Impersonating, 946.70
Income and franchise tax, warrant to levy, 71.91 (5)
Register of prisoners, 59.27 (2)
Responsibility for; jailers and deputies, 59.27 (1)
Administration, maintenance and operation,
see Jails
Jury lists, malfeasance in preparing, 756.031
Mentally ill prisoners, notification of release, 51.37 (9)
Mortgage foreclosure sale, 846.16

Mutual aid agreements, adjacent state agencies, 175.46
Mutual assistance between agencies, 59.28, 66.305
Pay, 66.315
Nuisances; orders to abate, expenses, 844.20, 844.21
Office, where kept, when open, 59.20 (3)
Parolees' release, notification, 302.11 (5)
Partition sale:
Lands, duties on, 842.18
Personal property, 820.02
Proceeds brought into court, 842.22
Report, deeds on confirmation, 842.19
Prisoners, passing through counties with, 59.29
Peace, duty to keep, may call aid, 59.28
Personnel acting outside county, pay, 66.315
Powers and duties, generally, 59.27
After expiration of term, 59.33
Protective services:
Placement, detention of person for, 55.06 (11)
Vulnerable adults, investigation of abuse, 55.043 (2)
Public insurrection, death and disability benefits, 106.25
Real estate sales:
See also Partition sale, under this subhead

Deeds by successors in office, 840.18
Incapacity, absence or death, effect on execution, 840.17
Mortgage foreclosure sale, 846.16
Not to bid, 840.16 (2)
Records, destruction of, 59.27 (8)
Refusing to aid, criminal, 946.40
Rehabilitation facilities, 59.53 (8), 302.44
Removal from office, 17.09
See also Replevin

Care of property, 810.10
Claims of third parties, indemnity, 810.11
Return, filing papers, 810.12
Right of entry, 810.09
Service, 810.03
Returns to writs as evidence, 891.37
Reward for escaped criminal, offering, 59.29
Seized property, custody, 968.19
Service of process:
Duty, liability, 59.27 (9)
On sheriff, how made, 59.31
Summons, indorsement of receipt as evidence, 891.38
Writs and orders, 59.27 (4)
Service to state facilities, payment for special charges, 16.008
Snowmobile law, enforcement, 350.17
Suspension from office, 17.11
Telecommunication service, interruption authorized in crisis, 196.63
Telecommunication terminal for law enforcement, 59.54 (9)
Transportation of pupils in hazardous areas, review plan, 121.54 (9)
Unclaimed property:
Disposition, 59.66 (3)
Inventory, sale, 171.04 to 171.06
Attorney, practice as restricted, 59.30
Duties, vacancy, 59.26
Unlawful assembly, suppression, 947.06
How filled, 17.21
Undersheriff to act, 59.26
Worker's compensation, 102.07
COUNTIES 18. Surveyor18. Surveyor
, 59.45
Bond and oath, 59.21
Certificate of as evidence, 59.75
Election, term, 59.20 (2)
Eligibility for elective office, 59.20 (1)
Office, location, when open, 59.20 (3) (a)
Penalty for failure to perform duties, 59.46
Statute of limitations, damages for errors, 893.37
Substitute, when appointed, 59.75
Expressing bearings, subdividing sections, 59.73
Perpetuating and relocation of section corners, landmarks, 59.74
Town survey, contract for, bond, 60.84
Vacancy, filling, 17.21
Apportionment to districts, 70.63
Impact fees, 66.55
Income tax levy prohibited, 66.70
Levy authority: