Community development block grant housing program: rules re applicant eligibility to receive funds [Sec. 102pr]
Act 27
Condominium laws revised -
Act 333
Demolition or abatement costs of property on tax roll [Sec. 2371m-t] -
Act 27
Home inspector registration requirements established; use of certain title restricted; report required
Act 81
Housing advisory council and Hazardous pollution prevention council: sunset of [Sec. 53r, 59e, 102apm, rs, 1167b, c, 3786f-L, 4442c-m] -
Act 27
Housing design and construction requirements of the fair housing law: administration transferred from DWD to Comm.Dept [Sec. 277, 278, 329, 330, 334-354]
Act 237
Housing rehabilitation for sale to low-income persons: property tax exemption created for nonprofit organizations
Act 147
Local housing organization: for profit organization included [Sec. 102ar-or, 687r] -
Act 27
Managed forest land: parcel developed for human residence included [Sec. 2399g-k, 9137 (10t)]
Act 27
Multifamily housing accessibility law: exempting multilevel housing without elevators [Sec. 352m]
Act 237
State lottery, pari-mutuel on-track betting and bingo net proceeds distributed for property tax relief for primary residences or agricultural land; not subject to uniformity requirement of the Wisconsin constitution (section 1, article VIII): constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR-80]
- JR-19
Time-share property sales tax exemption [Sec. 2383g, 2386q, 2393nv, 9443 (18n)] [vetoed] -
Transitional housing for persons on parole or probation: community notification requirement [Sec. 3824m]
Act 27
Brownfields redevelopment loan guarantee program created; certain existing WHEDA loan guarantee programs combined into Small business loan guarantee program; revision re beginning farmer program; bonding revision [Sec. 666, 1474, 1475, 2573, 2574, 2609-2611, 3327-3374, 3376-3384, 3389, 3390, 3609-3611, 4340, 4794] -
Act 27
Job training loan reserve fund: appropriation language revised [Sec. 3385, 3386] -
Act 27
Residential facilities eligible for WHEDA financing: definition of sponsor expanded -
Act 320
Water systems not owned by governmental units: loan guarantee program created [Sec. 3375, 3387, 3572]
Act 27
Wisconsin humanities council appropriation [Sec. 30p] -
Act 237
Life and public service [AJR-2] - JR-3
Board membership revised [Sec. 94e, k, 9153 (5m)] -
Act 27
Photograph background color requirement revised; documents for underage persons must be distinct in appearance [Sec. 4083, 4101] -
Act 27
Photographs for driver's license or ID cards: DOT authorized to release to law enforcement agencies; reports required
Act 119
Photographs for driver's license or ID cards: release by DOT re 1997 WisAct 119 [Sec. 512tp, 727t]
Act 237
Renewal period and fees increased [Sec. 4001, 4068, 4070, 4080, 4085-4093, 4103-4106, 9449 (8), (9)]
Act 27
SSN use re student ID number prohibited -
Act 128
Underage drinking penalties and civil liability exemption re retaining proofs of age [Sec. 2903rm, 2905g, m, 9343 (1vx)] -
Act 27
Absolute sobriety for persons under age 21 [Sec. 4165md, 9349 (5mdq)] -
Act 27
Boating laws revised re registration, titling, intoxicated boating, absolute sobriety, safety course and certificate, capacity plate and slow-no-wake area -
Act 198
Driver improvement surcharge increased; portion used to purchase and maintain breath screening instruments; funding for training and services by state traffic patrol [Sec. 498d, 500d, 597, 605, 4169, 4170, 9201 (3h), 9349 (3)]
Act 27
OWI refusal hearing: location in county of arrest required (remedial legislation) -
Act 290
OWI testing: information provided to accused by law enforcement officer revised -
Act 107
Criminal violations of certain income and franchise tax provisions: location of trial set (remedial legislation)
Act 291
Excess distributions from passive foreign investment companies included as adjusted gross income for individual tax purposes [Sec. 2261ao, 9343 (3m)] -
