AB100-ASA1-AA8,49,8 2209. Page 170, line 3: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
3$155,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $203,500 to
4increase the authorized FTE positions for the department of corrections by 5.0 GPR
5positions for the purpose of providing chaplains at the Racine Correctional
6Institution, Oshkosh Correctional Institution, Dodge Correctional Institution,
7Jackson County Correctional Institution and the correctional institution authorized
8under 1997 Wisconsin Act 4, section 4 (1) (a).
AB100-ASA1-AA8,49,10 9210. Page 170, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
10$604,000 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,49,12 11211. Page 170, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
12$214,100 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,49,14 13212. Page 170, line 8: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
14$858,500 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,49,18 15213. Page 170, line 8: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
16$155,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $203,500 to
17decrease the authorized FTE positions for the department of corrections by 5.5 GPR
18positions, for the purpose of providing probation and parole services.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,50,2 19214. Page 170, line 8: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
20$950,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $1,250,000 to

1decrease the authorized FTE positions for the department of corrections by 32.2 GPR
2positions for the performance of services for community corrections.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,50,5 3215. Page 171, line 1: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
4$900,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $900,000 to
5decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,50,7 6216. Page 171, line 14: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
7$52,900 to increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,50,10 8217. Page 172, line 2: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
9$3,425,600 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $3,425,600 for
10the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,50,12 11218. Page 172, line 5: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
12$7,600 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,50,14 13219. Page 172, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
14$53,400 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,50,16 15220. Page 173, line 2: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
16$8,200 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,50,19 17221. Page 173, line 6: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
18$60,100 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $60,100 to
19decrease funding to reflect the elimination of the gang violence prevention council.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,50,21 20222. Page 173, line 6: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
21$25,300 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,51,3 22223. Page 173, line 10: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
23$4,833,700 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $3,717,800 to

1reflect the estimated change in the cost to counties for state-provided secured
2correctional facility care, aftercare, alternate care and corrective sanctions
AB100-ASA1-AA8,51,4 4224. Page 173, line 10: delete "A" and substitute "S".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,51,6 5225. Page 173, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
6$104,200 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,51,11 7226. Page 175, line 11: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
8$34,300 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $91,500 for the
9purpose of increasing the authorized FTE ombudsman positions for the board on
10aging and long-term care by 1.0 GPR ombudsman position in fiscal year 1997-98 and
11by 1.0 additional GPR ombudsman position in fiscal year 1998-99.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,51,14 12227. Page 175, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
13$61,900 to reflect a 3-month delay in the starting dates for the ombudsman
AB100-ASA1-AA8,51,15 15228. Page 176, line 5: delete that line.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,51,21 16229. Page 177, line 12: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
17$125,500 to reflect a 3-month delay in the starting date for 9.0 FTE GPR medical
18assistance audit staff positions, 3.0 FTE GPR medical assistance managed care staff
19positions, 3.0 FTE GPR behavioral health pilot project staff positions, 1.0 FTE GPR
20women's health officer position and 1.0 FTE GPR HIV/AIDS insurance program staff
AB100-ASA1-AA8,51,23 22230. Page 177, line 13: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
23$3,700 for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
1231. Page 177, line 15: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,52,4 2232. Page 178, line 12: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
3$3,200 to reflect a 3-month delay in the starting date for 0.5 FTE PR position for the
4vital records program.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,52,7 5233. Page 179, line 7: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
6$104,500 to reflect a one-month delay in the starting date for certain Wisconsin
7Resource Center staffing.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,52,11 8234. Page 179, line 16: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
9$300,200 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $423,600 to
10decrease the authorized FTE positions for the department of health and family
11services by 15.0 PR positions for the Wisconsin Resource Center.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,52,15 12235. Page 180, line 8: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by
13$26,300 to decrease the authorized FTE positions for the department of health and
14family services that are primarily related to the functions of the board on hunger by
150.5 GPR position.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,52,16 16236. Page 181, line 23: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,52,19 17237. Page 183, line 10: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
18$10,400,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $24,100,000
19to reflect the elimination of the healthy start expansion.
1238. Page 183, line 10: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
2$57,700 for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,53,4 3239. Page 183, line 10: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
4$44,500 to reflect reduced costs to the Wisconsin Veterans Home at King.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,53,8 5240. Page 183, line 10: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
6$774,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $3,324,300 to
7restore funding for medical assistance benefits for disabled children whose eligibility
8for medical assistance was restored.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,53,9 9241. Page 183, line 10: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,53,11 11242. Page 184, line 17: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,53,12 12243. Page 184, line 24: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,53,13 13244. Page 185, line 9: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,53,16 14245. Page 185, line 11: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
15$9,900 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $74,900 for the
16purpose for which the appropriation is made.
1246. Page 186, line 12: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
2$22,700 to reflect a 3-month delay in the starting date for 1.0 FTE PR adult facility
3licensing staff position and 1.0 FTE PR provider training staff position.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,54,6 4247. Page 187, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
5$50,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $50,000 to
6decrease funding for grants to programs that provide services for runaways.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,54,10 7248. Page 187, line 5: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
8$830,600 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $2,209,400 for
9the purpose of increasing the number of community options program slots by 250 in
10fiscal year 1997-98 and by 250 in fiscal year 1998-99.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,54,13 11249. Page 187, line 5: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
12$9,900 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $74,900 for the
13purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,54,16 14250. Page 188, line 4: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
15$88,800 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $88,800 to
16increase funding for the retired senior volunteer program.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,54,17 17251. Page 188, line 18: delete lines 18 and 19.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,54,18 18252. Page 188, line 23: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,54,21 19253. Page 189, line 2: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
20$650,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $650,000 to
21decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
1254. Page 191, line 8: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
2$3,300 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $3,300 to decrease
3funding to reflect the elimination of the equal rights council.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,55,5 4255. Page 192, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
5$19,300 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,55,7 6256. Page 200, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
7$89,700 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,55,8 8257. Page 204, line 15: delete that line.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,55,9 9258. Page 204, line 17: after that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF
AB100-ASA1-AA8,55,11 10259. Page 205, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
11$9,400 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,55,13 12260. Page 205, line 9: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
13$2,400 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,55,15 14261. Page 208, line 1: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
15$116,900 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,55,17 16262. Page 208, line 17: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
17$108,200 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,55,19 18263. Page 209, line 17: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
19$8,700 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,2 20264. Page 210, line 16: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
21$337,500 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $212,900 for the

