346.79(2) (2)
346.79(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), no bicycle may be used to carry or transport more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed.
346.79(2)(b) (b) In addition to the operator, a bicycle otherwise designed to carry only the operator may be used to carry or transport a child seated in an auxiliary child's seat or trailer designed for attachment to a bicycle if the seat or trailer is securely attached to the bicycle according to the directions of the manufacturer of the seat or trailer.
346.79(3) (3) No person operating a bicycle shall carry any package, bundle or article which prevents the operator from keeping at least one hand upon the handle bars.
346.79(4) (4) No person riding a bicycle shall attach himself or herself or his or her bicycle to any vehicle upon a roadway.
346.79(5) (5) No person may ride a moped or motor bicycle with the power unit in operation upon a bicycle way.
346.79 Annotation Discussion of number of persons who can operate a single bicycle. 61 Atty. Gen. 360.
346.80 346.80 Riding bicycle on roadway.
346.80(1) (1) In this section, "substandard width lane" means a lane that is too narrow for a bicycle and a motor vehicle to travel safely side by side within the lane.
346.80(2) (2)
346.80(2)(a)(a) Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand edge or curb of the unobstructed traveled roadway, including operators who are riding 2 or more abreast where permitted under sub. (3), except:
346.80(2)(a)1. 1. When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction.
346.80(2)(a)2. 2. When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway.
346.80(2)(a)3. 3. When reasonably necessary to avoid unsafe conditions, including fixed or moving objects, parked or moving vehicles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards or substandard width lanes that make it unsafe to ride along the right-hand edge or curb.
346.80(2)(b) (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), any person operating a bicycle upon a one-way highway having 2 or more lanes available for traffic may ride as near the left-hand edge or curb of the roadway as practicable.
346.80(2)(c) (c) Any person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall exercise due care when passing a standing or parked vehicle or a vehicle proceeding in the same direction, allowing a minimum of 3 feet between the bicycle and the vehicle, and shall give an audible signal when passing a bicycle rider proceeding in the same direction.
346.80(3) (3)
346.80(3)(a)(a) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway may ride 2 abreast if such operation does not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic. Bicycle operators riding 2 abreast on a 2-lane or more roadway shall ride within a single lane.
346.80(3)(b) (b) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway may not ride more than 2 abreast except upon any path, trail, lane or other way set aside for the exclusive use of bicycles.
346.80(4) (4) No person may operate a bicycle or moped upon a roadway where a sign is erected indicating that bicycle or moped riding is prohibited.
346.80(5) (5) Except as provided in ss. 346.23, 346.24, 346.37 and 346.38, every rider of a bicycle shall, upon entering on a highway, yield the right-of-way to motor vehicles.
346.803 346.803 Riding bicycle on bicycle way.
346.803(1) (1) Every person operating a bicycle upon a bicycle way shall:
346.803(1)(a) (a) Exercise due care and give an audible signal when passing a bicycle rider or a pedestrian proceeding in the same direction.
346.803(1)(b) (b) Obey each traffic signal or sign facing a roadway which runs parallel and adjacent to a bicycle way.
346.803(2) (2) Every person operating a bicycle upon a bicycle way open to 2-way traffic shall ride on the right side of the bicycle way.
346.803(3) (3) Every operator of a bicycle entering a bicycle way shall yield the right-of-way to all bicycles and pedestrians in the bicycle way.
346.803 History History: 1973 c. 182.
346.804 346.804 Riding bicycle on sidewalk. When local authorities under s. 346.94 (1) permit bicycles on the sidewalk, every person operating a bicycle upon a sidewalk shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall exercise due care and give an audible signal when passing a bicycle rider or pedestrian proceeding in the same direction.
346.804 History History: 1973 c. 182.
346.82 346.82 Penalty for violating sections 346.77 to 346.804.
346.82(1)(1) Any person violating ss. 346.77, 346.79 (1) to (3) or 346.80 to 346.804 may be required to forfeit not more than $20.
346.82(2) (2) Any person violating s. 346.78 or 346.79 (4) may be required to forfeit not less than $10 nor more than $20 for the first offense and not less than $25 nor more than $50 for the 2nd or subsequent conviction within a year.
