408.102(1)(h)2. 2. Of a type commonly dealt in on securities exchanges or markets; and
408.102(1)(h)3. 3. Either one of a class or series or by its terms divisible into a class or series of shares, participations, interests or obligations.
408.102(5) (5) Other definitions applying to this chapter or to specified sections thereof and the sections in which they appear are:
408.102(5)(a) (a) "Adverse claim" — s. 408.302.
408.102(5)(b) (b) "Bona fide purchaser" — s. 408.302.
408.102(5)(c) (c) "Broker" — s. 408.303.
408.102(5)(d) (d) "Debtor" — s. 409.105.
408.102(5)(e) (e) "Financial intermediary" — s. 408.313.
408.102(5)(f) (f) "Guarantee of the signature" — s. 408.402.
408.102(5)(g) (g) "Initial transaction statement" — s. 408.408.
408.102(5)(h) (h) "Instruction" — s. 408.308.
408.102(5)(i) (i) "Intermediary bank" — s. 404.105.
408.102(5)(j) (j) "Issuer" — s. 408.201.
408.102(5)(k) (k) "Overissue" — s. 408.104.
408.102(5)(L) (L) "Secured party" — s. 409.105.
408.102(5)(m) (m) "Security agreement" — s. 409.105.
408.102(6) (6) In addition ch. 401 contains general definitions and principles of construction and interpretation applicable throughout this chapter.
408.102 History History: 1975 c. 107; 1983 a. 189; 1985 a. 237 ss. 3 to 17, 119; 1987 a. 403.
408.102 Annotation Stock of closely-held corporation not traded upon securities exchange is "security" under this section. Wamser v. Bamberger, 101 W (2d) 637, 305 NW (2d) 158 (Ct. App. 1981).
408.102 Annotation Guarantying municipal bonds. Minge, 1974 WLR 89.
408.103 408.103 Issuer's lien. A lien upon a security in favor of an issuer thereof is valid against a purchaser only if:
408.103(1) (1) The security is certificated and the right of the issuer to the lien is noted conspicuously thereon; or
408.103(2) (2) The security is uncertificated and a notation of the right of the issuer to the lien is contained in the initial transaction statement sent to the purchaser or, if his or her interest is transferred to him or her other than by registration of transfer, pledge or release, the initial transaction statement sent to the registered owner or the registered pledgee.
408.103 History History: 1985 a. 237.
408.104 408.104 Effect of overissue; "overissue".
408.104(1) (1) The provisions of this chapter which validate a security or compel its issue or reissue do not apply to the extent that validation, issue or reissue would result in overissue, but if:
408.104(1)(a) (a) An identical security which does not constitute an overissue is reasonably available for purchase, the person entitled to issue or validation may compel the issuer to purchase the security for him or her and either to deliver a certificated security or to register the transfer of an uncertificated security to him or her, against surrender of any certificated security he or she holds; or
408.104(1)(b) (b) A security is not so available for purchase, the person entitled to issue or validation may recover from the issuer the price he or she or the last purchaser for value paid for it with interest from the date of his or her demand.
408.104(2) (2) "Overissue" means the issue of securities in excess of the amount the issuer has corporate power to issue.
408.104 History History: 1985 a. 237.
408.105 408.105 Certificated securities negotiable; statements and instructions not negotiable; presumptions.
408.105(1)(1) Certificated securities governed by this chapter are negotiable instruments.
408.105(2) (2) Statements (s. 408.108), notices, or the like, sent by the issuer of uncertificated securities and instructions (s. 408.308) are neither negotiable instruments nor certificated securities.
408.105(3) (3) In any action on a security:
408.105(3)(a) (a) Unless specifically denied in the manner provided in s. 891.25, each signature on a certificated security, in a necessary endorsement on an initial transaction statement, or on an instruction, is admitted.
408.105(3)(b) (b) If the effectiveness of a signature is put in issue the burden of establishing it is on the party claiming under the signature but the signature is presumed to be genuine or authorized.
408.105(3)(c) (c) If signatures on a certificated security are admitted or established production of the security entitles a holder to recover on it unless the defendant establishes a defense or a defect going to the validity of the security.
408.105(3)(d) (d) If signatures on an initial transaction statement are admitted or established, the facts stated in the statement are presumed to be true as of the time of its issuance; and
408.105(3)(e) (e) After it is shown that a defense or defect exists, the plaintiff has the burden of establishing that he or she or some person under whom he or she claims is a person against whom the defense or defect is ineffective (s. 408.202).
408.105 History History: 1985 a. 237.
408.106 408.106 Applicability. The law (including conflict of laws rules) of the jurisdiction of organization of the issuer governs the validity of a security, the effectiveness of registration by the issuer and the rights and duties of the issuer with respect to all of the following:
408.106(1) (1) Registration of transfer of a certificated security.
408.106(2) (2) Registration of transfer, pledge or release of an uncertificated security.
408.106(3) (3) Sending of statements of uncertificated securities.
408.106 History History: 1985 a. 237.
408.107 408.107 Securities transferable; action for price.
408.107(1)(1) Unless otherwise agreed and subject to any applicable law or regulation respecting short sales, a person obligated to transfer securities may transfer any certificated security of the specified issue in bearer form or registered in the name of the transferee, or endorsed to him or her or in blank or he or she may transfer an equivalent uncertificated security to the transferee or a person designated by the transferee.
408.107(2) (2) If the buyer fails to pay the price as it comes due under a contract of sale the seller may recover the price of:
408.107(2)(a) (a) Certificated securities accepted by the buyer.
408.107(2)(b) (b) Uncertificated securities that have been transferred to the buyer or a person designated by the buyer.
408.107(2)(c) (c) Other securities if efforts at their resale would be unduly burdensome or if there is no readily available market for their resale.
408.107 History History: 1985 a. 237.
408.108 408.108 Registration of pledge and release of uncertificated securities. A security interest in an uncertificated security may be evidenced by the registration of pledge to the secured party or a person designated by him or her. There can be no more than one registered pledge of an uncertificated security at any time. The registered owner of an uncertificated security is the person in whose name the security is registered, even if the security is subject to a registered pledge. The rights of a registered pledgee of an uncertificated security under this chapter are terminated by the registration of release.
408.108 History History: 1985 a. 237.
408.109 408.109 Relationship to other statutes on fiduciary security transfers. If in any respect there is any inconsistency between s. 112.06 and this chapter, s. 112.06 shall control.
408.109 History History: 1981 c. 390 s. 252; 1985 a. 237 s. 28; Stats. 1985 s. 408.109.
408.201 408.201 "Issuer".
408.201(1)(1) With respect to obligations on or defenses to a security, "issuer" includes a person who:
408.201(1)(a) (a) Places or authorizes the placing of his or her name on a certificated security (otherwise than as authenticating trustee, registrar, transfer agent or the like) to evidence that it represents a share, participation or other interest in his or her property or in an enterprise or to evidence his or her duty to perform an obligation represented by the certificated security;
408.201(1)(b) (b) Creates shares, participations or other interests in his or her property or in an enterprise or undertakes obligations, which shares, participations, interests or obligations are uncertificated securities;
408.201(1)(c) (c) Directly or indirectly creates fractional interests in his or her rights or property which fractional interests are represented by certificated securities; or
408.201(1)(d) (d) Becomes responsible for or in place of any other person described as an issuer in this section.
408.201(2) (2) With respect to obligations on or defenses to a security, a guarantor is an issuer to the extent of his or her guaranty, whether or not his or her obligation is noted on a certificated security or on statements of uncertificated securities sent under s. 408.408.
408.201(3) (3) With respect to registration of transfer, pledge or release (ss. 408.401 to 408.406), "issuer" means a person on whose behalf transfer books are maintained.
408.201 History History: 1985 a. 237.
408.202 408.202 Issuer's responsibility and defenses; notice of defect or defense.
