Traffic regulation ordinances that conform with DOT rules: local authorities may enact -  Act 190
municipality _ planningMunicipality — Planning
Downtown Wisconsin fund creation to assist in community revitalization, farmland preservation and urban sprawl prevention: Comm.Dept to study [Sec. 9110 (6n)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Plan commission of cities, villages and certain towns: alderperson election procedure modified -  Act 246
Wisconsin development fund use for assistance in urban areas authorized; memorandum of understanding required [Sec. 187, 4346] [187 — partial veto] -  Act 27
municipality _ water districtsMunicipality — Water districts, see Waterworks
murray, thomasMurray, Thomas
Life and public service [AJR-96] -  JR-16
Milwaukee public museum grant re African American history; matching funds required [Sec. 265r, 2709r]  -  Act 27
Milwaukee public museum grant re permanent interactive exhibit on biological diversity [Sec. 33m]  -  Act 237
Nash auto museum project funding; DOA to approve [Sec. 9107 (12zt)] [partial veto] -  Act 27
Telecommunication services to qualified private schools, postsecondary institutions, museums and zoos [Sec. 147k-p]  -  Act 27
musicMusic, see Amusement
n - N -
national association membershipsNational association memberships, see Interstate relations
national guardNational guard
Armory sale moneys: use of remainder of proceeds changed from national guard tuition grant program to payment of certain municipal assessments re military property [Sec. 648-651, 652, 761, 3117] -  Act 27
National guard youth (Badger challenge and Youth challenge) programs: DMA funding and authority re services to enhance life skills, employment potential and ability to obtain GED [Sec. 47, 58, 58g, 9135 (1d)-(3c), 9235 (1)]  -  Act 237
Tuition grants: percentage paid revised; warrant officer provision, HEAB accreditation of schools [Sec. 761g-762, 9336 (1)] -  Act 27
native americanNative American, see Indians
natural disasterNatural disaster
Disaster relief services: provisions created re leave of absence for state employes affiliated with the American Red Cross -  Act 118
Emergency assistance for families with needy children re natural disaster or energy emergency revised [Sec. 1789]  -  Act 27
Emergency weather warning system: ECB to administer [Sec. 235m, 670g, 1213d] -  Act 27
TIF revisions re increment sharing for certain cities, project period increase and sunset for increment sharing; projects to include costs of certain municipal buildings destroyed by natural disaster [Sec. 2214b-u] -  Act 27
natural resourceNatural resource
Aquatic and terrestrial resources inventory information system [Sec. 364m, 762c] -  Act 27
Brownfields redevelopment projects: stewardship program provision [Sec. 763-765, 767, 768, 1140, 1141, 9337 (4)] [767 — partial veto] -  Act 27
Endangered resources program: revenues from sale or lease of resources on certain lands [Sec. 772]  -  Act 27
Kickapoo reserve management board membership and duties revised; certain waste prohibitions expanded; penalties increased re Kickapoo valley reserve  -  Act 194
Natural heritage inventory information: fees expanded [Sec. 301, 769, 770, 2266] -  Act 27
State forest acquisition and development and recreational boating projects: appropriations created for stewardship debt service [Sec. 411-414c, 726, 727, 9437 (7)]  -  Act 27
Stewardship funds use by municipalities [Sec. 766Lm, 9337 (8g)] -  Act 27
Stewardship program changes re bluff protection and certain projects [Sec. 762g-L, 766b-d, i-L, m-u, v, x, 768m] [766b — partial veto; 762g-L, 766c, d, i, m-s, x — vetoed] -  Act 27
natural resources, department of _ administrationNatural resources, Department of — Administration
Appropriation revision re operation permit program -  Act 41
Black Point estate: funding for debt service costs, adapting project for public use and grant to nonprofit conservation organization [Sec. 378m, no, 685m, 735am, 767m]  -  Act 27
Delinquent taxes: DORL license denial, suspension, revocation or nonrenewal for; licensing departments to enter into memorandum of understanding with DOR; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Income tax — Delinquent"] -  Act 237
DNR appropriations restructured; lapse of MacKenzie environmental center funds [Sec. 300, 302-322, 324-336, 338-342, 346-353, 358m, 360-365, 368-375, 380, 382-396, 399-407, 410, 415-431, 434, 435, 439-447, 449-452, 454, 455, 732, 744, 771, 773, 782, 783, 785-788, 844, 852f, 982, 996, 1057, 1065, 1143, 1147, 2474m, 3159, 3488, 3601, 3605, 3608, 3613, 3637, 4191-4193, 9237 (2q)] [346s, 400g, 9237 (2q) — vetoed] -  Act 27
DNR owned land: payments in lieu of taxes [Sec. 2234b, c] -  Act 27
DNR property sales: first right of refusal created [Sec. 767r-v, 960g] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Efficiency measures requirement for certain executive branch agencies [Sec. 9156 (6ng)] -  Act 27
Equipment pool: DNR authorized to spend GPR against the depreciated value of; information technology expenditure request provision [Sec. 448, 741, 9137 (7m)] [448 — partial veto; 9137 (7m) — vetoed] -  Act 27
Equipment pool operations: appropriation amended re moneys received from other state agencies [Sec. 38]  -  Act 237
Fish and game approvals and admission to certain state lands: provisions revised; proposed legislation required re personally identifiable information [Sec. 919-953, 968, 970-978, 983-993, 1001-1009, 1011-1017, 1020-1034, 1043-1055, 1058, 1061, 1063, 1066-1072, 1077, 1079, 1080, 1082, 1083, 1108, 1109, 1111, 1113, 1115, 1116, 1118, 9137 (1), (11t), 9437 (1), (2)] [948m — partial veto; 9137 (11t) — vetoed] -  Act 27