346.82 History History: 1971 c. 278; 1973 c. 182; 1983 a. 243.
346.87 346.87 Limitations on backing. The operator of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with reasonable safety.
346.88 346.88 Obstruction of operator's view or driving mechanism.
346.88(1)(1) No person shall drive a vehicle when it is so loaded or when there are in the front seat such number of persons, or any persons so situated, as to obstruct the view of the operator to the front or to the sides or as to interfere with the operator having free use of both hands and feet to the operating mechanisms or controls of the vehicle.
346.88(2) (2) No passenger in a vehicle shall ride in such a position as to interfere with the operator's view ahead or to the sides or to interfere with the operator's control of the operating mechanism of the vehicle.
346.88(3) (3)
346.88(3)(a)(a) No person shall drive any motor vehicle with any sign, poster or other nontransparent material upon the front windshield, front side wings, side windows in the driver's compartment or rear window of such vehicle other than a certificate or other sticker issued by order of a governmental agency. Such permitted sticker shall not cover more than 15 square inches of glass surface and shall be placed in the lower left-hand corner of the windshield; the left corner being on the driver's left when seated behind the wheel.
346.88(3)(b) (b) No person shall drive any motor vehicle upon a highway with any object so placed or suspended in or upon the vehicle so as to obstruct the driver's clear view through the front windshield.
346.88(3)(c) (c) No person shall drive any motor vehicle upon a highway so loaded or with any object so placed or suspended in or upon the vehicle so as to obstruct the driver's clear vision through the rear window unless such vehicle is equipped with an outside rear view mirror meeting the requirements of s. 347.40.
346.88(3)(d) (d) Signal lamps used by authorized emergency vehicles shall not be considered a violation of this section.
346.88(4) (4) The windshield, side wings and side and rear windows of a motor vehicle shall be kept reasonably clean at all times.
346.89 346.89 Inattentive driving.
346.89(1)(1) No person while driving a motor vehicle shall be so engaged or occupied as to interfere with the safe driving of such vehicle.
346.89(2) (2) No person shall drive any motor vehicle equipped with any device for visually receiving a television broadcast when such device is located in the motor vehicle at any point forward of the back of the operator's seat or when such device is visible to the operator while driving the motor vehicle.
346.90 346.90 Following emergency vehicle. The operator of any vehicle other than one on official business shall not follow an authorized emergency vehicle responding to a call or alarm closer than 500 feet or drive into or park his or her vehicle within the block where, or within 300 feet of the driveway entrance or similar point of access to a driveway or road on which, fire apparatus has stopped in response to an alarm. The personal vehicles of members of a volunteer fire department answering the alarm are considered on official business.
346.90 History History: 1975 c. 253, 421.
346.91 346.91 Crossing fire hose. No person without the consent of the fire department official in command may drive a vehicle over any unprotected hose of a fire department when such hose is laid down on any street or private driveway to be used at any fire or alarm of fire.
346.91 History History: 1985 a. 187.
346.92 346.92 Illegal riding.
346.92(1)(1) No person shall drive a vehicle when any person other than an employe engaged in the necessary discharge of the employe's duty is upon any portion thereof not designed or intended for the use of passengers.
346.92(2) (2) No person other than an employe engaged in the necessary discharge of the employe's duty shall ride upon any portion of a vehicle not designed or intended for the use of passengers.
346.92(3) (3) This section does not apply to persons riding within truck bodies in spaces intended for merchandise or to the operator of any such vehicle.
346.92 History History: 1991 a. 316.
346.922 346.922 Transporting children in cargo areas of motor trucks.
346.922(1)(1) Notwithstanding s. 346.92, no person may operate upon a highway a motor truck having a gross weight of 10,000 pounds or less when any child under the age of 16 years is in an open cargo area of the motor truck.
346.922(2) (2)Subsection (1) does not apply to any of the following:
346.922(2)(a) (a) A person operating a farm truck in conjunction with farm operations.
346.922(2)(b) (b) A person operating a motor truck in a parade sanctioned by a local municipality.