408.202(1) (1) Even against a purchaser for value and without notice, the terms of a security include:
408.202(1)(a) (a) If the security is certificated, those stated on the security;
408.202(1)(b) (b) If the security is uncertificated, those contained in the initial transaction statement sent to the purchaser or, if his or her interest is transferred to him or her other than by registration of transfer, pledge or release, the initial transaction statement sent to the registered owner or registered pledgee; and
408.202(1)(c) (c) Those made part of the security by reference, on the certificated security or in the initial transaction statement, to another instrument, indenture or document or to a constitution, statute, ordinance, rule, regulation, order or the like to the extent that the terms referred to do not conflict with the terms stated on the certificated security or contained in the statement. A reference under this paragraph does not of itself charge a purchaser for value with notice of a defect going to the validity of the security even though the certificated security or statement expressly states that a person accepting it admits notice.
408.202(2) (2) A certificated security in the hands of a purchaser for value or an uncertificated security as to which an initial transaction statement has been sent to a purchaser for value, other than a security issued by a government or governmental agency or unit, even though issued with a defect going to its validity, is valid with respect to the purchaser if he or she is without notice of the particular defect unless the defect involves a violation of constitutional provisions, in which case the security is valid with respect to a subsequent purchaser for value and without notice of the defect. This subsection applies to an issuer that is a government or governmental agency or unit only if either there has been substantial compliance with the legal requirements governing the issue or the issuer has received a substantial consideration for the issue as a whole or for the particular security and a stated purpose of the issue is one for which the issuer has power to borrow money or issue the security.
408.202(3) (3) Except as provided in the case of certain unauthorized signatures (s. 408.205), lack of genuineness of a certificated security or an initial transaction statement is a complete defense, even against a purchaser for value and without notice.
408.202(4) (4) All other defenses of the issuer of a certificated or uncertificated security, including nondelivery and conditional delivery of a certificated security, are ineffective against a purchaser for value who has taken without notice of the particular defense.
408.202(5) (5) Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect the right of a party to a "when, as and if issued" or a "when distributed" contract to cancel the contract in the event of a material change in the character of the security that is the subject of the contract or in the plan or arrangement pursuant to which the security is to be issued or distributed.
408.202 History History: 1985 a. 237.
408.202 Annotation Guarantying municipal bonds. Minge, 1974 WLR 89.
408.203 408.203 Staleness as notice of defects or defenses.
408.203(1)(1) After an act or event creating a right to immediate performance of the principal obligation represented by a certificated security or that sets a date on or after which the security is to be presented or surrendered for redemption or exchange, a purchaser is charged with notice of any defect in its issue or defense of the issuer if:
408.203(1)(a) (a) The act or event is one requiring the payment of money, the delivery of certificated securities, the registration of transfer of uncertificated securities or any of these on presentation or surrender of the certificated security, the funds or securities are available on the date set for payment or exchange and he or she takes the security more than one year after that date; and
408.203(1)(b) (b) The act or event is not covered by par. (a) and he or she takes the security more than 2 years after the date set for surrender or presentation or the date on which performance became due.
408.203(2) (2) A call that has been revoked is not within sub. (1).
408.203 History History: 1985 a. 237.
408.204 408.204 Effect of issuer's restrictions on transfer. A restriction on transfer of a security imposed by the issuer, even though otherwise lawful, is ineffective against any person without actual knowledge of it unless:
408.204(1) (1) The security is certificated and the restriction is noted conspicuously thereon; or
408.204(2) (2) The security is uncertificated and a notation of the restriction is contained in the initial transaction statement sent to the person or, if his or her interest is transferred to him or her other than by registration of transfer, pledge or release, the initial transaction statement sent to the registered owner or the registered pledgee.
408.204 History History: 1985 a. 237.
408.205 408.205 Effect of unauthorized signature on certificated security or initial transaction statement. An unauthorized signature placed on a certificated security prior to or in the course of issue or placed on an initial transaction statement is ineffective, but the signature is effective in favor of a purchaser for value of the certificated security or a purchaser for value of an uncertificated security to whom such initial transaction statement has been sent, if the purchaser is without notice of the lack of authority and the signing has been done by:
408.205(1) (1) An authenticating trustee, registrar, transfer agent or other person entrusted by the issuer with the signing of the security, of similar securities, or of initial transaction statements or the immediate preparation for signing or any of them; or
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