Abuse or neglect of vulnerable adults resulting in death or great bodily harm: penalties revised -
Act 180
Adult agencies and facilities: non-expiring licenses permitted [Sec. 2007-2046, 2050, 2051, 2054, 2055, 2061, 2064-2070, 2073-2075, 2076-2078, 2080-2100, 9323 (2)]
Act 27
Benevolent retirement home for the aged task force created; report and proposed legislation re property tax exemptions required [Sec. 9156 (2m)] -
Act 27
Care provided and number of residents served in adult family homes, CBRFs and nursing homes: limitations revised [Sec. 1, 215-217, 218, 219-223, 224, 225, 226, 325, 326, 328]
Act 237
Certified or registered mail to nursing homes: acceptance of (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
CIP use of model service contract to receive COP funds required (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
Conversion of hospital beds to nursing home beds [Sec. 393rp] -
Act 237
COP services for MA recipients: monthly limit on reimbursement eliminated [Sec. 99] -
Act 237
COP services limit re CBRF [Sec. 1454m, 1459m, mf, 1464g-j, 1471m-qi, 2048m, 9323 (11t)] -
Act 27
COP supplement changed re decreased utilization of nursing home beds by MA recipients [Sec. 44L, 98m, n, 203g-i, 9222 (7g)] [203g — partial veto; 44L, 98m, n, 203h, i — vetoed] -
Act 237
Criminal background checks and reporting and investigating client abuse for certain health care and children's facilities; computer link and automated interface; audit and study requirements [for section numbers, see entry under ``Criminal identification and investigation"]
Act 27
Criminal history and abuse record search law re 1997 WisAct 27 revised [Sec. 156, 157, 158-187, 191, 227-250, 393, 9422 (3)] -
Act 237
Elder abuse or neglect reporting: retaliation or discrimination against person prohibited; complaint and court action for damages provisions -
Act 131
Home health, personal care, private-duty nursing services and long-term COP: limitations eliminated [Sec. 1459, 1940, 1941, 1967, 1968] -
Act 27
Licensed bed count report to DHFS: references to 1992 requirements eliminated (remedial legislation)
Act 114
Long-term care insurance premium tax exemption [Sec. 2261d, 2262nm] -
Act 27
Long-term care pilot program: DHFS may contract with entity re information clearinghouse [Sec. 599, 1455-1458, 1461, 1465-1468, 1910, 2048, 2052, 9123 (2)]
Act 27
Long-term care: pilot project established; DHFS to submit proposed legislation re elderly and adult disabled persons; contractual authorization for counties; COP funding increased [Sec. 44, 92, 9122 (3), (4), 9222 (5)-(7), (8)]
Act 237
MA annual review for certain residents of nursing homes and mental disease institutions: requirement eliminated [Sec. 1916] -
Act 27
MA reimbursement of nursing homes and CBRFs; standards requirement for efficiently and economically operated facilities removed, report re utilization of beds by MA recipients [Sec. 1919-1921, 1923, 1925, 1928, 1931-1932m] [1921, 1932m — partial veto] -
Act 27
Medicare upper limit consultant: DHFS to hire [Sec. 96r] -
Act 27
Nursing facilities in certain high-cost labor region: MA direct care payments [Sec. 9123 (15s)] [vetoed]
Nursing home and CBRF revisions re beds stated on license, posting notice of certain ombudsman program and informing residents of rights and responsibilities (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
Nursing home as institution for mental disease: DHFS determination requirements revised (remedial legislation)
Act 114
Nursing home bed delicensing and banking; DHFS approval of certain expenditures eliminated [Sec. 1917, 1918, 1922, 3033-3038] -
Act 27
Nursing home forfeitures revised; report required [Sec. 226c-h, 550m, 9322 (6cc)] -
Act 237
Nursing home formula provisions re occupancy rate standard and direct care target increase requirement for excess funding [Sec. 9123 (13b), (13d)] -
Act 27
Nursing home minimum staffing, reports, LAB audit and BOALTC positions [Sec. 217m, 218m, 223m, 225g, h, 226bd-br, 251g-m, 9122 (5k), 9131 (2k), 9203 (1k), 9222 (8mk)] -
Act 237
Nursing home staffing ratios and replacement rates and violations of statutes or rules: report revisions (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
Residential facilities eligible for WHEDA financing: definition of sponsor expanded -
Act 320
Statutory rape prosecution pilot program created; sunset and nursing home forfeiture provisions
Act 280
Visitation at inpatient health care or treatment facilities: regulations created -
