Badger care health plan created; DHFS to request federal waiver; report required; JCF duties [Sec. 529m, 567b, 591cm, 594gm, mm, 1797-1798m, 1819b, 1833c, 1866v, x, 1878p, 1891, 1892, 1949, 1950b, 1952-1966b, 1969b-1973b, 1980p, 5036m, n, 5189p, 9132 (7c)] [1980p — partial veto] -  Act 27
Child abuse and neglect prevention board authorizied to organize a nonstock, nonprofit corporation to raise funds for the children's trust fund -  Act 78
Child abuse and neglect: prevention program created; child abuse and neglect and early childhood family education center grants; domestic abuse training for certain staffs  -  Act 293
Child witness: testimony using closed-circuit audiovisual equipment allowed in certain cases; conditions and procedures set -  Act 319
Children's programs license fees increased [Sec. 1634-1637, 1641, 1642, 1650, 1651, 5251, 5252, 9423 (1)]  -  Act 27
Cigarette and tobacco products: retailer license fees revised and vending machine sales restricted -  Act 214
Foster care and adoption assistance funding: DHFS use of federal moneys expanded; foster care rate increases [Sec. 1480, 1481, 1485, 1486, 1503,1639m, 9423 (9g)]  -  Act 27
Health care coverage for child: notice to new employer of parent's obligation -  Act 191
Immunization program supplement [Sec. 538b] -  Act 27
Nonexpiring licenses for children's programs [Sec. 1631, 1633, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1643-1645d, 1652, 1656-1661, 1663, 1664, 1667-1676, 5250, 5253, 9323 (4)] -  Act 27
Parents of disabled children: no-work requirement under W-2 [Sec. 1812b-e, j-u] [1812e, j-u — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Standby guardian appointment by parent: procedures created re petition to juvenile court or written designation signed before witnesses -  Act 334
Thomas T. Melvin youth tobacco prevention and education program created [Sec. 592fm, 3484m] -  Act 27
Tractor and machine operation safety training course: minimum age of participants set -  Act 178
Unborn child: crime and penalties created re causing harm, death or great bodily harm; certain exceptions provided  -  Act 295
Wisconsin promise challenge grant program created; National and community service board duties specified [Sec. 4w, x, 48g, h, 9101 (1z), 9401 (1z)] -  Act 237
Women's health grant program and screening for low-income women; report re health insurance program for uninsured children and families [Sec. 592, 1944, 3482, 9123 (5), (6)] [9123 (5) — vetoed] -  Act 27
Wrongful death or civil action: recovery on behalf of a child revised (remedial legislation) -  Act 290
Adult entertainment tax created; grants for domestic abuse services targeted to children [Sec. 1532c, 2379m, 2410tw, 9143 (7k), 9443 (15L)] -  Act 27
Adult entertainment tax repealed [Sec. 313b, 316d, 725dm] -  Act 237
Child abuse and neglect: prevention program created; child abuse and neglect and early childhood family education center grants; domestic abuse training for certain staffs  -  Act 293
Child abuse re emotional damage: determination revisions (remedial legislation) -  Act 114
Child sex offender: persistent repeater category created, life imprisonment without parole provided  -  Act 326
Child sex offenders and certain sexually violent persons: pharmocological treatment authorized, parole and probation conditions modified; report required -  Act 284
Community aids and child welfare grants reduced; kinship care funding [Sec. 576m, p, 584, 584m, 606, 632, 1449, 1450, 1454, 1482, 1484, 1527, 1536, 1605, 1735, 1736, 1860]  -  Act 27
Court-appointed special advocates: grants for [Sec. 1500p] -  Act 27
Crimes against children: time limit for actions revised [Sec. 722c-e, 9356 (2d)] -  Act 237
Criminal background checks and reporting and investigating client abuse for certain health care and children's facilities; computer link and automated interface; audit and study requirements [for section numbers, see entry under ``Criminal identification and investigation"]  -  Act 27
Criminal history and abuse record search law re 1997 WisAct 27 revised [Sec. 156, 157, 158-187, 191, 227-250, 393, 9422 (3)] -  Act 237
Exposing child to harmful descriptions or narrations: prohibitions expanded re verbal communications  -  Act 82
