Employe appointment provisions revised [Sec. 6953, 6978]  -  Act 27
Gaming commission reorganized into Gaming board; Lottery division created in DOR; audit provisions [Sec. 43g, r, 44q, r, 86m, 95m, 187m, 203c-x, 361m, 363m, 391g, r, 543m, 544m, 545m-546t, 1119g, r, 1149p, 1205m, 1420u-w, 3373n, r, 3417m, 3420x, 3485o, 4454b, c, 6250, 6253m, 6258m, 6277m, 6940g-r, 6977b-t, 6978b-g, h-u, 6979m, 6980c-u, 6981b-f, g-k, L-v, 7231m, 9123 (6pp)-(6pu), 9423 (2p)] [391g, r, 6940j, 9423 (2p) — partial veto; 6940k, 6977m, 9123 (6pr) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Gaming protection functions [Sec. 391g, r, 1087, 6981, 9423 (2p)] [391g — partial veto; 391r, 9423 (2p) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Indian gaming receipts: moneys received as reimbursement for Gaming commission services included [Sec. 6984]  -  Act 27
Lottery retailer compensation increased; bonus payment authority of Gaming commission eliminated [Sec. 6978gm, 6979, 6980, 9323 (1)]  -  Act 27
Racing animal drug testing requirements revised [Sec. 6975, 9123 (4), (5)]  -  Act 27
Racing animal treatment: DATCP duties transferred to Gaming commission [Sec. 3554, 3555, 6952]  -  Act 27
Racing revisions re simulcast racing and amount of total wagers distributed as prizes [Sec. 6951, 6954-6961m, 9123 (3)] [6958 — partial veto]  -  Act 27
garbage and refuse disposalGarbage and refuse disposal, see Solid waste management
Fines collection through civil actions: circuit court may issue an assignment for judgment; lottery prize included  -  Act 438
gasolineGasoline, see also Fuel; Petroleum
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized  -  Act 227
Reformulated gasoline labeling requirements created  -  Act 51
Vapor recovery grants: eligibility expanded; program revised [Sec. 4317-4318]  -  Act 27
Vapor recovery grants: eligibility expanded; sunset provided  -  Act 144
gasoline _ taxationGasoline — Taxation
Fuel trip permits re motor vehicle and alternate fuel taxes  -  Act 113
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions  -  Act 113
Tax laws: technical changes re property, motor vehicle fuel, aviation fuel, alcohol beverage and cigarette taxes and county tax roll settlement sheets (remedial legislation)  -  Act 408
Tax technical changes re nontaxable income, corporate and franchise returns, entertainer wages, withholding, delinquency, sales or use taxes, DOR sampling re fuel tax and filing of late or extended returns  -  Act 428
geeseGeese, see Game bird
general fund balanceGeneral fund balance, see Appropriation
general program revenue _gpr_General program revenue (GPR), see specific agency; specific subject
Genetic testing for paternity determinations permitted: definition created  -  Act 100
Paternity determination proceedings and disclosure of court records  -  Act 275
Sex offender registration reequirements revised; release of information to certain persons; D.N.A. analysis provisions; lie detector test program; interagency cooperation; testing of probationers and parolees from other states and information re move to another state  -  Act 440
gift re organ donationGift re organ donation, see Transplant
ginsengGinseng, see Plants
goethel, karl jGoethel, Karl J.
