Assignments of rents and leases: laws revised -  AB397
Assignments of rents and leases: laws revised [S.Amdt.1: assignment of profits added] -  SB293
Automobile dealer use tax created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3484m, r, 3485s, 9448 (8i); S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: dealer employe and driver education provisions, 3485b]  - AB150
Hospital operating leases: capital expenditure review provisions  - AB165
Lease-purchase agreement regulations created; Division of banking to administer -  AB715
Motor vehicle consumer leases: laws revised; provisions re prelease agreements, bond or liability insurance policy, motor vehicle dealer definition, sales finance company bond or credit and leasing to a minor [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Commissioner of banking duties set; A.Amdt.1: personalized registration plate provision] -  AB954
Motor vehicle consumer leases: laws revised; provisions re prelease agreements, bond or liability insurance policy, motor vehicle dealer definition, sales finance company bond or credit and leasing to a minor -  SB589
Motor vehicle leases: disclosure requirements created -  AB870
Outdoor advertising sign: lease of real property limited - AB983
Personalized registration plate: motor vehicle lessee may continue to use -  AB1037
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, room tax, contracting, highway improvements, surplus state land sale and LAB audit [for further revisions, see entry under: ``Milwaukee Brewers"] -  SE5 AB1
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts, LAB audit and records management [Sec. 2, 9-15, 28, 55-57, 62-67, 9162] -  AB935
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts, LAB audit and records management [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority"]  - SB565
Vehicle registration: renewal notice and residence information requirements revised (remedial legislation)  - AB821
legal aidLegal aid
Indigency verification and collection of representation costs: SPD authority expanded [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Public defender"]  - AB150
Indigent person's case attacking conditions of confinement: SPD representation eliminated [Sec. 1108, 7265, 7282, 9344 (1)] -  AB150
Nonsupport cases against indigent persons: SPD representation eliminated [Sec. 7266-7268, 9344 (3)]  - AB150
Paternity action by indigent person: SPD representation eliminated [Sec. 7112-7114, 7118-7121, 7264, 7283, 9344 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: SPD representation restricted, 7113b, 7118m-7120m, 7264m, 9344 (2q), deletes 7113, 7114, 7118-7121, 7264, 7283, 9344 (2)] - AB150
Preliminary hearing transcript: provision re payment by nonindigent defendant -  AB560
legislative actLegislative act, see Law
legislative audit bureauLegislative audit bureau
Agricultural production loan guarantee program extended [A.Sub.Amdt 1: further revisions, interest subsidy eliminated, audit of administrative assessments against the Wisconsin development reserve fund; A.Amdt.1: use of different eligibility criteria in emergencies; A.Amdt.3: interest subsidy changed; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-56: interest reduction]  - AB56
County and municipal best practices review procedures created [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 47m, n, 9437 (1t)]  - AB150
DOT audit by LAB authorized [Conf.Amdt.1] -  AB557
Gaming commission reorganized into Gaming board; Lottery division created in DOR; audit provisions [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under: ``Gaming commission"] - AB150
Investment board revisions re membership, investments, minutes, information to local governments and reports; internal audit subunit and chief investment officer position created; LAB reports revised -  AB664
Investment board revisions re membership, investments, minutes, information to local governments and reports; internal audit subunit and chief investment officer position created; LAB reports revised -  SB402
Milwaukee parental choice program revisions [Sec. 3442, 4002-4008, 4103, 9345 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, DOR duty removed, LAB evaluation audit required, 4006m, 4007m, r, 4008e-s, 4040x, 4046m, 4105m, 9145 (12x), 9345 (1x), deletes 3442, 4006-4008, 4103, 9345 (1)]  - AB150
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, room tax, contracting, highway improvements, surplus state land sale and LAB audit [for further revisions, see entry under: ``Milwaukee Brewers"] -  SE5 AB1
Relief block grant study provided [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9137 (1g)] -  AB150
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts, LAB audit and records management [Sec. 2, 9-15, 28, 55-57, 62-67, 9162] -  AB935
UWHCA revisions re lease and affiliation agreement, employe contracts, LAB audit and records management [for section numbers and further revisions, see entry under ``University of Wisconsin hospitals and clinics authority"]  - SB565
Wisconsin lake schooner education association: funding provided re sesquicentennial activity; DOA and LAB duties specified -  SB671
Wisconsin works agency contracts authorized; community steering committee and children's services network required [A.Sub.Amdt.3: contract provision expanded, LAB audit, requirements re refugees or persons with linguistic barriers] - AB591