Act 153
Food stamps to qualified aliens: DWD to submit plan to U.S. Secretary of agriculture; nutrition outreach re W-2 and community agencies -
Act 236
Hunger, Board on, abolished; duties transferred to DHFS [Sec. 60g, 1519m, 1520m, 1521m, 1522d, j, 9123 (12p), 9423 (10q)] -
Act 27
Seized fish and game: distribution to certain food programs authorized; person liable for processing costs
Act 321
WIC supplemental food program appropriation increased [Sec. 9222 (7t)] -
Act 237
Adult entertainment tax created; grants for domestic abuse services targeted to children [Sec. 1532c, 2379m, 2410tw, 9143 (7k), 9443 (15L)] -
Act 27
Adult entertainment tax repealed [Sec. 313b, 316d, 725dm] -
Act 237
CHIPS substitute care providers: disclosure of information re child's religious affiliation or involvement in gang or group promoting criminal activity, sexual abuse or harmful activities -
Act 272
Exposing child to harmful descriptions or narrations: prohibitions expanded re verbal communications
Act 82
Circuit court branches in Oconto county: number increased [Sec. 4948m, 9109 (1ttg)-(1tvg)] -
Act 27
BOALTC notice re name, address and phone number of ombudsman [Sec. 96m, 2046m] [vetoed] -
Brownfields redevelopment project promotion: Permit information and regulatory assistance bureau to act as ombudsman [Sec. 4477] -
Act 27
Nursing home and CBRF revisions re beds stated on license, posting notice of certain ombudsman program and informing residents of rights and responsibilities (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
Nursing home minimum staffing, reports, LAB audit and BOALTC positions [Sec. 217m, 218m, 223m, 225g, h, 226bd-br, 251g-m, 9122 (5k), 9131 (2k), 9203 (1k), 9222 (8mk)] -
Act 237
Sunken logs on submerged state lands: offset program repealed; percentage of value retained by state revised; maritime project grants created; provisions re Fox river and lakes in certain counties [Sec. 242m, 244e, 693m, 1346e, m, s, 3121g-3129w, 4337m, 9156 (5y), 9350 (1), 9356 (8y)] [693m, 3124, 3129c, 9356 (8y) — partial veto; 244e, 1346e — vetoed] -
Act 27
Meetings of governmental bodies: public comment provisions revised -
Act 123
Medicine sample use tax registration re 1997 WisAct 27 -
Act 41
Medicines exempt from use tax expanded to include certain free samples [Sec. 2393no, 9443 (17t)] [9443 (17t) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Nursing practice: definition expanded to include acting under the direction of optometrists -
Act 62
Anatomical gift: technicians authorized to remove donated human tissue or bone -
Act 52
ARC community services, inc.: funding for substance abuse day treatment services for pregnant and postpartum women and their infants [Sec. 1500s] -
Act 27
Community-based economic development programs revised [Sec. 4353m-4355, 4357-4358, 4359m, 9310 (2)]
Act 27
Compulsive gambling awareness campaigns [Sec. 229m, 605m, 704g, 1410g] [1410g — partial veto]
Act 27
Disaster relief services: provisions created re leave of absence for state employes affiliated with the American Red Cross -
Act 118
Domestic abuse services organization exempted from public accommodations discrimination law [Sec.354g]
Act 237
Federal dairy pricing policy and milk marketing order reforms: DATCP duty; DATCP to assist organizations in reforming policies [Sec. 173, 173b, 2493, 2493b, 9404 (2x)]
Act 27
Forestry education grant program created; memorandum of undestanding provision; U.W. Stevens Point duties [Sec. 204m, 4404m] -
Act 27
Insurance regulation exemption for certain non-profit, charitable and religious organizations [Sec. 4794c]
Act 27
Literacy improvement: Governor authorized to make grants; state to solicit bids and contract with an organization to distribute free books; gifts and donations to help fund program [Sec. 22, 100m, 666nm, 667m, 668p, 698, 9101 (11h)]
Act 27
Local housing organization: for profit organization included [Sec. 102ar-or, 687r] -
Act 27
Mental health-related service: county community programs board or director and private or public organization or affiliation may establish entity to provide
Act 268
Minority business development program revised; grants for economic development, education and training and employment opportunities [Sec. 199n, 4532b-4547m] [4532g, m — vetoed] -
Act 27
Open space protection program created; grants provided [Sec. 766e-h, w, y] [vetoed] -
Primary health care grant program [Sec. 554b, 594m, 3010m, p, 3011m] [vetoed] -