Nonmetallic mining: laws revised; provisions re permit, reclamation, zoning and spills cleanup [Sec. 349g, 898m, 3731-3784] -  Act 27
Sport shooting range: noise, nuisance and zoning ordinance provisions; users accept associated risks; hours regulated; recreational activity definition modified  -  Act 242
Traffic regulation ordinances that conform with DOT rules: local authorities may enact -  Act 190
county _ roadCounty — Road, see Road — County
county _ taxationCounty — Taxation
County sales tax administration [Sec. 717m, 2399f, fm, 9443 (16n)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Public libraries: laws revised; report and plan provisions; DOA, DLCL and State superintendent duties specified  -  Act 150
county handicapped children_s education boardCounty handicapped children's education board
Additional aid provided [Sec. 253k, p, 9140 (6m)] [253k — partial veto] -  Act 27
Building commission acquisition of property for future construction provided; may acquire specific blocks in the city of Madison without prior enumeration in state building program; purpose of acquisition specified; sunset provided  -  Act 5
court _ appellateCourt — Appellate, see also Supreme court
Court interpreter, court of appeals and supreme court automated information technology: appropriations created [Sec. 712d-r] -  Act 27
Electronic database information: access to and release in the courts, 1/22/97 -  SCO
Misdemeanor conviction pending appeal: release requirement revised -  Act 232
Opinions of the court of appeals: requests for publication, 7/1/97 -  SCO
TPR for adoptive child (remedial legislation) -  Act 114
court _ circuitCourt — Circuit, see Circuit court
court _ clerkCourt — Clerk
Assignment of earnings, pension, lottery winnings and other benefits for payment of certain fees: laws revised; child support made priority -  Act 148
Child and other support-related payments: DWD to implement statewide automated receipt and disbursement system; segregated fund created [for section numbers, see entry under ``Family — Support"] -  Act 27
Child support liens, levies and financial institution account data exchange; support collections trust fund repealed [partial veto] -  Act 191
Juvenile adjudicated delinquent or with delinquency petition pending re serious crime: day care licensure, certification, employment, contracting or residence prohibited  -  Act 281
MEB authority re administrative warnings, disciplinary actions against physicians and verification of continuing education compliance; circuit court clerk to notify MEB of physician negligence findings; reports required; toll-free number to report physician misconduct required -  Act 311
court _ commissionerCourt — Commissioner, see also Family court commissioner
Municipal court location and appointment of court commissioners [Sec. 4950g-r] -  Act 27
court _ feeCourt — Fee
Judgment docket fee and penalty [Sec. 5165y, 5175g, m] -  Act 27
Justice information system fee increased; percentage credited to automated systems modified [Sec. 668, 5194, 9409 (1)]  -  Act 27
Municipal court filing fee increased [Sec. 5194m] -  Act 27
Stalking and violation of certain restraining orders and injunctions: vehicle and property forfeiture provisions; DA exempt from certain court fees -  Act 285
court _ municipalCourt — Municipal
Compulsory school attendance laws revised re age and penalties; habitual truancy definition, ordinance, court authority and parental notice provisions modified; truancy plan review and county truancy planning committees required; municipal truancy ordinance permitted -  Act 239
Joint municipal courts: Elections board duties re filing officer; agreement creation or abolishment notification provision -  Act 208
Municipal court filing fee increased [Sec. 5194m] -  Act 27
Municipal court location and appointment of court commissioners [Sec. 4950g-r] -  Act 27
court _ officersCourt — Officers
Court-appointed special advocates: grants for [Sec. 1500p] -  Act 27
Child witness: testimony using closed-circuit audiovisual equipment allowed in certain cases; conditions and procedures set -  Act 319
Citation procedure revised for certain limited violations re no contest plea (remedial legislation)  -  Act 290
Crime victim rights revised; Crime victim rights board created -  Act 181
Litigation brought by prisoners: laws revised; copies of public records; litigation loans to prisoners  -  Act 133
Misdemeanor conviction pending appeal: release requirement revised -  Act 232
