real propertyReal property, see also Land; Mortgage; Public land
Land contract foreclosure: redemption period provided -  AB579
Outdoor advertising sign: lease of real property limited - AB983
Property value affected by governmental actions: duty to minimize adverse effect imposed; cause of action for damages created -  AB521
Property value affected by governmental actions: duty to minimize adverse effect imposed; cause of action for damages created -  SB298
Residential real property disclosure form revised re historic structures [A.Sub.Amdt.1: form revised, certain exceptions provided] -  AB391
Sheriff's fees for certain real estate sales increased -  AB828
real property _ agentReal property — Agent
Commission lien for commercial real estate brokers established - AB785
Commission lien for commercial real estate brokers established - SB548
Corporations, service corporations and limited liability companies: laws revised and expanded [A.Amdt.2: DFI substituted for Secretary of state; A.Amdt.3: ``business entity" and ``business representative" definitions created; A.Amdt.4: withdrawal from limited partnerships revised; S.Amdt.1: real estate transfer fee provision removed] -  AB923
Corporations, service corporations and limited liability companies: laws revised and expanded - SB558
Fraudulent representations law: real estate brokers and salespersons exempt in certain cases [A.Amdt.2: attorney fee provision] - AB386
Real estate brokers and salespersons: inactive license status eliminated [Sec. 6612-6614] -  AB150
reciprocityReciprocity, see also Interstate compact
Athletic trainers affiliated credentialing board created; licensing requirements established; reciprocal licensure provision - SB447
Interstate marketing of state-inspected meat: Congress urged to allow (memorial to Congress) -  SJR25
Locksmith regulations and examining board created; reciprocity provided -  AB939
Reciprocal and temporary credential fees charged by DORL [Sec. 6474, 6475, 9347 (1), 9447 (2)]  - AB150
State banking laws: chapter 221, Wis.Stats., recodified -  AB872
State banking laws: chapter 221, Wis.Stats., recodified [S.Amdt.1: foreign trust company provisions removed]  - SB494
recorded conversationRecorded conversation, see Evidence
Admission fees to state trails and certain state park: percentage retained by concessionaires or agents increased [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, use of fees specified in certain cases] -  AB762
ATV operation on highway for access to residence, lodging establishment, campground or trail permitted  - AB1052
Automated campground reservation system provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1501m, r] -  AB150
Business improvement loan guarantee program: use of loan procedes for snow drought emergencies  - AB601
Business improvement or start-up loan guarantee program revised; eligibility expanded [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 6305i-np] -  AB150
Camping fees for nonprofit youth organizations -  AB132
Campsite reservations: opening date revised [Sec. 1494, 1496, 1499, 1500; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revision, 1499m, deletes 1499] -  AB150
Contact sports activities: liability standards for participants revised -  AB628
Educational and similar organizations property tax exemption narrowed to exclude recreational organizations  - SB207
Electric receptacles at state park campsites: ratio modified; campsite definition revised -  AB314
Ethnic trail day designated - SJR32
Heritage state parks and forests trust fund: matching funds requirement modified; grant to Shawano county for Mountain bay trail -  AB1041
Heritage state parks and forests trust fund: matching funds requirement modified; minimum cash balance required; LWSR moneys set aside for Mountain bay state trail  - AB1093
LWSR revisions re county permits, standards for structures or mobile homes, timber cutting, mining and quarrying, recreational trails, DNR and LWSR board authority [S.Amdt.1: quarrying references removed, nonmetallic mining specified, erosion prevention and control rules]  - AB590
Recreational use of property: civil liability immunity created re supervision, participation and transportation  - AB964
Recreational use of property: owner's immunity from liability expanded re death of participant - SB292
Ski trail grooming equipment: property tax exemption created for nonprofit ski club or hill - AB764
Snowmobile operation on roadway for purposes of personal access [A.Sub.Amdt.2: access expanded re lodging establishment, campground or residential access]  - AB445
Sport shooting range responsibilities set; noise and nuisance provisions; users accept associated risks  - AB527
State parks, trails, campgrounds and admission to certain museums: sales and use tax exemption on fees discontinued  - AB750
State parks, trails, recreation areas and forests: management revisions [for section numbers, see entry under: ``State park"; original bill only] -  AB150