Foster care and adoption assistance funding: DHFS use of federal moneys expanded; foster care rate increases [Sec. 1480, 1481, 1485, 1486, 1503,1639m, 9423 (9g)]  -  Act 27
HIV, AIDS or sexually transmitted disease: penalty enhancement for serious sex crime offenders infected with  -  Act 276
Milwaukee child welfare services: duty and authority transferred to DHFS; children's services network provision [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Health and family services, Department of — Children and family"]  -  Act 27
Milwaukee child welfare services re 1997 WisAct 27: county contribution modified; funding revision [Sec. 151m, p, 9222 (3f), 9422 (4f)] [9222 (3f) — vetoed]  -  Act 237
Milwaukee child welfare services re 1997 WisAct 27: county contribution modified [vetoed] -  SB-362
Sex offender: registration exemption created and prohibition on working with children revised -  Act 130
Sexual assault by use of intoxicant crime created; penalty revised for unlawful posession of flunitrazepam and certain other controlled substances -  Act 220
Special distinguishing registration plates re ``children first" program [Sec. 852d, 908g, m, 1733m, 1734m, 3987g, 3988g, 3989j-p, 4000e, 9449 (1t)] -  Act 27
Stalking and violation of certain restraining orders and injunctions: vehicle and property forfeiture provisions; DA exempt from certain court fees -  Act 285
children _ adoptionChildren — Adoption
Adoption assistance program revised; DHFS duties specified -  Act 308
Adoption laws revised re birth parent expenses, advertising, informational resources on adoption instruction, school age parents programs, who may be adopted, time for filing petition for rehearing, placement with relative, application of interstate compact on the placement of children, time for hearing on TPR petition, permanency plan documentation, removal of child for adoptive placement, relative filing petition for adoption and children's code definition of relative  -  Act 104
Child welfare, children in out-of-home care, TPR and adoption: laws revised; definition of abandoned infant; procedures re background checks clarified [Sec. 43, 101-103, 105-151, 157m, p, 192, 196, 680, 683-685, 691-697, 701-722, 9109 (1), 9309 (1), (2)] -  Act 237
Foster care and adoption assistance funding: DHFS use of federal moneys expanded; foster care rate increases [Sec. 1480, 1481, 1485, 1486, 1503,1639m, 9423 (9g)]  -  Act 27
TPR for adoptive child (remedial legislation) -  Act 114
children _ delinquentChildren — Delinquent, see Juvenile delinquency
Adoption assistance program revised; DHFS duties specified -  Act 308
Adoption laws revised re birth parent expenses, advertising, informational resources on adoption instruction, school age parents programs, who may be adopted, time for filing petition for rehearing, placement with relative, application of interstate compact on the placement of children, time for hearing on TPR petition, permanency plan documentation, removal of child for adoptive placement, relative filing petition for adoption and children's code definition of relative  -  Act 104
Child welfare, children in out-of-home care, TPR and adoption: laws revised; definition of abandoned infant; procedures re background checks clarified [Sec. 43, 101-103, 105-151, 157m, p, 192, 196, 680, 683-685, 691-697, 701-722, 9109 (1), 9309 (1), (2)] -  Act 237
Children's code coverage extended to unborn children of mothers with alcohol and controlled substance abuse problems; DHFS and Child abuse and neglect prevention board duties set; priority for pregnant women for private AODA treatment  -  Act 292
Children's programs license fees increased [Sec. 1634-1637, 1641, 1642, 1650, 1651, 5251, 5252, 9423 (1)]  -  Act 27
CHIPS and TPR: alternative method created based on repeat out-of-home placement -  Act 294
CHIPS revisions re substitute care providers, TPR, relative appointed as guardian, paternity determinations and juvenile court intake worker duties -  Act 80
CHIPS substitute care provider revisions re TPR hearings and child's HIV test results -  Act 80
