Estates, judgments in favor of, 879.43 (3)
Federal court judgment, 806.17
Foreign county, docketing in, 806.13
Foreign judgments, uniform act, 806.24
Forfeitures, 778.09
Lien, 806.15
Municipal court judgment, 806.12
Refusal to satisfy, 806.20 (2)
Worker's compensation, awards, 102.20
Review, 102.24
Enforcement in special cases; judgments against:
Estates, executors, heirs and legatees,
Municipalities, 66.09
Public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district, 66.09
Public officers and employes:
Bond sureties, 19.03, 19.06
State and political subdivisions to pay, 895.46
Suit on official bond, lien, 19.05
Sheriff, execution against, 815.13
State, how paid, 775.04
Vessels, 780.10
Vocational education districts, 66.09
Entry of judgment, 806.06
Final or interlocutory, 806.01 (1) (a)
Findings, conclusions; combined with judgment, 805.17 (2)
Foreign copies as evidence, 889.15, 889.16
Foreign-money claims, 806.30 to 806.44
Foreign protection orders and injunctions:
Enforcement, 813.128
Full faith and credit, 806.247
Foreign uniform enforcement act, 806.24
Forfeiture, judgment for, 778.09
Granting, 806.06
Indian tribal court, full faith and credit, 806.245
Interlocutory, when given, 806.01 (2)
Joint obligations act, 113.02
Lien, 806.15
see Satisfaction of judgment, under this subhead
Mortgage foreclosure, 846.01
Amendment, 846.09
Assignment to defendant, 846.02
Contents, 846.09, 846.10
Default judgment, affirmative proof required, 840.07
Deficiency, 846.04
Discharge, 846.13
Interest on, 846.12
Subrogation, 846.15
Municipal court, 800.09
Municipal orders, judgments on, 66.125, 67.26
Municipal ordinance violations, 66.12
Municipalities, judgments against, 66.09
Natural resources forfeiture actions, 23.79, 23.80
Notice of entry, 806.06 (5)
Nuisance actions, 823.03
Private, 844.19, 844.20
Parental rights terminations, 48.43 (6)
Partial judgment, 806.01 (2)
Paternity actions, 767.51
Default or stipulated, 767.465
Motion to reopen based on statement acknowledging paternity, 767.466
Perfection, 806.06
Pleading of, 802.03 (5)
Quo warranto proceedings, 784.08
Real property actions:
See also Mortgage foreclosure, under this subhead

Declaration of interest in, 841.10
Default judgment, affirmative proof required, 840.07
Ejectment, 843.14
Eviction, 799.44
Partition, 842.14
On confirmation of sale, 842.19
Waste, actions for, 844.20
Relief from, 806.07
Traffic regulation actions, reopening judgments, 345.27, 345.51
, 808.08
By supreme court, 751.06
Entry on docket, 806.10 (2)
Restitution on, 806.09
Satisfaction of judgment:
, 806.19
Bankruptcy, discharge in, 806.19 (4)
Construction lien, penalty for failure, 779.13
Court may direct, 806.20 (1)
Debtor of judgment debtor may pay, 815.04