Funds transfer from recycling fund to general fund [Sec. 9237 (1)] -  Act 27
Indirect cost reimbursement appropriation repealed [Sec. 432] -  Act 27
Nonpayment of support: DATCP and DNR license denial for; SSN and subpoena or warrant provisions  -  Act 191
Performance based budgeting pilot program [Sec. 9156 (5m)] [partial veto] -  Act 27
Permit guarantee program of DNR expanded -  Act 301
Project position excluded from base re 1999-2001 budget request [Sec. 9136 (3c)] -  Act 237
Recreational boating moneys lapse to conservation fund [Sec. 9237 (2)] -  Act 27
Stewardship program changes re bluff protection and certain projects [Sec. 762g-L, 766b-d, i-L, m-u, v, x, 768m] [766b — partial veto; 762g-L, 766c, d, i, m-s, x — vetoed] -  Act 27
Unclassified division administrators: number increased [Sec. 3298] -  Act 27
natural resources, department of _ environmental protectionNatural resources, Department of — Environmental protection
Air pollution stationary sources: funding for enforcement services [Sec. 337, 359, 3612] -  Act 27
Air quality attainment areas redesignated by tribal governing bodies: DNR duty re notification, report required  -  Act 270
Aquatic and terrestrial resources inventory information system [Sec. 364m, 762c] -  Act 27
Big silver lake in Waushara county: DNR to set high-water mark [Sec. 1139zr] -  Act 27
Boat toilet waste: onshore disposal facilities provision created  -  Act 330
Brownfields grant program created; memorandum of understanding required [Sec. 186c, 202m, 4351, 9110 (2), (3), (4)] -  Act 27
Brownfields study by DNR [Sec. 9137 (6g)] [partial veto] -  Act 27
Clean water fund: changes in biennial finance plan [Sec. 3548b, e, 3550, 3555] -  Act 27
Clean water fund hardship assistance application deadline [Sec. 9137 (2hg)] -  Act 27
Clean water fund hardship assistance: federal grants for rural communities [Sec. 31, 32, 60-63, 468-481]  -  Act 237
Clean water fund hardship assistance for Pell lake and Lake Como sanitary districts in Walworth county [Sec. 9137 (8c), 9437 (7f)] -  Act 27
Clean water fund hardship assistance for the village of Wheeler in Dunn county [Sec. 9137 (8m)] -  Act 27
Contaminated property re land recycling loan program [Sec. 294, 864, 889, 3534, 3552, 3560, 3569, 3649, 3684, 3690, 3715, 3716, 3721] [3569 — partial veto]  -  Act 27
Contaminated property re land recycling loan program: application deadlines [Sec. 481e-g] -  Act 237
Contaminated property re offsite discharge of hazardous substances: owner exemption from liability [Sec. 343, 3661] -  Act 27
Contaminated property remedial action changes re local governmental unit or lender liability, programs facilitating cleanup and recovery of costs for removal of abandoned hazardous substance containers [Sec. 960, 2059, 2217, 2233, 2374-2376, 2488, 2690, 3167, 3172, 3654-3656e, 3659-3660c, 3681, 3683g, 3687-3689, 3691-3714, 3718, 3723-3727, 4945, 4946, 4947, 5163, 5164, 5165, 5198] -  Act 27
Contaminated property: voluntary party liability revision re license for period of long-term care and property acquired from a local unit of government [Sec. 484-486]  -  Act 237
Dairy plant financial statements and hazardous waste facility records or information: access to confidential documents required re child and spousal support  -  Act 191
Delinquent taxes: DNR denial of environmental licenses for; SSN and federal employer ID number provisions [Sec. 466c, 489, 489c, 9336 (2)] -  Act 237
DNR permits: fee for expedited service authorized; permit guarantee program for licenses and approvals created [Sec. 1141e, 1148, 3492, 3785, 9137 (5)] -  Act 27
Dry cleaner environmental council, program and fee created; sunset provided [Sec. 66r, 344m, 346m, 401m, 452m, 701m, 832e, 873r, 906e, 2410ts, 3721e, m, 9137 (10g)] [906e, 2410ts, 3721e — partial veto; 344m, 873r — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Effective recycling law revisions re out-of-state local governmental unit disposal of solid waste in this state, landfill siting programs and capacity fees; exception for certain incinerator [Sec. 883m, 3613g-m, 3614gc-gt, 3638m, mg, 3640gc-gm, 9437 (4d)] -  Act 27
Electric utilities: advance plans eliminated and strategic energy assessment established; certificates of public convenience and necessity revised; electric transmission system requirements; wholesale merchant plant prohibition; renewable energy source provision; PSC study required -  Act 204
Environmental cleanup innovations or patented technology: waiver of competitive bidding permitted [Sec. 789, 790]  -  Act 27
Environmental cooperation pilot program created to evaluate innovative regulatory methods; LAB to monitor and report [Sec. 10r, 3789] -  Act 27
Environmental cooperation pilot program re 1997 WisAct 27: technical revision -  Act 41
Environmental law enforcement revisions re time limit on mining and water pollution violations and point source general permit withdrawal by DNR -  Act 193
Fee for hearing request [Sec. 9337 (7g)] -  Act 27
Fire suppression clothing and equipment: grants provided to local fire departments for assisting DNR re forest fires; sunset date [Sec. 378, 917, 9137 (10x)] -  Act 27
Forest landscape ecologist: DNR and U.W. to develop position and work plan [Sec. 762p, r] -  Act 27
Forestry education grant program created; memorandum of undestanding provision; U.W. Stevens Point duties [Sec. 204m, 4404m] -  Act 27
Forestry funding increased re grants for management plans for certain private forest land and salaries of county forest administrators [Sec. 9236 (1), (2)] -  Act 237