Assignment, notice of to customer, 422.409
Assignment of earnings, violation of law, 422.404 (3), 425.304
Attorney's fees, 422.411
Authorization to confess judgment, prohibited, 422.405
  Violation of law, 422.405 (2), 425.305
Balloon payments prohibited, exceptions, 422.402
  Violation of law, 422.402 (4), 425.304
Blank writings, prohibition, 422.304
  Violation of law, 422.304 (2), 425.304
Changes in open-end credit terms, violation of law, 422.415, 425.304
  Additional, 422.202
  Deferral, 422.204
  Delinquency, 422.203
  Finance, 422.201
  Finance on consolidation, 422.206
  Finance on refinancing, 422.205
  For consumer credit insurance, 422.202 (2s)
Compliance, statements of, 422.410
Consolidations, application of payments, 422.418
Consumer lease, restriction on liability, 422.412
  Liability and rights, 422.420
  Violation as to notice to, 425.304
Credit and crimes, 943.41
Credit services organizations:
  Contracts, 422.505
  Definitions, 422.501
  Information statement, 422.504
  Prohibited activities, 422.503
  Registration requirements, 422.502
  Waiver, by buyer void, 422.506
Default charges, limitation on, 422.413
Defenses assertable against an assignee of creditor, 422.407
  Violation of law, 422.407 (6), 425.304
Deferral charges, 422.204
  Violation of law, 422.204 (10), 425.304
Delinquency charges, 422.203
  Violation of law, 422.203 (5), 425.304
  Creditor to make in accordance with federal consumer credit protection act, 422.301
  Estimates or approximations permitted, 422.307
  General requirements, 422.302
  Open-end credit, 422.308
Earnings, assignment of, 422.404
Estimates permitted in disclosures, 422.307
Exemptions from execution, 815.18 (11)
Farm equipment, sale of, finance charges, 422.201 (4)
Finance charges, 422.201, 422.202 (3)
  Variable rate transaction, 422.421
  Violation of law, 422.201 (13), 425.305
Finance charges on consolidation, 422.206
  Violation of law, 422.206 (4), 425.304
Finance charges on refinancing, 422.205
  Violation of law, 422.205 (4), 425.304
Form requirements other than open-end, 422.303
  Violation of law, 422.303 (6), 425.304
  Advances by creditor on behalf of customer, 422.207
  Commissions, limitations, 424.502
  Solicitation, false, misleading or deceptive, 424.501
Interlocking loans, 422.408
Judgment, authorization to confess prohibited, 422.405
Liability, notice of termination, 422.4155
Limitation on default charges, violation of law, 422.413, 425.304
Married persons, credit transactions with, 766.565
Maximum periods of repayment, 422.403
  Violation of law, 422.403 (5), 425.304
Motor vehicles warranties, leased vehicles, 218.015
Multiple agreements, use of, 422.414
Negotiable instruments:
  Prohibition, usage, holder's liability, 422.406
  Violation of law as to usage, 422.406 (5), 425.304
Notice of assignment to customer, 422.409
Notice of termination of liability, 422.4155
Notice to customer on instrument, 422.303 (3)
  Explanation of obligation, 422.305
  Violation as to notice to, 422.305 (5)
Open-end credit:
  Application of payments, 422.418
  Changes in terms adverse to customer, 422.415
  Disclosure, 422.308
  Finance charge, 422.201 (10), (10m)
  Notice of termination of liability, 422.4155
  Variable rate transaction, 422.421
Payment, evidence of, 422.306
Performance, statements of, 422.410
Post-high school education loans, 422.403 (4)