Mentally Ill or Disabled PersonsMENTALLY ILL OR DISABLED PERSONS
Abuse or neglect, 940.285, 940.295
Admission to treatment facility, voluntary, of adults, 51.10
Admissions, by county dept., 51.22
Aged infirm, county infirmaries, 49.72 to 49.729
Appeals, procedure, 809.40
Appointment of guardian:
Letters, 880.14
Order, 880.12
Petition, notice, 880.07, 880.08
Attorney general review of certain petitions and detentions, 165.017
Bank customer, authority of bank, 404.405
Care and custody, 51.22
Commitment hearing closed, 51.20 (12)
County services for, 48.57
Jurisdiction, 48.14
Special education, 115.76 to 115.89
Children's code proceedings:
Child examined on order of court, 48.295
Referral to ch. 51 or 55 proceeding, 48.135
Chronic mentally ill:
Community support programs, 51.421
Transfer or discharge, 51.35 (4m)
Commitment not warranted, petition for protective services, 51.67
Community-based or home services for medical assistance recipients, 46.277
Community integration program, for persons with mental retardation, 46.278
Community services, 51.42
State assistance to counties:
Systems change grants, 46.52
Self-help and peer-support programs, 46.54
Community support program, treatment through, 51.35 (1) (a)
Contracts void, when, 880.215
Corporations to care for, 58.05
Corrections compact, 302.25, 302.255, 302.26
Commitments to mental health institutes, 51.37
Competency, 51.20 (1) (am), 971.13
Competency proceedings, testimony by telephone, 971.14
Examination by physicians to testify, 971.16
Finding of not guilty, commitment, 971.17
Inadmissibility of statements for purposes of mental examination, 971.18
Medication and treatment ordered by court, 971.17 (3)
Mental responsibility:
Burden of proof, 971.15
Order of trial, 972.10
Conditional, 971.14 (4), 971.17 (4m)
Expiration of order, 971.17 (6), (6m)
Immunity from liability regarding notice, 895.54
Developmental disabilities:
Centers, admission, 51.06
Temporary placement for individuals under 22, 51.67
Discharge, 51.35 (4)
Driver's licenses, 343.06
Elector, challenge of, 6.935
Emergency detention in treatment facility, 51.15
Expense, in opposing petition, 880.24 (2)
Extradition of, 51.81 to 51.85
Facilities, for emergency detention of, 51.15 (2)