Act 27
Farm and farm investment losses: limit repealed [Sec. 2260t, 9343 (7m), 9443 (7m)] -
Act 27
Filing and paying taxes: DOR to study alternative methods [Sec. 9143 (2m)] [vetoed] -
Income and franchise tax: corporate income apportionment formula revised; credits for sales tax on fuel and electricity used in manufacturing limited; report required
Act 299
Income tax or refund for unreported income modified (remedial legislation) -
Act 291
Income tax withholding re qualified real estate agents and direct sellers: treatment federalized [Sec. 2291]
Act 27
Individual income tax treatment of nonresidents and part-year residents: brackets prorated [Sec. 2261f]
Act 27
Integrated tax system: DOR to submit plan [Sec. 9143 (4z)] -
Act 27
Internal revenue code revisions re income and franchise taxes -
Act 37
Internal revenue code updates [Sec. 2254b-k, 2256m, 2260m, 2261am, b, q, 2262n, 2265m, 2266c-h, 2269b-t, 2274b-j, 2275b, 2277d, 2280am-L, nm, p, 2281b-j, 2285b, bm, 2287m, 2317m, 9143 (2x), 9343 (9x)] -
Act 27
Internal revenue code updates; eligibility for deduction for interest on qualified education loans; depreciation computation; revisions re funeral trusts and deductions for nonresidents, part-year residents and dependents [Sec. 280, 281, 282, 284b, d, 288-293, 294-297, 9342 (4), (5), (6)] [282, 9342 (6) — vetoed] -
Act 237
Medical savings account withdrawals: penalty for federal income tax purposes [Sec. 2332t] -
Act 27
Nonresident gambling winnings at Native American casinos in Wisconsin: taxation of [Sec. 281e, g, 9342 (3b)]
Act 237
Reciprocity with Illinois re nonresident individual income tax
Act 63
Certified capital companies program created: tax credit for certain insurers; certification and report requirements; fee and distribution provisions; Comm.Dept duties specified, FTE positions increased, report required -
Act 215
Elderly person care or foster care: report and proposed legislation re tax credit for persons providing [Sec. 9123 (12j)] -
Act 27
Income and franchise tax: corporate income apportionment formula revised; credits for sales tax on fuel and electricity used in manufacturing limited; report required
Act 299
Manufacturing sales tax credit for fuel [Sec. 2262m, s, t, 2264m, 2276m-p, 2280m, n, 2286m-p, 9343 (9z)]
Act 27
Manufacturing sales tax credit for fuel and electricity: alternative minimum tax and effective date [Sec. 284m, p, 286m, 293p, 294p, 297p, 9342 (3e), (6t)] -
Act 237
Married persons filing joint return: tax credit increased [Sec. 2262ns-nu] -
Act 27
School property tax credit changes: use of certain surpluses in the general fund; LFB, DOR and JCF duties [Sec. 285b, c, 9256 (2c)] [285c, 9256 (2c) — partial veto]
Act 237
Senior citizen tax credit revision [Sec. 2262p, q, 9343 (2u)]
Act 27
Working families tax credit created [Sec. 2262np, 2264s, 2294m, 9343 (2g)] -
Act 27
Higher education tax deduction provisions [Sec. 284, 286, 9242 (11), 9342 (3)] -
Act 237
Individual income tax rates reduced [Sec. 284e-im] -
Act 237
Individual income tax rates reduced; indexing implemented [Sec. 2261ds-o, fm, fn, 2302m, no, 9443 (3t)]
Act 27
Intergenerational transfer of certain farming or business assets: income tax exclusion for capital gains; penalty for sale by purchaser within 2 years of transfer [Sec. 2261c, 2321m, 2332v, 9343 (1c)] [2332v — partial veto]
Act 27
Intergenerational transfer of farm and business assets: capital gains penalty modified [Sec. 298s]
Act 237
Internal revenue code updates; eligibility for deduction for interest on qualified education loans; depreciation computation; revisions re funeral trusts and deductions for nonresidents, part-year residents and dependents [Sec. 280, 281, 282, 284b, d, 288-293, 294-297, 9342 (4), (5), (6)] [282, 9342 (6) — vetoed] -
Act 237
Long-term care insurance premium tax exemption [Sec. 2261d, 2262nm] -
Act 27
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