CHIPS substitute care providers: disclosure of information re child's religious affiliation or involvement in gang or group promoting criminal activity, sexual abuse or harmful activities -  Act 272
Community aids and child welfare grants reduced; kinship care funding [Sec. 576m, p, 584, 584m, 606, 632, 1449, 1450, 1454, 1482, 1484, 1527, 1536, 1605, 1735, 1736, 1860]  -  Act 27
Guardian ad litem fees in juvenile court proceedings: parental liability and payments to counties [Sec. 104, 274, 275, 605c-j, 672, 673, 681, 682, 9309 (3), (4t)]  -  Act 237
Juvenile justice code revisions re adult court jurisdiction, restitution and forfeiture, sanctions and contempt of court, rules of evidence, disclosure of juvenile court records, violation of dispositional order, intake worker authority to take juvenile into custody, disclosure and exchange of certain information, teen court program, intensive supervision and short-term detention provisions and high school equivalency from detention facility or jail; LAB audit -  Act 205
Juvenile release, escape or absence from certain facilities or institutions: notification of victims, witnesses and general public modified -  Act 207
Kinship care eligibility rules; child care assistance for relatives and foster parents [Sec. 152m, 193e-g, 9122 (4d)] [152m — partial veto] -  Act 237
Kinship care: long-term program created -  Act 105
Kinship care photograph requirement removed -  Act 41
Milwaukee child welfare services: duty and authority transferred to DHFS; children's services network provision [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Health and family services, Department of — Children and family"]  -  Act 27
Milwaukee child welfare services re 1997 WisAct 27: county contribution modified; funding revision [Sec. 151m, p, 9222 (3f), 9422 (4f)] [9222 (3f) — vetoed]  -  Act 237
Milwaukee child welfare services re 1997 WisAct 27: county contribution modified [vetoed] -  SB-362
Nonexpiring licenses for children's programs [Sec. 1631, 1633, 1638, 1639, 1640, 1643-1645d, 1652, 1656-1661, 1663, 1664, 1667-1676, 5250, 5253, 9323 (4)] -  Act 27
Nonsecure custody order violation by juvenile: crime created -  Act 328
Paternity acknowledgement and child custody [partial veto] -  Act 191
TPR for adoptive child (remedial legislation) -  Act 114
TPR revisions re temporary order or injunction on visitation, homicide of a parent by the other parent and continued denial of visitation re change in placement  -  Act 80
children _ special educationChildren — Special education
Categorical aid for special education of certain children [Sec. 2769b, 9340 (5m)] -  Act 27
Children with exceptional educational needs: statute of limitation on parent's request for hearing; exception provided -  Act 129
Integrated services programs for children with severe disabilities: certain reports and evaluations by DHFS eliminated (remedial legislation) -  Act 114
Local educational agency definition re public education to children with disabilities [Sec. 361g-t]  -  Act 237
Postsecondary enrollment options program revised and renamed ``youth options program"; provisions re attendance of technical college instead of high school [Sec. 1179, 1180, 1185, 1190, 2709, 2788, 2812, 2816-2823, 2824m-2827m, 2844, 2845, 2856, 2872, 9140 (6sr), 9340 (5x)] [2844 — partial veto; 9140 (6sr) — vetoed] -  Act 27
School choice for MPS: interdistrict school choice and enrollment options programs created [Sec. 18g, 253r, 255m, 256m, 2745p, pm, 2758d-k, 2760b-z, 2762g, r, 2765m, 2766am, 2767kg, kr, 2843g, r, 2872gd, 2883m, 2885g, r, 2888p, s, 2891m, 9440 (7x)] [2843g, r — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Special education laws revised and reconciled to conform to federal law -  Act 164
Special education program for children: DPI to establish voluntary mediation program for disputes between parents and school board or administrative agency  -  Act 59
Special needs child care: training of providers [Sec. 1788m]  -  Act 27
Time limitation and notice provision reinstated re AB-261 and SB-384 [1997 WisActs 129 and 164] (Revisor's correction bill) -  Act 251
chippewa countyChippewa county
Business conference center at technical college in Chippewa county: grant provided [Sec. 9110 (2f)]  -  Act 237