346.922(2)(c) (c) A person operating a motor truck for the purpose of transporting licensed deer hunters during the authorized deer hunting season with firearms.
346.922 History History: 1995 a. 420.
346.925 346.925 Operation of agricultural machinery by youthful operators.
346.925(1)(1) After April 30, 1996, no person may direct or permit a child under the age of 16 years to operate a farm tractor or self-propelled implement of husbandry on the highway unless the child has been certified as successfully completing a tractor and machinery operation safety training course that is equivalent to the requirements, other than age, specified under 29 CFR part 570.70 to 570.72.
346.925(2) (2)Subsection (1) does not apply to operation of a farm tractor or self-propelled implement of husbandry on the highway on a course that is perpendicular to the direction of the highway.
346.925(3) (3) Notwithstanding s. 939.61, no penalty may be imposed for a violation of this section.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (3) is repealed eff. 7-1-97 by 1995 Wis. Act 194.
346.925 History History: 1993 a. 455; 1995 a. 194.
346.93 346.93 Intoxicants in vehicle; underage persons.
346.93(1)(1) No underage person, as defined under s. 125.02 (20m), may knowingly possess, transport or have under his or her control any alcohol beverage in any motor vehicle unless the person is employed by a brewer, an alcohol beverage licensee, wholesaler, retailer, distributor, manufacturer or rectifier and is possessing, transporting or having such beverage in a motor vehicle under his or her control during his or her working hours and in the course of employment, as provided under s. 125.07 (4) (bm).
346.93(2) (2) In addition to any other penalty prescribed by law, any violation of this section by an underage person driving or operating or on duty time with respect to a commercial motor vehicle shall be punished under s. 346.65 (2u).
346.93 History History: 1971 c. 213 s. 5; 1983 a. 74; 1985 a. 28; 1989 a. 105.
346.93 Annotation This section discussed. 66 Atty. Gen. 215.
346.935 346.935 Intoxicants in motor vehicles.
346.935(1) (1) No person may drink alcohol beverages in any motor vehicle when the vehicle is upon a highway.
346.935(2) (2) No person may possess on his or her person, in a privately owned motor vehicle upon a public highway, any bottle or receptacle containing alcohol beverages if the bottle or receptacle has been opened, the seal has been broken or the contents of the bottle or receptacle have been partially removed.
346.935(3) (3) The owner of a privately owned motor vehicle, or the driver of the vehicle if the owner is not present in the vehicle, shall not keep, or allow to be kept in the motor vehicle when it is upon a highway any bottle or receptacle containing alcohol beverages if the bottle or receptacle has been opened, the seal has been broken or the contents of the bottle or receptacle have been partially removed. This subsection does not apply if the bottle or receptacle is kept in the trunk of the vehicle or, if the vehicle has no trunk, in some other area of the vehicle not normally occupied by the driver or passengers. A utility compartment or glove compartment is considered to be within the area normally occupied by the driver and passengers.
346.935(4) (4)
346.935(4)(a)(a) In this subsection:
346.935(4)(a)1. 1. "Chauffeur" means a person employed full time or on a regular basis, including leased drivers, for the principal purpose of operating a motor vehicle.
346.935(4)(a)2. 2. "Limousine" means any motor vehicle for charter or hire which is operated by a chauffeur and designed for transporting persons rather than property.
346.935(4)(b) (b) This section does not apply to passengers in a limousine or in a motor bus if the vehicle is operated by a chauffeur holding a valid license and endorsements authorizing operation of the vehicle as provided in ch. 343 and is in compliance with any local ordinance or regulation adopted under s. 349.24.
346.935(5) (5) In addition to any other penalty prescribed by law, any violation of this section by an operator of a commercial motor vehicle shall be punished under s. 346.65 (2u).
346.935 History History: 1975 c. 297 s. 16; Stats. 1975 s. 346.935; 1981 c. 20; 1981 c. 79 s. 17; 1983 a. 535; 1985 a. 332 s. 253; 1989 a. 105.
346.94 346.94 Miscellaneous prohibited acts.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1995. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?