Highways: property tax exemption created -  AB751
STH designation re CTH X in Winnebago county [A.Sub.Amdt.2] -  AB557
Vehicles transporting potatoes: annual or consecutive monthly permits authorized; weight and length restrictions revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, permit provision deleted, restrictions on certain highways and DOT rule-making]  - AB151
road _ federal and state aidRoad — Federal and state aid, see Road — Finance
road _ financeRoad — Finance
County forest road aids increased - AB253
County forest road aids increased - AB557
DOT appropriation adjustments: submission of plans to JCF re allocation of actual federal aid amounts [A.Amdt.13 to A.Sub.Amdt.2] -  AB557
Hazardous material transportation registration fees: collection re administrative rule specified; estimated transportation fund revenue decreased [Conf.Amdt. 1] - AB557
Hazardous materials transportation fee revisions; lapse to transportation fund [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 774e, 9255 (2mu); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 774eb, 9255 (2mu) (Senate recedes its position)] - AB150
Hazardous materials transportation fee revisions; lapse to transportation fund [original bill only]  - AB557
Highway improvement procedures [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3515m-3519i; A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: federal funds and standards, 3517m, 3526fm; S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150: standards provision removed, deletes 3526fm]  - AB150
Incorporated or newly formed municipality: property tax and local transportation aids program formula revised; DOA to certify population re shared revenue -  AB1036
Incorporated or newly formed municipality: property tax and local transportation aids program formula revised; DOA to certify population re shared revenue [S.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 47m, 48g-r, 51d-t, 9362 (1g)] -  SB565
Incorporated or newly formed municipality: property tax and local transportation aids program formula revised; DOA to certify population re shared revenue -  SB619
Local transportation aid revisions [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3527c-k, p-w; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 3527cb-kb (Senate recedes its position)]  - AB150
Local transportation aid revisions - AB402
Local transportation aid revisions - AB557
``Local transportation aids" program title changed to ``General transportation aids" (remedial legislation)  - AB821
Major highway project funding for certain projects revised; certain priority stated [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3516m, 9155 (3mt); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: priority list expanded, 3516mb (Senate recedes its position)] - AB150
Major highway projects and transportation administrative facilities: revenue bonding level increased [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3523g; deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 3523gb (Senate recedes its position)]  - AB150
Major highway projects and transportation administrative facilities: revenue bonding level increased  - AB402
Major highway projects and transportation administrative facilities: revenue bonding level modified  - AB557
Major highway projects: revenue obligations re availability of federal funds [original bill only]  - AB557
Milwaukee Brewers stadium project, East-West freeway: funding provision [A.Sub.Amdt.2] -  AB557
Milwaukee Brewers stadium project, East-West freeway: provisions of 1995 WisAct 113 modified; completion date specified - AB1023
Milwaukee Brewers stadium project, East-West freeway: special reserve account in segregated transportation fund repealed - AB1091
Municipal and county vehicle registration fees: use of proceeds specified -  AB518
STH rehabilitation program: supplemental appropriation; DOT to certify to JCF [Conf.Amdt. 1] - AB557
Surplus land sales: revenues increased to reflect estimated proceeds from [A.Sub.Amdt.2: DOT required to sell enough surplus land to produce certain amount of transportation fund revenue; deleted by Conf.Amdt.1] -  AB557
Transportation financing: committee created to study sources, including oil franchise fee [A.Sub.Amdt.1] [A.Sub.Amdt.2: study expanded to include tax rate differences between Wisconsin and bordering states, oil franchise fee provision removed; Conf.Amdt.1: study expanded re mass transit financing]  - AB557
road _ machineryRoad — Machinery
