Stationery of state agencies for outside correspondence: telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address required  -  Act 212
Tour.Dept may acquire excess or surplus DOA and DOT property [Sec. 118, 149, 459, 1327, 2472, 2473] [459, 1327 — partial veto] -  Act 27
Transportation infrastructure loan and assistance program created; JCF duties [Sec. 485-490, 836, 852, 855, 2485]  -  Act 27
Trust lands and investment, Division of, transferred from State treasurer to DOA; separate appropriation created [Sec. 25, 26, 693, 708, 710, 711, 9150 (1)] -  Act 27
Unbudgeted increases in compensation, fringe benefits and related adjustments; JCF passive review [Sec. 9101 (13n)] -  Act 27
U.W. center system moveable equipment: DOA may not require Regents to acquire under a master lease [Sec. 123m] [vetoed] -  AB-100
U.W. real estate: DOA to contract with private firm for study of value-based approach to management; to include analysis of class scheduling [Sec. 9101 (13g)]  -  Act 27
Wisconsin promise challenge grant program created; National and community service board duties specified [Sec. 4w, x, 48g, h, 9101 (1z), 9401 (1z)] -  Act 237
administrative codeAdministrative code
Special education laws revised and reconciled to conform to federal law -  Act 164
administrative rulesAdministrative rules
Corr.Dept administration of juvenile correctional system: deadline to submit rules extended -  Act 10
JCRAR emergency rule provisions revised -  Act 185
administrative rules _ bill to suspend existing rule _s.227.26 _2_f_Administrative rules — Bill to suspend existing rule [s.227.26 (2)(f)]
Wells: installation of certain devices prohibited -  Act 122
adolescentAdolescent, see Youth
adolescent pregnancy prevention and pregnancy services boardAdolescent pregnancy prevention and pregnancy services board
Adolescent pregnancy prevention and pregnancy services board duties and grant revisions; LAB audit eliminated [Sec. 18, 1528c, 1544, 1547, 9123 (10n)] -  Act 27
adult care or family homeAdult care or family home, see Senior citizen
adult day careAdult day care, see Day care center
adult entertainment taxAdult entertainment tax, see Sales tax
Adoption laws revised re birth parent expenses, advertising, informational resources on adoption instruction, school age parents programs, who may be adopted, time for filing petition for rehearing, placement with relative, application of interstate compact on the placement of children, time for hearing on TPR petition, permanency plan documentation, removal of child for adoptive placement, relative filing petition for adoption and children's code definition of relative  -  Act 104
advertising _ stateAdvertising — State
Milwaukee symphony: allocation for state sponsorship of and advertising during media broadcasts of [Sec. 457]  -  Act 27
Tourism opportunities of Canadian residents: Tour.Dept to develop marketing plan [Sec. 9148 (2g)]  -  Act 27
aeronauticsAeronautics, see Aviation
african_americanAfrican-American, see Minority groups
aging and long_term care, board onAging and long-term care, Board on
BOALTC notice re name, address and phone number of ombudsman [Sec. 96m, 2046m] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Nursing home minimum staffing, reports, LAB audit and BOALTC positions [Sec. 217m, 218m, 223m, 225g, h, 226bd-br, 251g-m, 9122 (5k), 9131 (2k), 9203 (1k), 9222 (8mk)] -  Act 237
agribusinessAgribusiness, see Agriculture
agricultural commodityAgricultural commodity, see Farm produce
agricultural creditAgricultural credit
Brownfields redevelopment loan guarantee program created; certain existing WHEDA loan guarantee programs combined into Small business loan guarantee program; revision re beginning farmer program; bonding revision [Sec. 666, 1474, 1475, 2573, 2574, 2609-2611, 3327-3374, 3376-3384, 3389, 3390, 3609-3611, 4340, 4794] -  Act 27
Farm mediation and arbitration board eliminated; duties transferred to DATCP [Sec. 57e, 2501e-L, 9104 (2m)]  -  Act 27
Farmer assistance and farm mediation and arbitration programs revised; dairy farmer exit and entry program created; admissibility of evidence provision -  Act 264
Farmer tuition assistance grants: appropriation created; farm mediation and farmer assistance appropriations repealed [Sec. 174, 183-185, 2502, 3160, 3161] -  Act 27
Rural economic development program changes; grants for dairy farm or other agricultural business [Sec. 4382-4401, 4403, 4404, 9310 (3)] [4393 — partial veto; 4383n — vetoed] -  Act 27
Rural economic development program: grants for specified purposes and GPR amounts increased [Sec. 556, 9210 (2)]  -  Act 237
Wisconsin consumer act: agricultural transactions excluded; exception provided -  Act 302
Agricultural hazardous wastes exemption from environmental repair fee [Sec. 3642] -  Act 27
Wisconsin consumer act: agricultural transactions excluded; exception provided -  Act 302
agriculture, trade, and consumer protection, department ofAgriculture, trade, and consumer protection, Department of
Agricultural chemical cleanup council eliminated [Sec. 57k, 2530r, 2541m, 9404 (1m)] -  Act 27