Service as DA of Pepin county commended [AJR-82]  -  JR-30
golfGolf, see Amusement
Employe trip reduction program revisions  -  Act 52
Family literacy advocate and statewide program created [Sec. 48g, 9124 (1q)]  -  Act 27
Veterans memorials: DOT authorized to donate certain property with Governor's approval  -  Act 406
Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission: membership, staff, funding and duties revised [Sec. 2g-L, 20g-i, 28m, 30t]  -  Act 216
Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission transferred from Office of the governor to Historical society; authority and membership revised; report required [Sec. 47p, pg, 48m-q, 72, 82, 88m, 91L, 209m, s, 564g-s, 1217m, 1993b, 6275m] [48n, q, 82, 1217m — partial veto; 47p, pg, 48m, ng, p, 72, 88m, 91L, 209m — vetoed]  -  Act 27
governor _ appointmentsGovernor — Appointments
DATCP Secretary appointment by Governor [Sec. 79h, s]  -  Act 27
DNR Secretary appointment by Governor [Sec. 79h, r]  -  Act 27
DPI renamed Department of education; structure revised; State superintendent duties modified [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under: ``Education, Department of"] [Ruled unconstitutional by Wisconsin Supreme court, 3/29/96]  -  Act 27
Education commission created in DOE; duties defined [Sec. 72, 90m, 91m, 92e, m, s, 177m, 558n, p, s, 1758m, 1800n, 1859m, 1861m, 1930m, 9145 (8g), (8h)]  -  Act 27
Educational technology board created in DOA: duties defined; computers puchased by teachers for private use provided; distance education loan provisions [Sec. 95, 118m, p, 390m, 570m, 1071g, r, 1366m, 1368c, 1369m, 1370g, 1377g, 1378b, 1379b, 9101 (22g), 9159 (11g), 9445 (13g)] [118m — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Financial institutions, Department of, created; Commissioners of Banking, Savings and loan and Securities abolished; Credit unions commissioner office reorganized [for section numbers, see entry under: ``Financial institutions, Department of"]  -  Act 27
Gaming commission reorganized into Gaming board; Lottery division created in DOR; audit provisions [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under: ``Gaming commission"]  -  Act 27
Investment board revisions re membership, investments, minutes, information to local governments and reports; internal audit subunit and chief investment officer position created; LAB reports revised [partial veto]  -  Act 274
Job training programs consolidated; Governor's council on workforce excellence created; youth apprenticeship program revisions [Sec. 144, 163-165, 967, 968, 970-972, 3695-3712, 3715, 3758, 4036, 7232, 9130 (5)-(7), (14g), 9430 (6)] [3698, 9130 (7) — partial veto; 9130 (14g) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Privatization, Commission on, created; reports required [Sec. 1067m-p, 9159 (13b), 9201 (1), 9459 (9)] [9201 (1) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, contracting, minority businesses, LAB audit, sky box special rental payments, contributions to youth sports organizations and smoke-free environment in certain stadium seating areas [partial veto]  -  . Act 56
Recycling, Council on: membership revisions [Sec. 175b, 9142 (8p)]  -  Act 27
Sheriffs' term of office changed to 4-year; restriction on holding any other office revised; vacancy and appointment provisions: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR-37]  -  JR-23
State officer removal method to be governed by method of appointment [Sec. 437]  -  Act 27
University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority created [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under: ``University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority"]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission: membership, staff, funding and duties revised [Sec. 2g-L, 20g-i, 28m, 30t]  -  Act 216
governor _ legislation by request ofGovernor — Legislation by request of
Adoption regulations revised re nonmarital child, readoption of foreign adoptive child, county adoption services and state adoption center  -  Act 443
Budget bill [partial veto]  -  Act 27
Corrections funding re general program operations, secure work program, intergovernmental agreements, prison industries, youth service rates, Wisconsin resource center expansion and transfer of moneys to the property tax relief fund [partial veto]  -  Act 416
Development zone: program and job credits revised; provisions re day care, environmental remediation, research and W-2 tax credits [partial veto]  -  Act 209
Federal institutions that convert to state savings banks: authorized names  -  Act 367
Foster care permanency plan reviews: annual report requirement eliminated  -  Act 143
Immunization: report on statewide program  -  Act 222
Landfill bans: DNR permitted to grant exceptions re incineration and disposal of certain materials, including plastics  -  Act 142
Mental health evaluation and determination: immunity provision expanded  -  Act 175
Midwest interstate low-level radioactive waste compact revised  -  Act 115
Oil discharge control responses: immunity from liability created  -  Act 192
Prison expansion project under state building program re 1995 WisAct 27: bonding authority increased; federal funding provision  -  Act 388
Prison industries sale of recycling by-products authorized; interest payment provisions revised  -  Act 241
Prison industry programs and products sale by nonprofit or tax-supported agencies: approval by Prison industries board required  -  Act 389
Private attorney and investigator reimbursement: SPD appropriation increased  -  Act 248
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, contracting, minority businesses, LAB audit, sky box special rental payments, contributions to youth sports organizations and smoke-free environment in certain stadium seating areas [partial veto]  -  . Act 56
Special needs child adoption: grants limited  -  Act 266
State government operation revisions [partial veto]  -  Act 216
State procurement procedures and contract with governmental entities or consortia with 3rd parties revised; DOA may adjust based on consumer price index  -  Act 244
Transportation appropriations and state finances [partial veto]  -  Act 113
U.W. system investment of trust funds revised  -  Act 243
WCC board composition modified  -  Act 221
gpr _general program revenue_GPR (General program revenue), see specific agency; specific subject
grain marketingGrain marketing
Grain inspection and certification: appropriation accounts combined [Sec. 479-481, 488, 3568, 9204 (1)]  -  Act 27
Warehouse keeper and grain dealer regulations  -  Act 42