Unions authorized, 111.70
Engineer, failure to perform duties, 59.46
Filling, 17.25
Military service, temporary vacancy, 17.035 (1)
New elective office, filling, 17.245
Notice, 17.17
Qualification of successor, 17.28
Weed commissioners, 66.97 to 66.99
Worker's compensation, 102.03 (1) (c) 5., 102.07

TOWNS 10. Parks and Recreation10. Parks and Recreation
Board of park commissioners, 27.08
Board of public land commissioners, 27.11
City park powers, 27.13
Laying out, vacating or extending park; notice required, 840.11
Lease to a subdivision association land dedicated and unimproved, 236.29 (3)
Leasing state lands for recreational purposes, 23.305
Moneys received for parks, how dispersed, 27.15
Construction and maintenance costs, 27.12 (1)
Damages from deficient construction, maintenance, 27.12 (2)
Recreational immunity, 895.52
Police protection, 27.14
Recreation department, 66.527
State aids:
Badger fund, 25.28
Resources program, 23.30
State debt for facilities, 23.31
Taxation and finance, special assessments, 27.10
Trees, 27.09
Unused park, vacation, 236.43 (3)
Towns 11. Police11. Police
Citizen complaint procedures, 66.312
Citizenship requirements, 66.11
Collective bargaining and arbitration, 111.77
Abolition or establishment of office, 60.10 (1) (b)
Duties, office, 60.35
Fees, 60.351, 814.71
Jurisdiction and duties, 60.22 (4)
Training, 60.22 (4), 165.85 (4m)
Department, establishment, 60.56
Mentally ill prisoners, notification of release, 51.37 (9)
Mutual aid agreements, adjacent state agencies, 175.46
Acting outside municipality, pay, 66.315
Death and disability benefits:
Killed in action, 102.475
Public insurrection, death or injury, 106.25
Worker's compensation, 102.07
Interrogation, 164.02
Town with police commission, 60.57, 62.13
Town without police commission, 60.56 (1) (am)
Eligibility for public office, 164.06
Political activity, 164.015
Electoral office, right to run, 164.06
Recrimination, prohibited, 164.03
Rights, not to be reduced by town, 164.04
Training standards, programs, 165.85, 165.86
Police and fire commission, establishment, organization, powers and duties, 60.57
Protective services:
Placement, detention of person for, 55.06 (11)
Vulnerable adults, investigation of abuse, 55.043 (2)
Service to state facilities, payment for special charges, 16.008
Traffic academy for patrol officers, 110.065
Use of force, policy required, 66.312
Towns 12. Public Works12. Public Works
Board powers, 60.50
Contracts and competitive bidding, 60.47, 66.29
Invalid contract, obligation to pay for work performed, 66.295
Wage scale for public contracts, 66.293
Financing, 66.066, 66.067
Lake improvements, 60.50 (5)
Public utilities,
Sewerage systems:

Adjoining municipality system, extension into town, 60.52
Combined with waterworks, 66.077
Connection required, 281.45
Financial assistance program, 281.56
Financing, 66.076
Refunding bonds, 66.078
Joint systems:
Connection to 1st and certain 2nd class city systems, 62.175
Multiple municipalities, 281.43
Trust fund loans, 24.61 (3), 24.66 (2p)
Laterals or service pipes, 60.53, 66.625