and property, delivery to successor, compelled, 19.21, 19.22
Breach of duty, lien filed against property, 706.15
Bribery, penalty, 946.10
Campaign use of state-owned vehicles, 11.37
Candidates may not accept special privileges from, 11.40
Chairperson, removal by governor, 17.07 (3m)
Citizenship, burden of proof, 891.34
Collector or receiver of public money, removal for cause, 17.08
Compensation, state, 230.12
Cooperation of in public interests, 20.901
Defended by attorney general, 165.25 (6)
Deferred compensation plan, 20.921, 40.02 (18g), (18s), 40.80 to 40.82, 66.04 (2) (b)

Disability benefits, Ch. 40

Disability board, hearing to fill temporary vacancies, 17.025
Discounting or purchasing claims, 946.14
Elected official responsibilities for public records, 19.35 (6)
Elected officials, part-time, eligibility under Wis. retirement system, 40.23 (1) (am)
Election and appointment, XIII, 9
Embezzlement (theft), 943.20
Employe-funded reimbursement account plan,
Expenses allowed, state service, 16.53 (1)
Extra compensation, change, IV, 26
Failure to aid revenue department, 73.03 (7)
False official certificate, penalty, 946.12
False statements to, 946.32
Funds, diversion, liability, 67.17
Funds with, unclaimed, report, notice, 59.90
Garnishee, not liable as, 812.19
Garnishment of wages, 812.23
Health care benefits, Ch. 40

Interchange program, 230.047
Inventory of state printing, 35.90
Joint authority, 990.001 (8)
Judges, ineligibility to nonjudicial office, VII, 10; 757.02
Judgment against, how collected, 812.23
  Payment by employing unit, 895.46
Jury commissioners, assistance, 756.03 (4)
Landfill official liability, 144.446
Liens against property of, restrictions, 706.15
Malfeasance, 62.09 (7), 946.14
Military or defense service, leave, reinstatement, 45.50
Misconduct in office, 946.12
Misconduct statutes apply, 946.18
Moneys, refusal to successor, 19.24
Municipal bonds, improper use of funds, 67.17
Municipal employes, injunctive relief in labor disputes, penalties, civil liability, 111.70 (7m)