Lectures, boards may procure, 43.58 (5)
Legislative findings and declaration of policy, 43.001
Librarian, city or village may exempt from civil service, 66.19
Librarian's certificate, 43.09 (1)
Library and network development council:
Creation, membership, terms, 15.377 (6)
Duties, 43.07
Municipal, establishment, 43.52
Review by library services division to establish library system, 43.13
Books may be loaned, 43.72
Purchase of books, 43.70 (3)
Standards, 43.09 (2)
State superintendent's duties, 43.03
Abolition, 43.18
Administration, 43.17 (4)
Annual report, 43.17 (5)
Board organization, 43.17 (2)
Board terms, 43.17 (1)
Borrowers' cards, 43.17 (10), (11)
Consolidated, 43.21
Contracts, bidding and borrowing, 43.17 (9)
Cooperative enterprises, 66.30
Distribution of materials from reference and loan collection to, 43.27
Expulsion, 43.18
Federated, 43.19
Fiscal year, 43.17 (3)
General provisions, 43.17
Requirements to establish, 43.15
Resource libraries, 43.16
Retirement of employes, 43.17 (8)
State aid, 43.24
Withdrawal from, 43.18
Theft of library material, 943.61
Treasurer's bond and report, 43.58 (7)
Administrative procedure chapter applicability, 227.51
Administrative rules, regarding permit applications to include time period, 227.116
Bad checks or nonpayment, cancellation of license, 20.905 (2)
Delinquent support obligors, denial and suspension of credentials and licenses, 49.857, 49.858
Credit card payment, 440.055
Standard for occupational credentials, 440.05, 440.08
Forfeitures outstanding unpaid, municipality may refuse to issue, 66.117
Name, change of licensee, restricted, 786.36
Permit information center, 560.41 to 560.43
Refunds, 20.913 (1)
Town, issuance by clerk, 60.33 (8)
Adjustment service companies, 218.02
Air pollution control, 285.60
Application and review, 285.61
Conditions, 285.65
Criteria for permit approval, 285.63
Duration of permit, 285.66
Fees, exception, information, 285.69
Operation permits for existing sources, 285.64
Permit review, 285.81 (4)
Renewal, 285.66 (3)
Revision, suspension and revocation, 285.67
Federal required, 114.18
Mechanics, 114.17
Pilots, 114.16
Registration, 114.20
Proof of payment of sales tax necessary, 77.61 (1)
Alcohol beverages:

General requirements, 125.04
Operators' licenses, 125.17
Provisional licenses, 125.185
Reviewability under municipal procedure act, 68.02, 68.03
Warehouse permit, 125.19
Wholesale permit, 125.60
Ambulance service providers, 146.50
Amusement places, 175.20
County regulation, 59.56 (12)
Town board, 60.23 (10)
Appeal, child care license, 48.72
Architects, 443.02
Attorney general, enforce environmental laws, 299.95
Auctioneers, Ch. 480
Audiologists, 459.20 to 459.34
Automatic fire sprinklers, 145.15
Fees, 145.08
Maintenance only registration, 145.165, 145.175