Classified driver license system revisions; commercial and occupational license provisions [A.Amdt.26 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 3782am, 4080r, 6409c, g, 6411e, f-r, 6412be, bg, ca-cu, cw-czn, 7245mm, 9355 (2); deleted by S.Amdt.116 to Engr.AB-150; deleted and modified by S.Amdt.117 to Engr.AB-150: 3782amb, 4080rb, 6409cb, gb, 6411eb, 6411fb-6412cub, cwb-czj, 7245mmb, 9355 (2b) (Senate recedes its position)] -  AB150
Classified driver license system revisions; commercial and occupational license provisions -  AB402
Classified driver license system revisions; commercial and occupational license provisions -  AB557
Snowplow operation: political subdivision not liable for damage; following too closely prohibited  - AB485
Vehicles transporting certain oversize or overweight loads near Wisconsin-Michigan border: permit limitation removed [S.Amdt.1: motorized construction equipment operators exempt from driver licensing requirements]  - AB848
road _ markingRoad — Marking, see also Billboard
Farm progress days 1996: DOT may not charge sponsors for state traffic patrol services; charge for certain other costs permitted [A.Amdt.4: Sec. 9162 (3m)] - SB565
Gaming operation signs: DOT to remove [S.Amdt.1 to Engr.AB-557] (Senate recedes its position by adoption of Conf.Amdt.1) -  AB557
Speed limit maximum on certain state trunk highways: effective date re 1995 WisAct 318 repealed (remedial legislation) [S.Amdt.1] -  AB821
Speed limit maximum revised re freeways without federal limit; provisions re no posted traffic sign and hours of darkness - AB618
Speed limit maximum set on certain state trunk highways; ``freeway" and ``expressway" defined; effective when DOT posts signs -  AB894
Speed limit maximum set on certain state trunk highways; ``freeway" and ``expressway" defined; effective when DOT posts signs -  SB541
Speed limit of 55 mph established for certain vehicle combinations on freeways; not applicable unless DOT posts signs - SB451
STH designation re CTH X in Winnebago county [A.Sub.Amdt.2] -  AB557
STH 33 designated and marked ``84th Division `Railsplitters' Memorial Highway" [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, funding from contributions required] -  SB271
STH 49: portion designated and marked as the ``Flyway Highway" in honor of Horicon marsh - SB25
STH 49: portion designated and marked as the ``Flyway Highway" in honor of Horicon marsh - AB55
STH 160 designated and marked the ``Polish Veterans Memorial Highway" -  SB600
STH 441: certain bridge across Fox river in Outagamie county designated and marked ``Fox Valley Connection Bridge"  - SB657
Traffic signs and other devices on private property: regulations created -  AB421
USH 2 bridge between Superior (WI) and Duluth (MN) marked ``Major Richard I. Bong Memorial Bridge"  - SB260
USH 14: erection and maintenance of specific information signs on certain portion authorized -  AB553
rock art siteRock art site, see Art
room taxRoom tax
Professional baseball park district created; provisions re bond issuance, room tax, contracting, highway improvements, surplus state land sale and LAB audit [for further revisions, see entry under: ``Milwaukee Brewers"] -  SE5 AB1
Transient accommodations: applicable time period for sales and room tax -  AB142
Transient definition revised re room tax -  SB579
rsvp _retired senior volunteer program_RSVP (Retired senior volunteer program), see Senior citizen
rural planningRural planning
Health care provider loan assistance program revisions [Sec. 511, 6901-6906] -  AB150
Rural economic development program changes [Sec. 6898, 6899; original bill only] -  AB150
Rural economic development program changes -  AB437
Rural economic development program changes -  SB174
Rural economic development program revision re employe relocation costs [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 6898r-t]  - AB150
Rural hospital loan guarantee program repealed [Sec. 6299, 6300] -  AB150
Rural hospital loan guarantee program: WHEFA transfer of moneys to DOA required [Sec. 9125 (1)]  - AB150
Rural hospital MA: limitation on funds distribution to apply each fiscal year [Sec. 2954] -  AB150
Rural medical center regulations created -  SB240
Rural medical center regulations created; certain exemptions -  AB520
Rural medical center regulations created; certain exemptions -  SB309
s - S -
st. david_s daySt. David's day, see Holidays
Price misrepresentation in sales using electronic scanners: information refund policy required - AB428
Sheriff's fees for certain real estate sales increased -  AB828
Unfair sales act repealed - AB558