Wisconsin works financial and performance audit: DILJD contract required [A.Sub.Amdt.3] - AB591
legislative documentLegislative document, see Public document
legislative fiscal bureauLegislative fiscal bureau
School aid: distribution of additional funds to certain districts re 92% of the statewide average; may not be included in LFB and DOA calculations -  AB884
School aid: distribution of additional funds to certain districts re statewide average; may not be included in LFB and DOA calculations -  AB885
School district costs: LFB to study -  AB324
Tax burden study by DOR and LFB required -  AB12
legislative reference bureauLegislative reference bureau
Bill draft requests by legislators: number of free drafts per session limited; fee for additional drafts set; legislative office expense allowance authorized -  AB561
Blue book: publication in computer-readable format authorized; licensing and copyright provisions; LRB responsibilities revised -  SB637
Feustel, Bruce: service to the Wisconsin legislature and the LRB commended -  AJR67
Legislative document distribution service subscription provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 41m, 42m, 1755m, n, 9137 (2v), 9337 (1v)] -  AB150
Legislative documents: printing requirements eliminated with exceptions; electronic transmission or reproduction permitted; format and quantity determination expanded; Revisor of statutes and LRB duties re publication of Administrative Register revised -  SB637
Substitute amendment analyses by LRB (Joint rule 51) -  AJR24
Theobald, Dr. H. Rupert: public service honored by plaque to be placed in Assembly chamber [S.Amdt.1: use of private contributions (amendment adoption reconsidered, laid on table)] - AB833
Budget bill (AB-150): party caucus deliberations open to the public -  AR26
Estimated expenditures of office of the Governor, Senate and Assembly: procedure revised -  SB539
Folded state highway maps: automatic distribution to legislators deleted -  AB46
Folded state highway maps: stamping or labeling by legislators prohibited; JCLO may establish toll-free legislative hotline, DOT to provide information on maps  - AB47
Legislative hotline: JCLO may establish toll-free service; DOT to provide information on folded state highway maps  - AB162
Legislative terms of office revised: Assembly made 4-year, Senate made 6-year. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -  AJR45
Party caucuses research staff: positions and JCLO authority deleted -  SB539
Party caucuses: open meeting requirements [Assembly rule 2 (5)] -  AR18
State agency distribution of publications to legislators: procedure created [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1749m]  - AB150
Unfunded federal mandates: sovereignty proclaimed; Wisconsin congressional delegation invited to appear annually before the Legislature -  AJR6
legislature _ adjournmentLegislature — Adjournment
Adjourn January 1995 special session except for consideration of vetoes and partial vetoes -  JR5 SJR1
Adjourn September 1995 special session except for consideration of vetoes and partial vetoes  - SE5 SJR1
Assembly daily adjournment: written remarks permitted [Assembly rule 98] -  AR15
legislature _ audit, joint committee onLegislature — Audit, Joint committee on
Agricultural production loan guarantee program extended [A.Sub.Amdt 1: further revisions, interest subsidy eliminated, audit of administrative assessments against the Wisconsin development reserve fund; A.Amdt.1: use of different eligibility criteria in emergencies; A.Amdt.3: interest subsidy changed; S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-56: interest reduction]  - AB56
legislature _ billsLegislature — Bills, see Bills, Legislative
legislature _ caucusLegislature — Caucus, see Legislature
legislature _ chambersLegislature — Chambers
Theobald, Dr. H. Rupert: public service honored by plaque to be placed in Assembly chamber [S.Amdt.1: use of private contributions (amendment adoption reconsidered, laid on table)] - AB833
Administrative rule proposals: committee hearings required [Assembly rule 11 (9), (9) (b), 14 (1)]  - AR24
Assembly rules revised [for rule numbers, see entry under: ``Legislature — Rules — Assembly"]  - AR2
Assembly rules revised re ending daily session, special committees creation, rereferral of a proposal while in committee and after reported out [Assembly rules 10 (1m)(intro.), (3), 42 (3)(c), 90, 90 (2), 95 (82), (90)] -  AR31
Assembly standing committee membership requirement re minority party member as chairperson [Assembly rule 9 (2)(a)] - AR4
Assembly standing committees: number limited [Assembly rule 9 (1)] -  AR5
Bill draft requests by legislators: number of free drafts per session limited; fee for additional drafts set; legislative office expense allowance authorized -  AB561
Blue book distribution and legislator allotment modified; legislative office expense allowance authorized  - AB710
Controlled substances, Assembly Special committee on, created -  AR13
Driver's license examination standards review and revision: consideration by legislative committee and implementation by joint resolution eliminated -  AB849
Driver's license examination standards review and revision: consideration by legislative committee and implementation by joint resolution eliminated -  SB509
Folded state highway maps distributed to legislators revised; legislative office expense allowance authorized  - AB711
Gambling oversight, Assembly Special committee on, created -  AR10