Golf cart operation on roadway: travel route designation [Sec. 3964m, 4177m, 4187m] -  Act 27
Milwaukee symphony: allocation for state sponsorship of and advertising during media broadcasts of [Sec. 457]  -  Act 27
Music, art and dance therapists licensure exemption: administration transferred from Psychology examining board to DORL; sunset repealed -  Act 261
Special event security and traffic enforcement services by state traffic patrol: DOT may charge the event sponsor a fee [Sec. 499, 851, 2484, 4180, 9349 (9)] [499, 851, 2484 — partial veto] -  Act 27
Underage person on alcohol beverage licensed premises: exception created re billiards center -  Act 100
anatomical giftAnatomical gift, see Transplant
Harassment of fire department animals prohibited [Sec. 5346e-h, 9356 (2d)] -  Act 27
Telecommunication services to qualified private schools, postsecondary institutions, museums and zoos [Sec. 147k-p]  -  Act 27
animal _ diseaseAnimal — Disease
Animal health and disease research council and board eliminated [Sec. 57c, j, 2543j] -  Act 27
Animal welfare laws: humane officer powers, duties and training; authority for care, treatment or disposal expanded; advisory committee provision -  Act 192
Rabies vaccination requirements for dogs revised -  Act 217
animal _ treatmentAnimal — Treatment
Animal welfare laws: humane officer powers, duties and training; authority for care, treatment or disposal expanded; advisory committee provision -  Act 192
answering serviceAnswering service, see Telephone
antique dealerAntique dealer, see Trade practice
School-to-work revisions; career counseling center grant changes; youth apprentice provisions [Sec. 265n, 282m, 612, 613, 617, 1184, 1191m, 2668m-2675, 2678, 2679, 2688, 2689, 2708m, 2788c, 2815d, 2870d, 9140 (3), 9347 (1), 9426 (12)] [282m — vetoed] -  Act 27
Training grant for youth apprentice: award directly to employer permitted; formula revised [Sec. 2676, 2676d]  -  Act 27
appropriationAppropriation, see also Budget bills and process; Shared revenue; specific subject
Appropriations and state borrowing schedule [Sec. 167-169, 9400] [169 — partial veto] -  Act 27
General fund temporary borrowing limit and appropriation schedule [Sec. 21, 22] [22 — partial veto]  -  Act 237
GPR use for selected other agency appropriations; revision re transportation fund [Sec. 170m, 222m, 243m, 265m, 277r, 284g-r, 617g-r, 642m, 645m, 652b, c-x, 654g, m, 685g, 1190m, 1191n, 1348g, m, 2767x, 2881m, 3116m, 3117t, 3988m, 9249 (1m)] -  Act 27
Unbudgeted increases in compensation, fringe benefits and related adjustments; JCF passive review [Sec. 9101 (13n)] -  Act 27
aquatic plant or weedAquatic plant or weed, see Weeds
Music, art and dance therapists licensure exemption: administration transferred from Psychology examining board to DORL; sunset repealed -  Act 261
Percent-for-arts program repealed; projects in certain public buildings excluded [Sec. 9hm, 233rb, re, 1346sf-wg, 9105 (1g)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
arts boardArts board
Budget efficiency measures report [Sec. 9105 (1x)] -  Act 27
Historic theatre renovation grant [Sec. 27p, r, 9105 (1n), 9205 (1n), 9405 (1n)] -  Act 237
Percent-for-arts program repealed; projects in certain public buildings excluded [Sec. 9hm, 233rb, re, 1346sf-wg, 9105 (1g)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
assignment of wagesAssignment of wages, see Garnishment
assisted living facilityAssisted living facility, see Senior citizen
asthmaAsthma, see Disease
athleticsAthletics, see also Milwaukee Brewers
Restaurant definition exception re concession stand at local sporting events [Sec. 3473m] -  Act 27
Transportation aids to professional baseball park district; sunset provided [Sec. 470, 470m, 2486, 2486ag, 9449 (5n)]  -  Act 27
University food contracts: sales tax exemption; provision re national football league team [Sec. 2393nq, 9343 (8w)] [2393nq — partial veto] -  Act 27
atm _automated teller machine_ATM (Automated teller machine), see Bank
atrazineAtrazine, see Pests
attorneyAttorney, see also Power of attorney
Delinquent taxes: state bar membership license denied or suspended for; SSN and memorandum of understanding provisions [Sec. 604, 9145 (1)] -  Act 237
Indian reservation disputes: Governor to employ special counsel [Sec. 4n] [vetoed] -  AB-768
Minnesota-Wisconsin student reciprocity re University of Minnesota Law school [Sec. 1310m, 9356 (7g)]  -  Act 27
Nonpayment of support: state bar membership license denied or suspended for; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
attorney generalAttorney general, see also Justice, Department of
DA request for assistance from other DA or assistant AG expanded (remedial legislation) -  Act 73
Hospitals for sale or lease: regulations established in certain cases; application requirements created; AG, DHFS and OCI duties specified -  Act 93
Telecommunication services: enforcement of interconnection agreements by the PSC; protections for users, AG provision; study required -  Act 218
atv _all_terrain vehicle_ATV (All-terrain vehicle), see Recreation vehicle
Auction of personal farm property or household goods: sales tax exemption revised [Sec. 313cm] [vetoed]  -  AB-768
automated teller machine _atm_Automated teller machine (ATM), see Bank
Aeronautics, Council on, eliminated [Sec. 84g] -  Act 27
Aviation fuel purchase: allowance re petroleum inspection fee [Sec. 720, 3118, 3119, 3120, 3121, 9310 (7)]  -  Act 27
Aviation fuel tax computation revision [Sec. 2434b] -  Act 27
Aviation fuel tax computation: technical correction re 1997 Wis Act 27 -  Act 41
Helicopter support services for Milwaukee county [Sec. 46r, 393sm, t] -  Act 237
b - B -
bad checksBad checks, see Checks