1purpose of providing tuition fee reimbursements to veterans for courses completed
2within 10 years after separation from the service.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,4 3265. Page 211, line 14: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
4$15,000,000 for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,5 5266. Page 211, line 14: substitute "B" for "A".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,7 6267. Page 214, line 15: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
7$3,900,000 to increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,8 8268. Page 214, line 16: delete lines 16 and 17.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,11 9269. Page 216, line 3: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
10$500,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $500,000 to
11provide for increased executive office expenses.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,14 12270. Page 216, line 13: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
13$25,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $25,000 to
14increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,16 15271. Page 216, line 18: after "grants" insert "; Wisconsin Lake Schooner
16Education Association".
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,18 17272. Page 216, line 19: on lines 19, 21 and 23, after "information" insert
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,20 19273. Page 216, line 20: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
20$27,300 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,56,22 21274. Page 217, line 7: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
22$40,900 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
1275. Page 217, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
2$10,500 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,57,5 3276. Page 217, line 12: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
4$730,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $740,000 to
5decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,57,7 6277. Page 217, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
7$6,200 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,57,9 8278. Page 217, line 19: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
9$75,000 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,57,11 10279. Page 217, line 21: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
11$84,600 to decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,57,13 12280. Page 220, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
13$12,000 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,57,15 14281. Page 221, line 4: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
15$18,500 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,57,17 16282. Page 221, line 19: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
17$6,100 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,57,20 18283. Page 224, line 14: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
19$14,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $14,000 for the
20purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,57,23 21284. Page 224, line 16: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
22$50,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $50,000 for the
23purpose for which the appropriation is made.
1285. Page 224, line 16: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
2$34,300 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,58,4 3286. Page 224, line 19: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
4$14,100 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,58,7 5287. Page 226, line 11: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
6$500 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $500 to reflect the
7elimination of the elections advisory council.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,58,9 8288. Page 227, line 16: delete the material beginning with that line and
9ending with page 228, line 2.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,58,11 10289. Page 229, line 4: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
11$25,300 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,58,14 12290. Page 229, line 8: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
13$75,000 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $75,000 to
14increase funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,58,17 15291. Page 229, line 10: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
16$75,000 and decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $75,000 to
17decrease funding for the purpose for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,58,19 18292. Page 230, line 1: increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
19$51,400 and increase the dollar amount for fiscal year 1998-99 by $51,400.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,58,21 20293. Page 231, line 8: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
21$82,400 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,58,23 22294. Page 233, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
23$15,500 to reflect decreased costs for new position authorizations.
1295. Page 234, line 3: decrease the dollar amount for fiscal year 1997-98 by
2$136,800 to decrease funding for the purposes for which the appropriation is made.
AB100-ASA1-AA8,59,3 3296. Page 234, line 12: before that line insert: - See PDF for table PDF