Agricultural chemical cleanup program revised and expanded; fund created [Sec. 178, 179-181g, 274, 831s, 900-905m, 2503-2511, 2513-2543, 3614, 9204 (1)-(3m), 9404 (1), (2)] [2543 — partial veto] -  Act 27
Agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge revision: JCF approval required -  Act 86
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection, Board of: membership increased [Sec. 56m] -  Act 27
Animal welfare laws: humane officer powers, duties and training; authority for care, treatment or disposal expanded; advisory committee provision -  Act 192
Aquaculture industry: DATCP study required [Sec. 9104 (1g)] -  Act 27
Atrazine: DATCP may not prohibit use in specified area of North Lancaster in Grant county [Sec. 320s-322e]  -  Act 237
Court ordered restitution to victims or payments to persons represented by DATCP: appropriation created [Sec. 182]  -  Act 27
Dairy plant financial statements and hazardous waste facility records or information: access to confidential documents required re child and spousal support  -  Act 191
Delinquent taxes: DORL license denial, suspension, revocation or nonrenewal for; licensing departments to enter into memorandum of understanding with DOR; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Income tax — Delinquent"] -  Act 237
Efficiency measures requirement for certain executive branch agencies [Sec. 9156 (6ng)] -  Act 27
Farm mediation and arbitration board eliminated; duties transferred to DATCP [Sec. 57e, 2501e-L, 9104 (2m)]  -  Act 27
Farmer assistance and farm mediation and arbitration programs revised; dairy farmer exit and entry program created; admissibility of evidence provision -  Act 264
Federal dairy pricing policy and milk marketing order reforms: DATCP duty; DATCP to assist organizations in reforming policies [Sec. 173, 173b, 2493, 2493b, 9404 (2x)]  -  Act 27
Fish farm and private fishing reserve revisions [Sec. 63w, 68f-s, 70g, r, 82ag, 322g, j, 9204 (1c), 9236 (2c)] [9236 (2c) — vetoed] -  Act 237
Food inspection program efficiency study required; plan and JCF duties [Sec. 9104 (1)] -  Act 27
Land and water conservation board advisory members re U.S. Secretary of agriculture representatives modified; certain provisions of chap.134, Wis.Stats., renumbered re DATCP and DHFS administration (remedial legislation)  -  Act 111
Mobile home park water or sewer service: regulatory authority transferred from DATCP to PSC; FTE position and assessment provisions; study required [partial veto]  -  Act 229
Nonpayment of support: DATCP and DNR license denial for; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Nonpoint source changes re watersheds, cost sharing grants for best management practices, bonding authority, local project funding and pilot project to evaluate trading water pollution credits [Sec. 178e, 366, 367, 397, 398, 414g, 728, 730, 730m, 731k, 735ag, 3495m, 3573-3585, 3586-3588, 3588s-3599, 3606, 9437 (3)] [3606 — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Nonpoint source water quality standards revised re agricultural facilities and livestock operations; ``erosion control planning program" name changed to ``land and water resource management planning program"; nutrient management provisions [Sec. 766wm, 2488g-i, s-u, 2489c-L, 2490g, 2491dg, dr, L, 3273r, 3487p, 3585m, 3588c, 5197s, 9104 (1h)] [3273r, 3487p — partial veto] -  Act 27
Pesticide applicators re forest, ornamental or turf and right-of-way pest control: certification extension for [Sec. 9104 (2w)] -  Act 27
Private fish farming regulations [for section numbers, see entry under ``Fish and fishing"] -  Act 27
Remediation professionals: certification requirements created; DNR, DATCP and Comm.Dept memorandum of understanding [Sec. 346s, 3727g, 9137 (7n), 9437 (2m)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Rural economic development program changes; grants for dairy farm or other agricultural business [Sec. 4382-4401, 4403, 4404, 9310 (3)] [4393 — partial veto; 4383n — vetoed] -  Act 27
Soil and water engineer staff funding [Sec. 9204 (1wx), (1wy)] [vetoed] -  AB-768
Stray voltage program: fee imposed on rural electric cooperatives to fund [Sec. 171, 2499] -  Act 27
Stray voltage research funding; includes economic effect on milk production [Sec. 170v, 2498v, 3160m] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Sustainable agriculture grants: agricultural investment aids program expanded to include; gifts and grants for research and development [Sec. 172m, 176e, 2500, 2501]  -  Act 27
Warehouse keeper and grain dealer regulations -  Act 324
Weights and measures laws revised re liquified petroleum gas meters and fees, licenses for certain persons and fees for commercial scale licenses [Sec. 170, 2548-2568b, 9304 (1t), (2), 9404 (4t), (4x)] -  Act 27
Aid to 18-year-old students: sunset provision [Sec. 1873c, f] [1873f — partial veto] -  Act 27
Emergency assistance for families with needy children re natural disaster or energy emergency revised [Sec. 1789]  -  Act 27
Kinship care under AFDC: eligibility, deadline and federal waiver revisions [Sec. 1611, 1863, 5507]  -  Act 27