Official certificates, affidavit, 889.10
Official publication, 889.01 to 889.03
  Self-authentication, 909.02 (5)
Official records, 889.18
Opinion on ultimate issue, 907.04
Opinions, Ch. 907
  Testimony by lay witnesses, 907.01
  Of fence viewers, 90.16
  Of transportation commissioner, prima facie, 195.06
Ordinances, 889.04
  In possession of opponent, admissibility of other evidence of contents, 910.04 (3)
  Land title certificate, 891.16
  Unavailable, admissibility of other evidence of contents, 910.04
  Writing or recording, defined, 910.01 (3)
  Writing, recording or photograph, required to prove content of, 910.02
Ownership, proving, subsequent remedial measures admissible, 904.07
Pandering, 944.33
Parol evidence, accommodation on commercial paper, 403.415 (3)
  Common law of sister state or territory of United States, proof, 889.05
  Foreign laws, 889.06
Partner's admission or representation, 178.08
Partnership, allegations of, 891.29
  Continuation after fixed term, 178.20
Paternity determination action, 767.47, 767.475 (3)
Paternity proceeding, time of conception presumption, 891.395
Patient, defined, 905.04 (1)
Pedigree, proof from deed, will, 889.19
Perpetuation, of testimony by deposition, 804.02
Personal knowledge, witness must have, 906.02
Personal representative, failure to comply with certain statutes, 857.10
Photographic copies of records, uniform act, 889.29
Photographs, Ch. 910
  Admissibility of other evidence of contents, 910.04
  Defined, 910.01 (2)
  Duplicates, admissibility of, 910.03
  Function of judge and jury, 910.08
  Original required to prove contents, 910.02
  Proved by admission of party against whom used, 910.07
  Summaries may be presented, 910.06
  Used in theft action, 943.20 (4)
Physician, defined, 905.04 (1)
  Examination of accused as to mental responsibility, 971.16
Physician-patient privilege, exceptions, 905.04
Plain error, ruling on, 901.03 (4)
Political vote is privileged, 905.07
Prejudice, exclusion of relevant evidence on grounds of, 904.03
Preliminary questions:
  Admissibility, questions of generally, 901.04 (1)
  Hearing out of presence of jury, 901.04 (3)
  Relevancy conditioned on fact, 901.04 (2)
  Testimony by accused, 901.04 (4)
  Weight and credibility, 901.04 (5)
Present sense impression, hearsay exception, 908.03
Presumptions, Ch. 903
See also Presumptions

  Criminal cases, 903.03
, 903.01
Prima facie, administrative code, 227.27 (2)
  Certified record of conviction of habitual traffic offender, 351.03
  Child or spousal support, failure, 948.22 (4)
Prior statements of witnesses, 906.13
Privileges, Ch. 905
  Comment or inference not permitted by judge or before jury, 905.13
  Constitution, recognized only as provided in, 905.01
  Crime victims compensation proceedings, 905.14
  General rule as to witnesses, 905.01
  Honesty testing devices, 905.065
  Interpreter for persons with language difficulties, hearing or speaking impairments, 905.015
  Matter disclosed under compulsion or without opportunity to claim privilege, admissibility, 905.12
  Reports required by statute, 905.02
  Rules adopted by supreme court, recognized only as provided in, 905.01
  Statute, recognized only as provided in, 905.01
  Use of federal tax information, 905.15
  Waiver, by voluntary disclosure, 905.11
Proceedings in foreign courts, 889.15, 889.16
Proof, of publication, 985.12
  Of unrecorded proceedings before judge, 889.14
  Sequential order in criminal trial when 2 pleas, 971.06
Property records, hearsay exception, 908.03 (15)
Psychologist, defined, 905.04 (1)
  Patient privilege, exceptions, 905.04
Public assistance records of municipality prima facie, 49.08
Publication by state, prima facie, 889.01
Public documents, self-authentication, 909.02 (1), (2), (3)
Public records and reports, hearsay exception, 908.03 (8)
Public records, absence of, hearsay exception, 908.03 (10)
  Certified copies, self-authentication, 909.02 (4)
  Contents, 910.05