Submerged land conveyance to city of Racine re 1983 WisAct 162: swimming pool construction and operation authorized - SB129
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re adjacent outdoor volleyball court [S.Amdt.1: indoor golf simulator facilities added]  - SB311
Vehicle admission stickers for entry into state parks and recreational lands: provisions for certain members of the U.S. armed forces -  SB180
recreation vehicleRecreation vehicle
Alcohol concentration: prohibited level set for certain vehicle operators; chemical tests and applicable levels for other intoxication offenses (including firearm violations) revised  - SB605
ATV definition modified - AB1054
ATV, motor vehicle and snowmobile operation: age for zero BAC raised to 21 -  AB181
ATV operation by minors: laws revised -  AB196
ATV operation on highway for access to residence, lodging establishment, campground or trail permitted  - AB1052
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3496b, g, j, 3500cp, 3503g, j, 9348 (11mt); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 3496bb-jb, 3500cpb, 3503gb, jb, 9348 (11mtb) (Senate recedes its position)] -  AB150
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions  - AB402
Fuel used in snowmobiles, ATVs and motorboats: tax revisions  - AB557
Mobile and manufactured homes, parks and manufacturers: definitions and regulations revised; DILHR duties modified  - AB720
Motor vehicle, boating, ATV and snowmobiling laws revised re hit and run, repeat offender and OWI  - AB796
Environmental statutes (chap. 144, Wis.Stats.) renumbered and reorganized -  SB622
Foreign municipality disposal of recyclable materials in state: DNR approval of out-of-state landfill siting programs removed [Sec. 4409, 4412, 4414; original bill only]  - AB150
Foreign municipality disposal of recyclable materials in state: DNR approval of out-of-state landfill siting programs removed -  SB165
General fund: transfer of moneys from recycling fund [Sec. 9242 (2)] -  AB150
Landfill bans: DNR permitted to grant exceptions re incineration and disposal of certain materials [Sec. 4410, 4413; original bill only] -  AB150
Landfill bans: DNR permitted to grant exceptions re incineration and disposal of certain materials [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, waiver to restriction on certain plastics included] - SB164
Legal briefs: use of recycled paper required -  AB432
Newspapers: recycled paper content requirement expanded -  SB250
Newsprint: scheduled increases in percentage of postconsumer fiber content delayed -  AB882
Prison industries sale of recycling by-products authorized [Sec. 6396; original bill only] -  AB150
Prison industries sale of recycling by-products authorized; interest payment provisions revised - AB719
Prison industries sale of recycling by-products authorized; interest payment provisions revised - SB204
Recycled paper purchase by state agencies: implementation date modified (remedial legislation) - SB482
Recycling council abolished; duties transferred to Recycling market development board [Sec. 100, 101, 175, 3609, 3663, 4416-4428, 6893, 9142 (8); original bill only]  - AB150
Recycling, Council on: membership revisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 175b, 9142 (8p)] -  AB150
Recycling grant appropriation revised [Sec. 692; A.Sub.Amdt.1: grant revisions, 4428s]  - AB150
Recycling market development board: list of materials eligible for assistance [Sec. 4432-4434, 9401 (1); original bill only] - AB150
Recycling market development board: list of materials eligible for assistance -  SB63
Recycling market development board: role, structure and membership revised [Sec. 96, 112, 514, 1080, 1085, 1086, 1194, 4407, 4437, 4438, 4440, 9101 (16); original bill only]  - AB150
Recycling market development board: rule making procedures [Sec. 6893] -  AB150
Recycling market development board: staffing, structure and functions revised [Sec. 656, 4435, 4436, 4439, 9101 (16); A.Sub.Amdt.1: U.W. system duties added, 112b-h, 220g, 514b, 608s, 609g-k, 1080b, 1085b, 1086b, 1775e-h, 4406x, 4407b, 4435d, 4436d, 4437b, 4438b, 4440b, 6887k, 9157 (2p), 9457 (1p); A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: technical change, 656b] - AB150
Recycling market development board: strategic plan requirement; duties re waste generators and markets for recovered materials; report provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 4432d-4434r] - AB150
Recycling program financial assistance re landfill restrictions of major appliances and waste oil - SB158
Technical college system recycling program: board's duty eliminated [Sec. 619, 1802, 9454 (1)] - AB150
Temporary recycling surcharge requirement expanded [Sec. 3494-3496, 9348 (1)] -  AB150
Used home furnishing purchases by antique dealers and recyclers: regulations created -  SB234