Membership, 15.16 (1)
Appointment, 15.07 (1) (a)
Per diem, 15.07 (5) (f)
Powers and duties, 40.03 (1)
Public employe disability annuitant, require examination, 40.63 (9)
Secretary, 40.03 (2)
Health care plans, cost-effective provision, facilitating, 628.36 (4)
Justice department, duty, 40.03 (3)
Legal services, justice department to furnish, 165.25 (4)
Long-term care insurance, advice, 146.91
Milwaukee office, maintain, 15.16 (2)
Powers and duties, 40.03 (2)
Salary, 20.923 (4)
State-federal agreement for social security for public employes, execute, 40.40
Teachers retirement board:
Membership, 15.165 (3)
Powers and duties, 40.03 (7)
Annuity options, 40.24
Contributions, 40.05
Creation, 40.20
Creditable service, 40.23 (2m)
Reestablish, 40.25 (6)
Temporary disability, 40.29
Date of retirement, 40.02 (42), 40.23 (1) (f)
Director of state courts, included in Wis. retirement system, 758.19
Temporary, creditable service, 40.29
Variable benefits, 40.28
Discharge, reinstatement, 40.25 (5)
Divorce, division of benefits, 40.08 (1m)
Employe retirement contributions, 40.05 (1)
Employer retirement contributions, 40.05 (2)
Fixed annuity reserve surplus distributions, 40.27 (2)
Fixed retirement investment trust, maintenance, 40.04 (3)
Intrastate retirement reciprocity, 40.30
Joint survivorship annuity options, 40.24 (7)
Lump sum payments, 40.25
Mandatory retirement, VII, 24; 40.23 (1) (f)
Municipal transit employes, 66.944
Part-time elected officials, eligibility, 40.23 (1) (am)
Participating employers, 40.21
Participating employes, 40.22
Post-retirement adjustments, 40.27
Protective occupation participant, 40.23
Reentry into service, 40.26
Retirement annuities, 40.23
Separate retirement systems, allowing to include funds in public employe trust fund, 40.03 (1) (n), (2) (q)
Separation benefit, 40.25 (2)
Sheriff, retirement date, 40.23 (1) (f)
Transit employes, applicability of Wis. retirement system, 66.944
Variable retirement investment trust, maintenance, 40.04 (3)
Wisconsin retirement board:
Membership, 15.165 (3)
Per day payment, 15.07 (5) (f)
Powers and duties, 40.03 (8)
Absentee's insurance fund, 813.31
Agency drafts or warrants, 20.929
Appropriation, 20.585
Livestock breeders association, 93.31
Assistant treasurer, 14.62
Salary, 20.923
Audits, by legislative audit bureau, 13.94
Bond, 14.60, 19.11
Governor may demand additional, 19.11 (4)
Bond security and redemption fund, establishment, 18.09 (1)
Bonds of assistant and employes, 14.62
Books, open to examination, 14.58 (7)
Capital improvement fund, 18.08 (1)
Certified copies of documents, fees, 14.58 (11)
Cancellation, 14.58 (12), 20.912
Confidentiality of cancelled, 20.912 (3m)
How signed, 14.58 (1)
In lieu of dishonored one, 20.912 (4)
Reissue, 20.912 (3)
Replacement for lost, stolen or destroyed, 20.912 (5)
Commissioner of public lands, X, 7
Common school fund income, 43.70
Contingent funds established by agencies, approve, 20.920
County mining investment fund, 25.65
Restrictions on withdrawals, 70.396
Credit cards, motor vehicle code fees, use charges, 85.14
Credit union, liquidation, unclaimed funds, 186.235 (11) (p)
Crime victim and witness assistance surcharge, 973.045