Paternity determination proceedings: access to family and juvenile court records -  Act 80
Presentence investigation report for persons under age 21 and delinquency adjudications re juvenile justice code (remedial legislation) -  Act 73
Probation and parole supervision fees re 1997 WisAct 27: court authority to revoke probation for failure to pay removed -  Act 41
Restraining order or injunction re child support program: privacy safeguards created [Sec. 1881]  -  Act 27
Stalking and violation of certain restraining orders and injunctions: vehicle and property forfeiture provisions; DA exempt from certain court fees -  Act 285
Time period to serve a responsive pleading or summons and complaint increased in certain cases  -  Act 187
court _ reporterCourt — Reporter
Circuit court branches: number increased -  Act 203
Equipment purchase and fee revisions [Sec. 605b, 670g] -  Act 237
coyoteCoyote, see Game
crawford countyCrawford county
Secure juvenile correctional facility at certain site: temporary operation as prison for young adult offenders  -  Act 4
Secure juvenile correctional facility at certain site: temporary operation as prison for young offenders; restricted to persons under age 21 who are not violent offenders [Sec. 519, 3839, 3840, 3879m, 5510s, 9111 (2u)] -  Act 27
creditCredit, see also Agricultural credit
Browsing in income or franchise tax or credit claim records prohibited; notification and private claim of action provisions -  Act 323
Consumer credit review board abolished [Sec. 43k, 60am, 2923p, 3183g, r, 3200b-3220b, 3254eb-ed, 3282b-r, 9119 (1h)] -  Act 27
Milwaukee school board investment of certain pension funds; credit assistance to W-2 participants, report required  -  Act 318
credit unionCredit union
Credit union laws revised re share deposits, hearings and appeals, bonding, confidentiality, destroying certain records and definition of qualified loan funds  -  Act 152
Minority business development program revised; grants for economic development, education and training and employment opportunities [Sec. 199n, 4532b-4547m] [4532g, m — vetoed] -  Act 27
credit unions, office ofCredit unions, Office of
Credit union laws revised re share deposits, hearings and appeals, bonding, confidentiality, destroying certain records and definition of qualified loan funds  -  Act 152
Uniform commercial code revision re ``sale or return" or consignment sales -  Act 279
Battery to or criminal damage to property of witness: prohibitions expanded re threats and family members  -  Act 143
Criminal violations of certain income and franchise tax provisions: location of trial set (remedial legislation)  -  Act 291
D.N.A. surcharge re burglary conviction eliminated; crime laboratories and drug law enforcement assessment created; provision re Milwaukee county DA repealed [Sec. 644, 645, 791-806, 2201-2208, 2620-2629, 3100, 4138-4152, 5137- 5162, 5166-5174, 5185, 5192, 5445-5448, 5451]  -  Act 27
False complaint of police misconduct prohibited; conspicuous notification provision -  Act 176
Invasion of privacy re surveillance device used to observe nude person without consent: crime created  -  Act 271
Misdemeanor conviction pending appeal: release requirement revised -  Act 232
Nitrous oxide possession, sale and distribution restrictions created; exceptions for medical and dental purposes  -  Act 336
Nonsecure custody order violation by juvenile: crime created -  Act 328
Personal identifying information and identification document misappropriation: prohibition created; civil action provision -  Act 101
Retail theft provisions revised -  Act 262
Stalking and violation of certain restraining orders and injunctions: vehicle and property forfeiture provisions; DA exempt from certain court fees -  Act 285
Worthless check liability provision recreated re 1995 WisAct 449 -  Act 331
crime and criminals _ batteryCrime and criminals — Battery
Battery to or criminal damage to property of witness: prohibitions expanded re threats and family members  -  Act 143
Juvenile justice code revisions re adult court jurisdiction, restitution and forfeiture, sanctions and contempt of court, rules of evidence, disclosure of juvenile court records, violation of dispositional order, intake worker authority to take juvenile into custody, disclosure and exchange of certain information, teen court program, intensive supervision and short-term detention provisions and high school equivalency from detention facility or jail; LAB audit -  Act 205